Decentralized Club
16 min readOct 9, 2021

AMA with Anmol

On the 6th of October, 2021 at 12:00 UTC, Decentralized Club had the honor of hosting Furqan Ahmed (Founder) and Phaedra Poliquin (CMO) from the Anmol Network Team for an Ask-Me-Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 60,000 people. It was hosted by DC Admin, May.

The session was divided into four segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter and website community were answered in Segment 2 and 3 respectively, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 4.
If you missed this event and would like to know what Anmol Network is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media.

Segment 1 - Introduction

Hello, 大家好, नमस्ते, Selamat!

My name is May and I'll be hosting the AMA with Anmol.Network.

Today, we have with us two guests from the Anmol Team.

You're welcome to the Decentralized Club.

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
Hello May, Thank you for hosting us!

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Hey, May thank you, we are excited to be here; thanks.

Such an honor to have you both here!

Could you quickly tell us more about yourselves and your job descriptions at Anmol?

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
I am the CMO of Anmol Network! I have a multifaceted background ranging from the entertainment industry, held corporate executive roles, and coordinated government campaigns. I have produced TEDx events, and I was an organizer of the COVID 19 Global Hackathon.

Anmol is the second blockchain project I have been involved with, the first was DLN, and I am very grateful to have come on board and have the opportunity to be a part of such a meaningful contribution to blockchain!

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Anmol was founded by myself, earlier in the year. I have dedicated practically my whole career to the blockchain industry, and through that, I have become well-versed in a multitude of blockchain areas. I created Anmol because, throughout my time in this space, I recognized the technical barrier for entry is far too high and was therefore disenfranchising too many people. Most internet users have heard of a blockchain, but they know pretty much nothing about it.

I wanted to change that with Anmol, this is why we are creating a simple and highly user-friendly NFT Toolkit; and a new blockchain that can seamlessly connect to a myriad of other chains. Because not only should this technology be accessible to all, but we are on a mission to create a rich ecosystem where all blockchains can freely share ideas with each other. Accessibility is a big thing for me.

Going a bit further back, I got my first computer when I was in grade 1 and have been programming since I was 13 years old. I opened my first campus company when I was 17 years old where we sold merch and everyday items using BTC, later I dove into learning Ethereum, and then I also got into the Polkadot ecosystem. You can find a more in-depth story of my journey here.

We'll allow a minute for the community to digest your responses 🙂

Ms. Poliquin, this is such an impressive bio!

Mr. Ahmed, I love that you saw a problem and set out to fix it! Genius!

Hopefully, the following questions will peel Anmol open for everyone to see and appreciate!

Ready to get into the session proper?

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
We are excited to answer questions!

Alright then!

Q1. What is Anmol?

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Anmol is a chain-agnostic NFT toolkit and blockchain. Our toolkit gives people the ability to create, manage, and maintain NFTs with ease. We are opening up the NFT world to end-users, which in turn expands the industry. People can mint NFTs, build templates for NFTs (called Moulds), sell NFTs, lease templates, fractionalize NFTs, and so much more.

With this in mind, we will be onboarding newcomers to the industry through our cloud wallet integration, allowing people to connect to the blockchain via Google, Discord, and Facebook; whilst providing an on-platform KYC and crypto on-ramp solutions. This is a huge step for blockchain adoption, as many times, using crypto wallets can be off-putting for the average consumer.

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
As the world swiftly moves further towards metaverse-style realities, and as more people are living their lives behind a screen, we believe NFTs are a revolutionary and necessary tool. When online, it is hard to distinguish yourself and stand out from the crowd. Feeling unique often becomes an impossibility. But NFTs significantly change this, as they allow people to feel different, as no two NFTs are ever truly the same. They add a dimension of uniqueness to the equation, which is something missing from regular online activity.

