Decentralized Club
9 min readAug 22, 2023
AMA with OMT

On 19TH August, 2023 at 10 AM UTC, Decentralized Club
had the honor of hosting CTO Alexander Blanko and CMO Robert Warga from OMT
for an Ask- Me- Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 60,000
people. It was hosted by DC Admin, Miss Futuristi.
The session was divided into three segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter community were answered in Segment 2, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 3.
If you missed this event and would like to know what OMT is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Information here should be researched and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Also note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media

> Miss Futuristi:
Hello there Decentralised Club. It's your fantastic Futuristi and I will be your host for today for yet another awesome AMA session with CTO Alexander Blanko and CMO Robert Warga from OMT

> Miss Futuristi:
Community please welcome and give a big hands for our guests for today @blanko_a and @robert_warga

A very warm welcome to you guys

> Alexander Blanko:
Hi, everybody )👍

> Miss Futuristi:
Hey Alexander!
Pleased to see you here

> Miss Futuristi:
How is your day going?

> Robert Warga:
Hi )

> Miss Futuristi:

> Alexander Blanko:
Everything's great, how about you?

> Miss Futuristi:
All good!

> Miss Futuristi:
Okay let's commence the event!

> Miss Futuristi:
First of all kindly introduce yourself to our community

> Robert Warga:
Hi there, I'm Robert Warga, the guy steering the ship when it comes to all things marketing as the Director of Marketing at Oracle Meta Technologies. Right beside me is Alexander Blanco, our CTO

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
Community is eager to know more about OMT,
Let's start!

> Miss Futuristi:
Let me quickly explain the flow of today's events with you...

> Miss Futuristi:
Segment 1️⃣: Introduction Questions with Project team

Segment 2️⃣: 5 best Question from Twitter Gets Answered

Segment 3️⃣: Live Telegram Questions ,Best 5 Telegram questions get answered.

Kindly type"✅" after you are done answering so we can move ahead.

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:
Introduction Segment begins!

> Miss Futuristi:
Can you start us off with the introduction to OMT?

> Robert Warga:

> Robert Warga:
Oracle Meta Technologies is all about bringing you a cryptocurrency wallet that's super dependable and practical. Our bigger picture? Well, we're all about ramping up user security and also giving you cool opportunities to invest and earn with cryptocurrencies.

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:
Looks great to start with!

> Miss Futuristi:
Let's move ahead

> Miss Futuristi:
How is it different and better as compared to traditional Crypto wallets?

> Alexander Blanko:
OMT addresses the problem that both the OMT team and the entire world have unquestionably encountered. In search of quality solutions during the course of developing one of their projects, they sought references, analyzed strengths and weaknesses of competitors, and studied the latest developments in blockchain technologies.

They discovered that blockchain companies either provide high profitability and low security, or security without any profitability. The entire landscape of the blockchain world is saturated with low-quality technological projects that manipulate the mindset of blockchain enthusiasts, and instead of technology, people receive nothing more than empty promises and speculative bubbles.

> Alexander Blanko:
They realized that all of this could lead to blockchain, instead of positively changing the world, potentially losing trust. And the OMT team found a solution. Thankfully, in this world, everything is either created by us or for us.

Hence, the team decided that the only correct solution would be a fusion of AI with blockchain technologies – to create a genuinely unique crypto organizer that would satisfy a variety of needs. Namely, to securely store crypto, to earn from it, and to provide it with high-quality recommendations and knowledge. To establish an ecosystem where its users could securely store their crypto, earn a substantial income, and obtain high-quality recommendations and knowledge.

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:
AI with Blockchain sounds very interesting!

> Miss Futuristi:
Can you please tell us about The First AI-Powered Operating System - HoneeAI OMT?

> Robert Warga:
Yes, of course.

> Robert Warga:
HoneeAI OMT is a self-learning AI. It studies trends in the market, predicts developments and makes trades based on the data
And it gets data from more than 50 exchanges

> Robert Warga:
So, what does it give you? Smarter moves in the cryptocurrency game. When HoneeAI notices price differences across platforms, it makes quick trades to capitalize on opportunities. We've set it up to make trades at potential profits of 3% or more, given how much cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate.

> Robert Warga:
You can read about HoneeAI performance in more detail in our whitepaper

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:
Sounds pretty advanced!
Great work team🔥

> Robert Warga:
thanks )👍

> Miss Futuristi:
Community you can find the white paper at the bottom of their website.

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
So far so good let's move ahead 🚀

> Miss Futuristi:
Talking about the security part,
Can you please explain about "bank-grade vaults using MPC technology"?

> Alexander Blanko:
Certainly! "Bank-grade vaults using MPC technology" refers to a highly secure storage solution for digital assets, similar to the security measures employed by banks to protect valuable assets. MPC stands for "Multi-Party Computation," which is a cryptographic technique that enhances security by splitting data into multiple fragments and distributing them among different parties

> Alexander Blanko:
In the context of our project, this means that we are utilizing advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure the utmost security for our users' digital assets.

> Alexander Blanko:
We have always been committed to the principle that safety is very important to our users.

> Miss Futuristi:
Perfectly awesome!
Safe and secure

> Miss Futuristi:
Lets get to the last part of the segment

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:
How could OMT play a major role towards a positive impact in the crypto industry?

