AMA with Taki

Decentralized Club
10 min readNov 19, 2022


On the 15th of November 2022 at 5:00 PM UTC, Decentralized Club had the honor of hosting Sakina Arsiwala from Taki team for an Ask- Me-Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 60,000 people. It was hosted by DC Admin, Miss Futuristi.

The session was divided into three segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter community were answered in Segment 2, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 3.

If you missed this event and would like to know what Taki is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Information here should be researched and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Also note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media.

Segment 1 — Introduction

> Miss Futuristi:

Hello there Decentralised Club. It’s your fantastic Futuristi and I will be your host for today for a yet another awesome AMA session with Sakina Arsiwala from Taki

> Miss Futuristi:

Community please welcome and give a big hands for our guests for today


A very warm welcome to you Sakina 🙌 > Sakina Arsiwala:

Thank you! exctited to be here! > Miss Futuristi:


> Miss Futuristi:

So how are you doing today ? > Sakina Arsiwala:

All good. Working on Taki 🙂 > Miss Futuristi:


> Miss Futuristi:

Let’s commence this 🚀 > Miss Futuristi:

Let me quickly explain the flow of today’s events with you… > Miss Futuristi:

Segment 1⃣ : Introduction Questions with Project team Segment 2⃣ : 5 best Question from Twitter Gets Answered

Segment 3⃣ : Live Telegram Questions ,Best 5 Telegram questions get answered.

Kindly type”✅ “ after you are done answering so we can move ahead.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi:

Okay Sakina

First of all kindly introduce yourself to our community.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

hello. everyone. Thanks for being here. My name is Sakina and i am co-founder of Taki , ( a tokenized social network.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

we are building a network that helps you own your influence

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Bedfore this i have built software and worked at Web2 companies building social products like Youtube , Google, Nextdoor etc

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi:

Decentralising the social media, sounds Interesting….

> Miss Futuristi: Awesome!

> Sakina Arsiwala: thank you!

> Miss Futuristi: So Sakina,

Can you start us off with brief description about Taki App and its major mission?

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Taki mission is simple — we want to empower users to share in the economic gains of social media. Think about it — we all spend so much time on social media. We are all creators . consumers. Your fame and influence though is tied to the platform. We make the revenue for the platform but don’t share in it.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

We obviously get lot of value and fun from social media. My hope is with tokenization, we can convert that into some ownership as well

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi:


Wastage of time in social media can be a kind of monetised..😅

> Sakina Arsiwala: lol yeah

> Sakina Arsiwala:

importantly though there are genuine creators working very hard to create content we all enjoy. I really want to help them make a good living and be able to be free and move around

> Sakina Arsiwala:

also for early supporters. If you like some new artist, you can now became their angel investor

> Sakina Arsiwala:

let me explain how it works

> Sakina Arsiwala:

1. anyone creates user coin

> Sakina Arsiwala:

2. They start creating content

> Sakina Arsiwala:

3. Other can buy their user coin

> Sakina Arsiwala:

4. User coin value goes up everyone benefits

> Sakina Arsiwala:

5. good content gets Gold Taki, all coin holders share in the dividend

> Sakina Arsiwala:

When you come to Taki, additionally you get daily rewards in TAKI token simply doing things you would do on Twitter and Instagram

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi:

Answers showing Perfection!

> Miss Futuristi:

So next question is

In what factors experiences with token powered social media like Taki is different from traditional social media platforms?

> Miss Futuristi:

But it’s almost covered😅

> Sakina Arsiwala:

1. Creators can create User coins 2. Users get ownership (and revenue share) through tokens

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi: Perfection!

> Miss Futuristi:

Can you tell us about the roadmap of the actual app, it’s availablity and basic sign up processes?

> Sakina Arsiwala: The app is live

> Sakina Arsiwala:

you can sign up when you go to or use my personal link here

> Sakina Arsiwala:

We are a live App !

> Sakina Arsiwala:

We have over 800,000 users

> Sakina Arsiwala:

All over the world. More than 200,000 users come everyday and participate

> Sakina Arsiwala: Sign up is super easy

> Sakina Arsiwala:

just use your phone number or emai

> Sakina Arsiwala: email

> Sakina Arsiwala:

and create an account.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

We want to on-ramp the next 100 million in crypto and we believe easy to use is key for that

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi: That’s literally great🔥

> Miss Futuristi:

Okay let’s move ahead

> Miss Futuristi:

What is the utility of the native token $Taki and how does one acquire it?