As Anmol is a chain-agnostic project, this means we can connect to any number of blockchains, from any number of technological backgrounds, such as how we are connecting directly with Polygon. We are also able to connect with niche chains such as Theta, Flow, Wax, and Tezos, some of which focus explicitly on NFTs. We have designed Anmol to be as interoperable as possible, giving people the ability to share, distribute, and lease their assets across multiple ecosystems, and therefore reach larger audiences.

Wow. I've seen nothing like this before 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
It is truly a new and innovative contribution to blockchain!

Thank you!

The first of its kind, truly!

You've created something meaningful here! Great job!

Q2. What does Anmol bring to the NFT Industry?

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
Anmol is empowering creatives to build and maintain unique NFT projects, giving them a full suite of features and tools, enabling them to bring their ideas to life. The NFT industry is perhaps the most exciting part of the blockchain landscape, as it is truly bringing about a new wave of art. However, there is a problem: most people lose interest in NFTs once they learn how tough it is to create gamified and unique NFTs themselves.

There are countless projects out there allowing people to turn a static image or a gif into an NFT, but most artists want more than that. They want to create varied and creative environments, where their NFTs can interact with one another, whilst still showing the creator’s artistic flair.

This is what Anmol offers people. We are on a mission to make the creation of complex NFTs an extremely easy and intuitive process, fueling creativity. We understand that most artists are not programmers, and many will not have the first idea about how to enter the NFT space. This disengages them, but we aim to solve that with our easy-to-use NFT toolkit. Not only is Anmol being built to have practically no learning curve, but we are also providing cloud fiat gateway options, through services such as Google, Facebook, and Discord wallets. People can connect directly with us via these options, acting as fantastic on-ramp tools. These will run alongside standard crypto wallets such as PolkadotJS (and later Meta-Mask)

I love this!

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
Thank you! We are so excited to provide greater accessibility to the blockchain community!

Exactly! Great job!

I appreciate that you're integrating NFTs (which are a part of crypto) into everyday apps. This is the adoption we've been clamoring for!

[Furqan Ahmed] 
We’re excited about this level of connectivity and integration. It is a must-have for the future of blockchain!


Q3. Does Anmol have a signature feature?

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Absolutely! Anmol is extremely feature-rich, but we believe our most sought-after feature is our simple drag-and-drop NFT template builder (known as our Mould Builder). Not only does Anmol give people the tools for creating individual NFTs, but we are also giving users the ability to create templates for their own NFTs, which streamlines the creation process. Templates (which we call Moulds) are used to help speed through crafting a collection of NFTs, all being built with a similar style and flair, reflective of the artist’s ideas.

Fascinating! Do you have any text or video tutorials for your moulds yet?

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
We have a demo teaser at the moment, although we are moving fast, so this is already a little outdated, but it gives a good overview of what we have planned! Desktop / Mobile
We are in the process of updating our website and demo as we speak!




Q4. How does Anmol integrate into the wider blockchain community?

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
For starters, we want to be the first port-of-call for anybody who wants to get involved in the NFT industry. We are doing this by lowering the technical barrier of entry for NFTs, as well as helping educate the masses on blockchain literacy, teaching them how blockchain tech can help enrich their lives.

Zooming in on Anmol’s toolkit, we are also giving people the ability to create and maintain their own community-based DAOs. These are interactive spaces that can be focused on any number of topics. These are autonomous mini-environments run by the people involved. Essentially, we believe people work best when they collaborate and share ideas, and so we want to build a system where they can do so. DAO members can even monetize their communities by minting and distributing their own NFTs (and even tokens) via Anmol’s toolkit. DAO communities help bring our ecosystem to life!


Do you have a governance token?

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Our token (ANML) is a utility + governance token, which will give people the ability to take control of the blockchain and make active decisions on how our network performs

ANML will enable people to make NFTs + Moulds, lease them, and sell them on the blockchain. It is also useful for bridging and building communities


Q5. What incentive is there for people to use Anmol?

