AMA with NEO

Decentralized Club
9 min readSep 12, 2021


Introduction with NEO

Celeb | Decentralized Club:

Q1. Can you tell us about N3 and with what goals did the Neo team came up with migration to N3 ?

Looks like you some what answered question 1

John Wang:
There are so many new features in N3. But actually, first I would like to clarify the naming. So the version number of the current chain is 2.x. And the next version will be 3.2. So we decided to call the 2.x Neo the Legacy and the 3.x simply Neo. Neo Legacy will be phased out in the next year or two. N3 MainNet is successfully launched on August 2nd👏

Neo team makes our minds to migrate N3 because we know deeply that as the blockchain world is evolving, we want to provide as many new and useful functionalities to our community.

New functions includes some basic modules like NeoID, which is a decentralized identity solution, and a built-in Oracle. It enables any smart contract on Neo to have the ability to directly access the traditional Internet. So you can call a URL from a smart contract. In other words, the new protocol has the ability to give you authentic data feed from that URL. It basically connects the next generation Internet, web3.0 to the current Internet, the web2.0. So it’s like a bridge to connect these two worlds.

We also have a new functionality called NeoFS, which is built by a team in Russia. NeoFS basically is a new version of Neo’s equivalent to IPFS and Filecoin. But you use GAS, the utility token in Neo to pay for storage. And it’s built into the new protocol. So you don’t need to access other protocols. So these are the new features. These features are useful both for users and developers at the same time.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Does this in any away infringes on rights of security protocols or involves security

John Wang:
Many new functions to explore truly. This is just the tip of iceberg I highlight here 😊

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Looks like you are beefed up
We would get to know better as we proceed

John Wang:
We pay great attention to security yes. N3 development has been methodical and the devs have paid a lot of attention to security and have focused on ease-of-use for the smart contract developer and node operators. They've chosen that route over massive scalability for now, but the chain is plenty fast for an L1.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
This is getting more interesting😊😊😊

Can we move to the next question

Q2. What is this Early Bird Migration and how does one experience it?

John Wang:
Early Bird Migration is already passed and we are now in the stage of mass migration progress

But the incentive is as big as the early bird.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Investors always love this

John Wang:
Yass for our fans and investor, plz be noted token migration incentive program run from September 1st until October 31st, offering bonus NEO tokens to users who migrate during this period. Rewards will start at 1% and decrease over the eight week period as follows:
September 1st — 14th — 1% bonus
September 15th — 30th — 0.75% bonus
October 1st — 31st — 0.5% bonus

For those who want the details, a useful link is here.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Q3. Can you shed some light on the compatible wallets for N3 and how should one migrate their existing older generation NEO and GAS token ?

John Wang:
Great question. Message to NEO HODLers, we have very simeple Native wallet migration. It allows you to migrate your tokens from Neo Legacy to Neo N3 without having to leave your wallet or connect to any external platforms. Pls ensure that you are using the latest version of wallets and created an N3 address!

NeoLine Chrome plugin: v3.4.2
O3 desktop: v3.8.3
NeoLine Mobile: Android v2.15.3 & iOS v2.9.2
ONTO Wallet: v3.9.9
Neon: v2.8.0

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Were can one get this plugins

John Wang:
Chrome marketplace

Neoline wallet as an example

Very easy to use

Celeb | Decentralized Club:

John Wang:
If you have question, also seek support here

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Can we move to the last question for this segment

Apt thank you

John Wang:
yes sure. Ready for next

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Q4. What objectives is NEO trying to achieve with regards to N3 in 2021 ?

John Wang:
The biggest milestone, or the biggest objective we need to finish is to do the migration. This is the ever largest migration in the blockchain world since we have been here for a long while with a lots of Dapps and assets. Basically, you can regard Neo Legacy and Neo N3 as two different blockchains. So we are going to migrate from Legacy to N3. It’s basically moving all the assets, smart contracts on a blockchain A to blockchain B.

I believe Neo is the first one to do it in the blockchain industry and it is a challenging try to be the first. And all the assets, we will do a migration of all the assets in the next few months. And also then, we will help developers at the same time, we will help developers to deploy, to modify and deploy the new projects on Neo N3. So the migration will be the biggest challenge and task that we are facing in the next few months.

Community ask questions from Twitter

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
1. @uyensu01

It seems Neo Smart Economy is developing a new feature that is Neoverse NFT Blind Box. But I have very little information about it. Can you share a little information about the Neoverse NFT Blind Box? How many types are there in total, if the user can collect the maximum, then what great benefits will they hold?

John Wang:
Here is the guidance: You will obtain a random N3 Element NFT by opening the blind box. After collecting all 9 types of N3 Elements NFT, you can generate 1 limited edition N3 NFT, crafted by famous NFT artists. Holders of these limited editions will obtain special user rights within the Neo ecosystem in a later stage. Neoverse NFTs are Neo-native assets.

The price is fixed for all blind boxes. There are in total 9 types, 3000 pieces per type, 27,000 in total.