> Sakina Arsiwala:

The native $Taki is the base token for the platform. You can use it to buy user coins, give Gold taki, Stake on platform etc.

> Sakina Arsiwala: 2 ways to get $Taki. > Sakina Arsiwala:

1) You can earn it by engaging with community and creatoing good content. Sign up and start .

> Sakina Arsiwala:

2) Buy buying token on exchanges llike OKX , Gate etc

> Sakina Arsiwala:

we also use Orca for liquidity pools

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi: Okay

> Miss Futuristi:

Last question on its way

> Sakina Arsiwala:


> Miss Futuristi:

Can you tell us what are your guys next major priorities in 2022?

> Sakina Arsiwala: Community

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Community is central to us. We want to build tools (and are working on it now) to help creators get the tools they need to thrive

> Sakina Arsiwala: and succeed.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

We are a very committed team with deep backgrounds and reputations. Want to build for utility

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Not just inflation ponzinomics.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Exciting things coming up are

> Sakina Arsiwala: 1. Creator tools

> Sakina Arsiwala: 2. On-chain wallets

> Sakina Arsiwala:

3. REVENUE for platform and community

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi: great

> Miss Futuristi: this ends segment 1

> Miss Futuristi:

lets move to twitter part

Segment 2 — twitter

> Sakina Arsiwala: Thanks

> Miss Futuristi:

1. TomKantly

taki said on his website that he wants to add features that benefit the content and also build wealth. What differences can we observe in the Beta version compared to the official version speaking in terms of social functions? How long will the Beta version be on the market?

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Thanks for the question. So we are constantly iterating and building new features and launcing. We are less than 1 year old, but crossed over 800000 users. For us beta is for testing different ideas and taking the best ones and building on top of those

> Sakina Arsiwala:

we will continue to iterate

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Gmail / Google mail was in beta for 10 years ( 😁 ) NOT our plan

> Sakina Arsiwala:

in all seriousness, we feel that we will continue to build on top of the existing feautres and keep improving.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

come join us and see how it develops

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi:


> Miss Futuristi:

2. DAD2829

Community support is one of the biggest aspects for the project’s success. Most projects have procedures for interacting with their users. Do you have any special plans to attract and expand the community and improve the user experience?

> Sakina Arsiwala: definitely

> Miss Futuristi:

I am coming after the session😃

> Sakina Arsiwala:

we have a highly engaged community on the platform itself > Sakina Arsiwala:

our discord is very active and so is twitter

> Sakina Arsiwala:

we work closely with community for user exeprience, and other discussions

> Sakina Arsiwala:

let me give an example

> Sakina Arsiwala: c2bnMODT93MQxGYqvnDm/?source=social-notification

> Sakina Arsiwala:

this post shows the example of how we engage

> Sakina Arsiwala:


> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi: perfectly done Sakina

> Miss Futuristi:


> Sakina Arsiwala: Thank you

> Miss Futuristi:

okay lets move to next one

> Miss Futuristi: 3. PUPU654

I saw that you wanted to offer security tools that would draw in additional content producers. How much should a content producer pay Taki to use these tools, and what would be an ideal tool to help them in their work? Is using this free or charged?

> Sakina Arsiwala:

We are working closely with creators and want to build a platform that helps them. Right now ,we are building social media like tools so they can build their brands

> Sakina Arsiwala:

nothing is paid at the moment. We could do paid tools if they are specialized requests.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Sakina Arsiwala:

any creartor can go to and start using.

> Sakina Arsiwala: it’s free!

> Miss Futuristi:

go check that out guys

> Miss Futuristi:


> Miss Futuristi:

4. Saleemali88

What does the “


“name stand for? There are interesting stories behind every successful project, and of course you have to work hard ever day. Can you share one of these interesting stories with us?

> Miss Futuristi: interesting one 😁

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Taki is just a fun name that my cofounder Kevin Chou and i liked. It has funny meanings in various indian languages and others and is light hearted.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

some interesting stories. oh boy

> Miss Futuristi:


> Sakina Arsiwala:

One crazy story is in the early days (6 months ago) we were worried about if we will get growth. So one day we reminded our user base that you can invite your friedns and you have 5 invites each. I got a call within 2 hours that our growth had gone so fast that we were having server issues — later we had to shut down invites. We grew 5X in 24 hours.