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
There are a multitude of ways people can earn money with Anmol. For instance, users can sell and lease their NFTs on our marketplace, named Anmol Bazaar. Users can fractionalize their NFTs, enabling them to only sell portions of their NFTs, and distribute ownership to various people.

Included within Anmol’s toolkit is the capability to make NFT templates, known as Moulds. People can sell or lease these Moulds as well, as they are also NFTs. If somebody is leasing them, it means they are allowing other people to create NFTs from their template, with those people paying for the ability to do so. This is a great way for users to help others to build their environments.

People can additionally mint their own tokens designed specifically for their own DAO communities, running inside the wider Anmol ecosystem. This is a great way of incentivizing people to expand Anmol’s network, as it lets them take advantage of our tools and capabilities, offering a framework for sustaining their own decentralized societies. Community is one of the most beautiful aspects of the human experience, and so we want to help users take part and form bonds with as many people as possible.

Good to know!

Q6. How do you plan to onboard people to Anmol?

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
We are working hard to appeal both to tech-savvy individuals (such as those paying attention to this AMA), and people who feel daunted by the blockchain industry as a whole. One way we are doing this is by offering a plethora of different wallet options. For blockchain illiterate people who want to get involved in NFTs, we are opening cloud gateways such as Google, Facebook, Discord, etc. wallets, that let people use fiat options such as credit/debit cards to interact with Anmol’s blockchain + toolkit! These cloud options are provided by third parties, meaning they handle KYC efforts rather than us, making the process simpler and faster for all involved.

Of course, for those already ingrained within crypto and blockchain, we will have PolkadotJS (and later Meta-Mask) wallets ready for access.


That's great news!

The next three questions are from our Twitter community.

Segment 2 - Twitter Questions

Q1. How does Anmol make sure fractional ownership of NFTs becomes easier and more popular?

Twitter Username: @static_current

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Fractionalization is a huge part of Anmol. We are giving users the ability to easily split up ownership of an NFT by sending/transferring only a percentage of it. Our fractional transferring tools are directly incorporated into Anmol. From our web client, people can choose how much of an NFT’s ownership they would like to send. If they decide to send 100%, then they are sending the full NFT, but they can easily break it down by sending a lower percentage. We are ensuring the sending of fractions is as easy as the sending of whole NFTs. Like many areas in the blockchain industry, the main thing holding back the popularity of certain features is that they are hard to use. However, by removing that learning curve, we are opening this feature up to more people.

That's an impressive feature!

Q2. Anmol network conducts educational efforts. They are running a blockchain literacy campaign, where they promote the teaching of blockchain technology. What is the blockchain literacy campaign? How does it work? What educational tools do you have?

Twitter Username: @LestmarisV

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
Our blockchain literacy campaign is designed to educate people on how to use blockchain tech, as well as teach them how it can help improve their lives. On a large scale, blockchain technology allows for power to become decentralized and better distributed throughout societies, which helps to dissolve hierarchies and give people the tools to make their own decisions.

Looking at things on a smaller scale, blockchain technology helps people to manage their own money independently, without the need for financial custodians (i.e. banks, CeFi payment services, etc.) to handle transactions. It gives people control over crucial decisions they make.

We also believe this type of control will become more important once metaverse spaces become more established and widespread, as blockchain technology will help people to take ownership of NFTs which they can use to stand out from the crowd and exert a real sense of uniqueness when navigating online realities.

Our blockchain literacy campaign also helps to onboard new users, as we will teach people how to operate crypto wallets, transfer assets, keep addresses safe, and perhaps even teach them how to build smart contracts with programming languages such as Rust and Solidity.

We are working directly with Darwinia to help craft this campaign, and are in the process of discussing options with educational organizations such as schools, colleges, and universities.

A partnership with Darwinia? Lovely.

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Darwinia is a fantastic project! We’re extremely excited to be working with them to enhance the bridges for use in the NFT space!


[Phaedra Poliquin] 
Yes! We have more details on our Medium blog here!