I think maximum number you hold is up to you. The more you hold, the more exclusive access you can have with Neo eco. The process of minting the 3000 N, E, O limited series is real fun. N-Series only contains a very limited amount of 100.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
How do you plan to prevent massive dumps by whales

On prices
If there is no limit to what one can hold

John Wang:
Why do you think there will be a massive dump?

Well achieve NFT, there is only a total supply of 3000 at maxium. No whale 🙂

Celeb | Decentralized Club:

Just asking

John Wang:
Haha good one.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
2. @yuuriti

Cab you tell me the differences or similarities between NEO and N3? What upgrade does the new version add to the present version of NEO? From my research it looks like the project is switching blockchains, what would them happen to the tokens on the old Blockchain?

John Wang:
Thanks for asking this essential question again. I highlight what I have explained earlier.

New functions on N3 includes some basic modules like NeoID, which is a decentralized identity solution, and a built-in Oracle.

Also NeoFS, NeoDID etc

For dapps and tokens on Neo Legacy, we all received positive signals that they are under migration and all we be new again on N3. Official announcement will be sent out once it's done and everyone can check the roadmap to have a big picture about the progress

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Last question for this session

3. @albertjaison
I read that regarding the migration, NEO is launching an early adoption program. Can you tell us more about this program? Who all can participate in this program? How can they provide feedbacks? Will there be a big bounty program?

John Wang:
Definitely big bounty program. We have received so many innovative program application. For those dev enthusiasts who are interested in this, definitely check out this link. We include all you need for the application form.

I think financially the grant support is even much more larger than the Hackathon just ended in July. Any qualitatively, Neo Eco are willing to support at our best within the Neo community.

One good example is the NFT Gamefi program we announce early adoption grants last week Lovely cryptonauts on metaverse and we cooperate immediately. We are surprised how fast and strong our eco partner is growing.

Community ask questions from Website

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
1. SharayLug
I see that NEO in your ecosystem has 2 DEX, which are Switcheo and Nash, do you have any plans to add more Dex to your ecosystem so that users can have more options to choose from?

John Wang:
Thank you. Please also check out one of our other Dex Great functionality with awesome yield. Please check out this option too. The development team is hard at work making sure that migration to N3 be flawless. They are tentatively planning migration for mid-November. Please check out

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
2. @YannyPak
Noticing Neoverse is marketing wildly, when is possible to trade your NFT on openmarket? Will Neo launch their own NFT marketplace like Opensea or partner in Neo ecosystem? Thank you. Tagging KOLs

John Wang:
Market trading of NFTs will be available at our eco partner from mid-September. Before that, 9,000 blind boxes to be airdropped via events (like this), Neo ecosystem projects, and Neo partners starting from 2nd September. 18,000 blind boxes are available for purchase via the official Neoverse website starting from mid-September.

This is marketplace has chain functionality and has thus far integrated the Binance Smart Chain, Phantasma and more to add, aside from Neo. Everyone can try to mint an NFT easily on Ghostmarket. just to add

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Last question for this segment

John Wang:
same question I think?

this one

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Almost same

John Wang:
haha sure. Welcome devs!

For those dev enthusiasts who are interested in this, definitely check out this link. We include all you need for the application form.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Thats great

John Wang:
One of many grants Neo offers for the dev talents

Live Questions answered by NEO

Can the developers use languages like maybe Go Language or python for writing smart contracts??

John Wang:
The only to-go major chain you can choose from with so many languages. GO, PYTHON, C# all welcome.

Our global dev community prepared a long list of careful tutorials. Here you go Queen

2)BigCity Boy:
Where can I buy your tokens? How to buy them?

John Wang:
BUY yes. Neo HODLERs plz buy the token on all major Cex (Binance, Huobi, Bittrex, OKEX etc) and others.and our Neo eco dex including Switcheo, Nash, Flamingo and more to add

3)J Mags:
I have learned that Neo is utilizing Poly Network's bridging mechanism for Neo's migration, however, there was a recent known hack from Poly Network. Was Neo also affected by the hack? Does that stops all transactions of Neo to Poly Network?

John Wang: is a groundbreaking protocol Neo and our partner developed. As their eco partner, we are amazed by its wide range of support and strong versatility. It supports FT / NFT bridges across 11 chains, including NEO, ETH, BSC, HECO and more to add. Total Trade Volume of PolyNetwork just exceeded $ 10 Billion in Aug this year. With the foreseeable need of interoperability, we foresee our partner to grow into a giant in the foreseeable future.

4)Jhon Wick 4:
Is this project a Global project ?
Can local communities partake in it?

John Wang:
Yes. I think you are looking for regional communities. Please reach out to our telegram official admin for support. We have so many communities world wide, all over the continent, major ones like North America, Russia, east Asia, South Asia are bonding closely together

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Please post your community links and websites

John Wang:

Local / regional community, please pin admin anytime with concrete request or something you are exploring

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Yes mate

Thank you for your aot ansers so far

It was great having you here

John Wang:
My pleasure with Decentralized club.



Decentralized Club

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