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi: lmao

> Miss Futuristi:

okay its time for the last one

> Miss Futuristi:

5. CD7978

Can you name a few remarkable characteristics of @takiapp

that sets it apart from the Plethori of market competitors? What is the competitive strength/advantage of your platform in which you have the most faith in to disrupt the existing financial and traditional systems?

> Sakina Arsiwala:

1. Influence ownership for creators- if brands like Nike can own their brand and take it anywhere — why should an influencer not do the same???? 2. Strong strong strong community — we have 100, 000’s of users engaging everday and HELPING eachother. 3. Skilled / dedicated ethical team — who are in it for the long run.

> Sakina Arsiwala: This is why we will win

> Sakina Arsiwala:

and build something of value in the long run

> Sakina Arsiwala:

> Miss Futuristi: perfectly done

> Miss Futuristi: this ends

> Miss Futuristi: twitter part

> Miss Futuristi:

time for the most exciting part

> Miss Futuristi:

are you ready @heysakina

> Sakina Arsiwala: sure!

> Miss Futuristi:

Here is a summary of all links from Taki go join, follow, engage, ….


Website :

Twitter :

Instagram :

Discord :

Medium :

Segment 3 — Live

Jean Pierre Hernández 🛸 👽 I have been taking a look at the statistics of the Taki ecosystem in general, and without a doubt it is incredible to be able to appreciate such optimal growth on the part of Taki, especially in the midst of a bear market that has been so present practically so far in 2022, therefore, I would like to know what kind of strategies and methodologies you have clear to implement to guarantee a sustainable and organic growth in the

medium and long term, and how will you ensure that this can work? Sakina Arsiwala

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Thank you We are seeing amazing growth. We rely on our exising community for growth. There is a referral program that gives you some Taki to invite others. Most users do it though because it helps the platform. We will continue to invest in creators and help them build community on platform

Crypto Istanbul Ama LoverIs there a step-by-step document or video showing how we can create a “Taki Account” on the Taki platform? Do I need to invest or stake an NFT in order to have a Taki account? Sakina Arsiwala

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Its super easy to get started. Just with email or phone number. You can use phantom wallter to value-in Taki you have purchased but not needed to start usiung and earning

> Miss Futuristi: 3 more to go

> Miss Futuristi: 🚀🚀🚀

HabibCan you elaborate on the Taki Token Project team? Who is in the team? How are their skills according to their position?

> Sakina Arsiwala:

you can read more about team here

> Sakina Arsiwala:

We are experienced in crypto . My co-founder is founder of Rally , and Forte

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Coinbase, Gemini and others are our investors

> Miss Futuristi:


> Miss Futuristi:

you guys are doing an awesome work

ARMANDO 📶 🆓 Projects are often praised and positive developments are mentioned at AMA events. Did you have any difficulties while developing your project? Have you had problems where you have to spend a lot of time?

> Sakina Arsiwala:

absolutely. Witha any consumer apps there is always difficulties. Getting the UX right or issues with scaling. We have a learning mindset and move fast

> Miss Futuristi: 1 more 🚀

> Miss Futuristi: lucky one😁

> Sakina Arsiwala:

you can buy at OKX, Gate etc

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Friends, i would love to anwer all questions. Join Taki, tag me in your post, mention this AMA and i will send some TAKI your way

> Sakina Arsiwala: Thank you !

> Miss Futuristi: thanks a lot SAKINA

> Miss Futuristi:

That’s all for today and with this, we come to an end of this awesome session.

Thanks a ton for such a proficient session.

Some concluding lines you wanna convey to our community😏 😎 @heysakina

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Thank you for taking the time to talk to me

> Sakina Arsiwala:

Friends, i would love to anwer all questions. Join Taki, tag me in your post, mention this AMA and i will send some TAKI your way

> Miss Futuristi: GO GUYS 🚀 🚀 🚀

> Miss Futuristi:

Thanks again for that awesome AMA session, the well detailed

answers🔥 .

It’s your fantastic Futuristi signing off.

Peace out🙌

> Miss Futuristi:

AMA concluded

> Miss Futuristi: unmuting…



Decentralized Club

🎉Welcome 🎉 We are a community who eats, sleeps and drinks crypto 😉 Contact👇@cryptoTALK01 @UniqueBoyDK for AMA and project promotions♻️