Q3. The main goal is to turn Anmol into the NFT highway, where the platform will be connected to multiple blockchains. What are these chains that are connected to Anmol? Maximum how many chains are connected to Anmol?

Twitter Username: @Albe_1602

[Furqan Ahmed] 
There is no maximum number of blockchains that Anmol can be connected to! We have partnered directly with Polygon and Darwinia, so these will be two of the first chains we connect to. Along with them, we will also be connecting to Ethereum, BSC, Tron, and niche chains such as Theta, Wax, Tezos, and Flow. There is no end to the number of chains Anmol can connect to, as we are designing this project to be as interoperable as possible.

Talk about the ultimate omnichain project!

Very impressive, I must admit.

I wish we could get the whole world talking about Anmol.

We'll do our bit over here in DC!

Everyone needs to know about the coolest project on the block 😉

Let's race through the rest of the session 🏁

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Thank you so much! That’s much appreciated! This has been a great AMA so far, we have loved the questions

We're glad you did!

The next three questions are from our website community.

Segment 3 - Website Questions

Q1. How does the feature named Moulds help a user in NFT minting?

Telegram Username: @danWickerjil

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
Moulds help by speeding up the NFT creation process. Users can create a Mould with our easy-to-use drag and drop interface, and then mint any number of NFTs with it, all with properties set by the Mould itself. It allows users to build collections of NFTs that all have a similar style or aesthetic with ease. It is especially useful for people who want to create NFT ecosystems, where multiple NFTs are designed to work and function with one another.


Q2. You say that the owner of a mold can allow other users to coin NFT using his molds, but what benefits does the owner of the molds have by allowing this? Isn’t it possible that possible copies of NFTs could come out thanks to these molds?

Telegram Username: @Raisbelys

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
Good question! Mould creators can lease their Moulds to other users, allowing them to mint NFTs from them, with the original Mould creator earning money with every minting. This makes up a large part of our economic model and is one of the ways the Anmol Bazaar will be used by our community. It incentivizes people to create high-quality and marketable Moulds.

Arguably, Moulds could allow for duplicates to exist within the NFT industry, but as we’ve all learned in the last year, issues surrounding duplicates and copying are more of societal ill, rather than something caused by the technology available. There will always be people ready to copy NFTs and claim to have original ownership. This is not something that can (or should) be prevented by limiting the technology, as bad actors should not be the cause for limiting the freedoms of good people. But what we hope to do is foster authenticity and respect within Anmol’s community by empowering individuals with our technology, and encouraging people to collaborate and form bonds with each other. This is not a zero-sum game, we want to lead by example, and show our user-base they do not need to steal from one another, as there is a lot of room for success in this field!

Good question, great answer!

Q3. THE ANMOL BAZAAR! How often will this bazaar be available for multiple selling and buying activities? Is this bazaar available on the same page as Anmol? Could you give us more details? I would appreciate it very much

Telegram Username: @AgenciaATM

[Furqan Ahmed] 
The Anmol Bazaar is a part of Anmol’s blockchain and toolkit. It is one of the cornerstones of our ecosystem. People are free to list as many NFTs for sale (or leasing) as they wish, and there are no limits on how many they can buy. We are poised to become the NFT highway, and so anybody is welcome to engage with our blockchain and transact through the Anmol Bazaar. This means that, like all of Anmol’s other components, the Bazaar is highly interoperable, too!

Wow. Awesome!

We're only 75% done with the AMA but I'm 100% impressed with Anmol! Great job Team!

It's now time for the most popular segment of the AMA!

In this 4th segment, I will open the group for some seconds for the live community to shoot you some pressing questions.

Please pick four original questions to answer.

Try to ignore generic, vague, and copy-paste questions 😊


[Furqan Ahmed] 
Yes, thank you, May.

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
Yes, thank you!

As a measure to deter bots and reward hunters, could you please pick an emoji that will be included in the questions so you can tell original questions apart?

