AMA with 4Everland

Decentralized Club
9 min readOct 23, 2021


Introduction with 4Everland

Q1. Can you tell us about 4EVERLAND and with what goals is it developed ?

Darren Wheatley:
If I were to explain who or what 4EVERLAND does in simple terms? I would say 4EVERLAND is a modern web development tool used for building websites and apps on the InterPlanetary File System IPFS using Ethereum blockchain technology.

4EVERLAND is a cloud computing platform, driven by the blockchain technology, and designed for Web 3.0. Blockchain provides the perfect solution to Web 3.0, with decentralized addresses as accounts, smart contracts for self-deployment and access, as well as tokens that flow autonomously and frictionless.

4EVERLAND was, in fact, born to liberate users and software developers from the hands of centralized, permissioned, and single-node data service models, which are far from meeting the current demands of a truly reliable and secure web service.

We have broken up our goals into several phases. Quark, proton and atom.

quark: Genesis Product, Realizing a cloud computing platform with distributed storage of content, global access acceleration, and global node collaboration

proton: Upgrade commercialization capabilities, launch in-depth data analysis systems, Web3 website development templates, digital marketing systems and more products to provide developers with better services.

Atom: Launch virtual machine container, acquire capability of Web3.0 cloud computing

Q2. How simple it is for a user to create an account and start using 4EVERLAND services ?

Darren Wheatley:
Actually it’s so simple even I did it. Granted my app was a simple HTML page but the deployment process was easy and seamless. I especially liked easily adding my domain name.

You can visit the site at

We also have YouTube videos that you can check out to learn more about how to deploy your website, how to add domains etc.

4EVERLAND Tutorial Links:

Let’s move to the 3rd and last question of the segment

Q3. What is the utility of your native token and how do we aquire it ?

Darren Wheatley:
4EVER is the core asset in 4EVERLAND, whose value is strongly positively correlated with the scale of the 4EVERLAND network.

4EVER token has the following functions:
⁃ Serves as the only lending and staking token for Providers during the auction and vesting period;
⁃ The revenue from developers will be used to buy back 4EVER tokens that are then distributed to nodes as commissions for resource services offered by Providers;
⁃ Serves as network transaction fee;
⁃ 4EVER token holders can propose and vote on network governance decisions through DAO.

4EVER captures the value of the whole network through the above functions.

On one hand, the increase in storage and traffic business demand will lead to an uptick in the number of both Storage Providers and Gateway Providers, which will in turn stimulate greater Provider demand for staking and lending of 4EVER. On the other hand, developers’ storage and traffic incomes will all be used to buy back 4EVER, enhancing the flow rate and liquidity of 4EVER.

Thank you for the detailed introduction about 4Everland

Community ask questions from Twitter

Twitter question no 1.

Q1) Team members are an integral part of a project. So, tell us how many team members do you have and how many developers are working for this project?

Darren Wheatley:
Yes, team members are an integral part of a project. We currently have around 30 members, out of which 80% are developers

We also have many community volunteers who are involved in the development and promotion of this project. They provide us with a lot of innovative ideas and suggestions that we welcome and would like to use this forum to openly invite more volunteers to join us.

Twitter question no 2.

Q2) I visited your website. I read about V2 PROTON and V3 ATOM. Kindly explain these two terms to us?

Darren Wheatley:
First, thanks for visiting Our website

We have planned the next 3 phases in our roadmap. V1 Quark, which is the phase we are currently working on and plan to complete by 2022.

We want to achieve a cloud computing platform with distributed storage, global acceleration, and global node collaboration.

V2 Proton is to empower Web 3.0 developers. V2 Proton is expected to be released in the year 2023-2024

We hope to upgrade the commercialisation capability based on V1 and launch more products such as deep data analysis system, Web 3 website development templates, digital marketing system, etc. to provide better products and services to developers.

V3 Atom is when we plan to launch the virtual machine container and acquire the capability of Web 3.0 cloud computing system. It is expected to be released in the year 2025-2026

We hope to build a complete Web 3.0 cloud computing platform by going live with the virtual container capabilities on top of the previous one to gain a complete Web 3.0 cloud computing ability.

This is our long-term plan and we will continue to optimise our roadmap as we develop, thereby adapt to the needs of the market.


Darren Wheatley:

Twitter question no 3.

Q3) Can you list some of the features with which you are most confident about your platform? How can you advertise your project worldwide and make it popular?

Darren Wheatley:
Certainly, 4EVERLAND’s Key Features include:

Global Acceleration

4EVERLAND uses the consensus-driven swarm technology which massively improves the global network availability and provides a more efficient and faster Web 3.0 access to all global developers. We also provide a:
- Decentralized Gateway 

- Distributed Storage System

- Optimized Data I/O

Privacy Protection
The Web 3.0 with the help of blockchain and cryptography technology makes it possible to store data in a safe and secure manner by decentralization of data. 4EVERLAND ensures user anonymity and data security and does not require any KYC details.
- Anonymous Account System

- No Centralized Database

- On-chain Payment System

Distributed Storage
A distributed storage system is the basic infrastructure of Web 3.0. and 4EVERLAND uses peer-to-peer network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. We use:
- The IPFS (Inter Planetary File System) Network

- A Distributed PIN with Global Multi-node Storage

- A TEE-based Proof of Storage Challenge (PoSC) System

Today as the world sets foot into the era of Web 3.0, the power of the internet and its distributed design will continue to extend into every facet of our lives. The ‘Internet of Everything’ grants the ability to computerize and connect everything.

Join hands with 4EVERLAND to make that smooth leap from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. Join our Discord community group and also check out are social media channels for more upcoming events and news.

Community ask questions from Website

Website question no 1.

Partnerships are so important for adoption. Could you share some of 4EVERLAND' partners? What partners do you have currently and is there any partnership that will be established in near future?

Darren Wheatley:
We agree partnerships are so important for adoption in a business. So, we have the following companies as partners - IPFS, Filecoin, Js13kgame, Uniswap, Heco, NULS, Ontology, Wanchain, Metis, Avalanche, etc.


Move to the second question

Website question no 2.
Telegram Username: @albertjaison

In your website I read about gateway provider and storage providers? Can you tell us their roles in the ecosystem? How can users serve these roles? Can anyone participate in these auctions? When and where will it happen?

Darren Wheatley:
Sure can. Gateway Provider role in 4EVERLAND is to resolve any global accessibility and network failure/lag issues. 4EVERLAND adopts a Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS) technology, which can detect the real-time running status of gateway nodes in 4EVER-Gateway Swarm and quickly guide user requests to the optimal available route.

In short, the gateway node helps users select the nearest storage node to access the content in the 4EVERLAND network.

To meet increasing storage requirements, 4EVERLAND can scale node storage capacity in a simple and straightforward way. Storage providers can easily add physical disks at the PV (Physical Volume) level to boost storage capacity.

The storage node i.e., 4EVER-STORAGE includes the synchronization service (Cluster Service) and the client of the IPFS node. The nodes synchronize content with each other and store specific content persistently.

We expect to launch our node auction and lending system around Q1-Q2 of 2022, officially registering the cloud computing platform for global node collaboration.

All users can participate in the Gateway and Storage Provider Auctions to obtain gateway & storage slots and enjoy network rewards.
To know more details about when and where to join for the auction subscribe to our telegram or discord community and follow our official announcement.



Let’s move to the 3rd and last question of the segment

Darren Wheatley:

Website question no 3.
Telegram Username: @albertjaison

According to the website, developers are the core users of 4everland. So, is your platform only for developers? Or can novice users also come to your platform for their needs? Can you tell us about 4everhosting? Do you have any tutorial videos or documents to help developers?

Darren Wheatley:
Yes, developers are the core users but we also welcome other users who have the basic understanding and knowledge of how decentralized platform works. We designed the platform with the intention of helping users and developers to develop Web 3.0 applications easily and efficiently.

Our product design has been simplified to make it compatible with many traditional developer’s development habits, allowing novice users as well as non-developers to deploy using the 4EVERLAND platform.

We also have YouTube videos that you can check out to learn more about how to deploy your website, how to add domains etc. We do plan to conduct webinars sharing in-detail video of how to build Dapps using the 4EVERLAND platform. So, stay tuned to our social media channels to be updated of the latest videos and events.

4EVERLAND Tutorial Links:

Live questions answered by 4Everland

I don't know much about your project yet. Can you tell me how to find out about your project? Is there a website, youtube channel, telegram channel etc for this?

Darren Wheatley:
The best place to find information about 4EVERLAND is the website,

Darren Wheatley:
There you will find a link to our white paper which holds a lot of the technical details about the project and goals. It also has links to all our social platforms

As a quick reminder here are some links.


2)🥰🥰বিয়া করলে কাছে কাছে করমু🥰🥰:

Is your project only for english speaking countries or do you have any community for non english speaking users too??

Darren Wheatley:
While we are currently focusing on English as the primary language in which to communicate my role title gives away a clue to the answer for this question.

The foundation cares about the community and is focused on nurturing a healthy relationship to benefit long term.

Our global team includes people from across the globe. I’m from Australia, there are members from US, India, Phillipines, China and many more.

We have the capability to reach out in many languages and will strive to do that in the future.

That leads me into my third selection “How important is the COMMUNITY to you? and how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project?”

3) Md.zahid:
How important is the COMMUNITY to you? and how can we collaborate or help you for the development of the project?

Darren Wheatley:
To us community is everything.

We are actually all part of the community and are building these products to make a better fairer internet for everyone.

For me some of the important reasons include access to information and systems. When large corporations provide features and functions to people/businesses and the remove that access or make people pay when it was once free makes me feel very bad inside.

4EVERLAND will provide a new era of internet where the rules can’t change and everyone has a fair chance. That’s the type of community I want to be part of.

Last question I think? “Most investors now think only of profit but ignore long-term benefits. So you can give them some reasons why they should buy and hold your tokens in the long run?”

Important Q.🙏🙏🙏

Most investors now think only of profit but ignore long-term benefits. So you can give them some reasons why they should buy and hold your tokens in the long run?

Darren Wheatley:
Actually the tokens are not the focus of the project for the team. Providing Web 3.0 features for now and 4EVER Is the goal.



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