[Phaedra Poliquin] 

Great! The group will be unmuted shortly!

---Chat was then opened for the live community to send in their questions---

Segment 4 - Live Questions

Please select four questions to answer 🙂

Kindly prioritize the questions with the 🧠 emoji

[Femi Oyinloye]
What are the different types of Morphing that Anmol offers?
Can Anyone from anywhere make a community on Anmo?

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Hi Femi! Anmol offers two types of morphing capabilities. The first is Classic: this is where two NFTs are joined together to create a new third one, which has similar features to both of the other NFTs.

The second type of Morphing is Consumable: this is where two NFTs create a third one with similar features, BUT the NFTs used to create this are then subsequently destroyed.

To answer your second question: Yes, absolutely! Anmol is open for everybody to build a community and expand our ecosystem. 🧠

3️⃣ more questions to go! 🎉

[Crypto Flower]
You talk about how there is too high a technical barrier to entry for users on blockchain, how can Anmol change this? How will you facilitate access and knowledge about blockchain to those users who have been deprived of it?🧠

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
It is difficult for a lot of users to navigate through the process of obtaining blockchain wallets, and different wallets are needed for different platforms. Sometimes obtaining a project's token is a multi-step process that can be daunting to end-users. With Anmol, we will be implementing a cloud wallet that users can log into with existing methods of authentication such as their Google, Facebook, or Discord accounts. We will also be working with a KYC partner to enable the use of credit cards on our platform.

In addition to providing accessibility and ease of use, we are campaigning for blockchain literacy alongside other projects in the space including Darwinia and many more to come! We will be hosting various webinars, seminars, and fast classes to create excitement about blockchain for new users and ensure users are educated about the Anmol blockchain and platform as well as what they can achieve with all of the utilities of our platform!

2️⃣ more questions to go! 🎉

🧠 I read that you will make it easier for new users to get into the industry through cloud wallet integration, with easy cloud wallets using applications such as Google, Facebook, Discord, how will you validate the identity of users? Will KYC be necessary?

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Hi Crypto Jiren – good question! So when using fiat gateways, KYC will be necessary. We will be working with a KYC partner to allow for this to happen. People can still use Google, Discord, Facebook, etc gateways without KYC, but if they want to interact with fiat money, that is when KYC measures come into play. This will be needed for fiat on-ramping! We will be making this as straightforward as possible 🧠

1️⃣ more question to go! 🎉

[Temitope Awoyinka]
🧠 Anmol is really a great and impressive project but language is a major barrier in spreading awareness globally

How does Anmol plan to solve this language barrier? Do you have plans to spread globally and add local communities with their language translation available? If you already have local communities pls share their links?

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
You’re right! Anmol is dedicated to crossing the language barrier with our project. We are a multi-national team spanning 5+ time zones, so we understand the importance of working around the world and communicating globally. We are going to be translating our work into multiple different languages to help with this, making us as open as possible. We already have a Chinese Telegram group here (with more to follow)!

Aaaaaaand it's a wrap!

Any final remarks for our community?

[Furqan Ahmed] 
Thank you so much for having us May!

Thank you for your time with us today!

We're glad we held this session, and can't wait to hear amazing news from Anmol.

Our warm regards to the rest of the team behind the scenes working tirelessly to make Anmol a great success!

Dear Community, you can forward your pressing questions to the team

Until next time, do have a great day!

[Phaedra Poliquin] 
We want to thank the Decentralized Club community so much for attending, and we want to encourage everyone to join our Telegram and follow us on Twitter to stay updated about our project, our blockchain literacy campaign, and future AMA!

Thank you 🙂

We wish you the best!

The AMA with Anmol is now over.

Decentralized Club

🎉Welcome 🎉 We are a community who eats, sleeps and drinks crypto 😉 Contact👇@cryptoTALK01 @UniqueBoyDK for AMA and project promotions♻️