> Robert Warga:
OMT has the potential to make a significant impact in the crypto industry through its innovative AI-integrated wallet, emphasis on community engagement, token utility for transactions, bank-grade security measures, ecosystem expansion, education initiatives, and responsible long-term strategies. These attributes position OMT as a catalyst for positive change and innovation within the crypto space.

> Robert Warga:
We are completely changing the cryptocurrency market and bringing new technologies to it

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:
Thats Awesome!
Perfectly answered

> Miss Futuristi:
Now it's time for a more interesting segment!
The Twitter Segment

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:
Here is a summary of all links from OMT, follow, engage, ....🚀🚀


> Miss Futuristi:
IShowSpeed_365 Most of the questions people ask in the AMA section are about the strengths of the project. On the contrary, I am interested in difficulties and challenges. So what difficulties did the team face while developing the project and how did they overcome them?

> Robert Warga:
I can identify two significant challenge

The very development based on blockchain presents a significant hurdle. Given that this field is relatively young, a multitude of technical difficulties arise during the development process. Unlike other sectors where well-established paths exist, the same can't be said for blockchain. Consequently, throughout the development journey, you consistently encounter novel problems and challenges. These necessitate manual troubleshooting through trial and error, as sourcing information proves nearly impossible.

Furthermore, the scarcity of AI development specialists in the market is a concern. Back when we initiated our journey, these professionals weren't merely scarce; they were non-existent.

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:
hmm I do agree
> Miss Futuristi:
Nevertheless let's move ahead

> Miss Futuristi:
Emmy1032 Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project Can you tell us on motivations How do you plan to carry on this project especially with the bear season? benefits for investors to hold in long term?

> Robert Warga:
Let's begin by highlighting that, with OMT, the true value lies not just in the token itself, but in the array of products it grants access to.

Our focus isn't merely on the conventional asset creation and fundraising for an idea. We've taken our idea and translated it into reality, allowing individuals to utilize it through OMT tokens.

The emphasis isn't on persuading investors to hold our token; instead, we're committed to crafting groundbreaking products that revolutionize the industry. As we do this, people will naturally seek out opportunities to acquire our token for the purpose of utilizing them.

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
dexterdevora Too many projects promise magic but never release any working product or prove any revenue, Within a short/long time of release. Is it like this? If not can u tell us, What makes it different from other projects?

> Robert Warga:
Right now, you can go to OMT's website and launch our product )

> Alexander Blanko:
OMT stands out by delivering on its promises. Unlike projects with unfulfilled claims, OMT has a working product, demonstrated revenue generation, and a transparent roadmap.

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
IShowSpeed_365 Can you tell us some of the use-cases of the $OMT tokens in your platform? What are the uses of this tokens in your platform and in the market? What are the benefits when buying and holding $OMT tokens for a long period of time?

> Robert Warga:
You can use tokens in these cases.

1. buying/starting HoneeAI
2. staking
3. Analyzing the asset for OMT (subscription)
4. voting rights in the design and development of the project
5. discounts on transactions on internal DEX
6. OMT fees are charged for internal Honne transfers

Also tokens will be available on the exchange and will be a reliable asset for investors of our project, well, in the near future we will show new projects and access to them will be of course for OMT holders.

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
Light_yagam_ii What are some of the key advantages of using OMT for managing my cryptocurrency assets?

> Miss Futuristi:
That's the last question of the segment
Also an interesting one😅

> Robert Warga:
The main reason is that it's all in one place !

> Robert Warga:
Using OMT for managing your crypto assets offers AI-enhanced security, token utility, engaged community, and a vision for stable growth.

> Robert Warga:

> Miss Futuristi:
I do agree 💯

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
Okay community!
Now it's time for the Live Segment
Are you all ready?

> Robert Warga:

> Alexander Blanko:

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
@robert_warga and @blanko_a
Now you can select the best 5 among them!

> Robert Warga:
The core values of Oracle Meta Technologies include innovation, security, utility, community engagement, and long-term sustainability.

> Robert Warga:
We have an IEO going on right now on the p2b exchange.

> Miss Futuristi:
3 more to go

> Robert Warga:
we are constantly working on expanding our community and adding new languages.

> Miss Futuristi:
2 more to go

> Robert Warga:
I'll respond briefly, we are the first to successfully integrate artificial intelligence into a cryptocurrency wallet.

> Miss Futuristi:
Last lucky one left

> Robert Warga:
Certainly! The OMT user interface is designed with user-friendliness in mind, especially for beginners.

> Miss Futuristi:
Perfectly done!

> Miss Futuristi:
That's all for today and with this, we come to an end of this awesome session.
Thanks a ton for such a proficient session.
Some concluding lines you wanna convey to our community

> Robert Warga:
Thank you all so much for your attention.

> Miss Futuristi:
Pleasure is mine!

> Alexander Blanko:
we were happy to answer questions from your wonderful community

> Miss Futuristi:
We are equally happy to host OMT🚀

> Miss Futuristi:
Thanks again for that awesome AMA session, the well detailed answers🔥.

It's your fantastic Futuristi signing off.
Peace out🙌

> Miss Futuristi:
AMA concluded

Decentralized Club

🎉Welcome 🎉 We are a community who eats, sleeps and drinks crypto 😉 Contact👇@cryptoTALK01 @UniqueBoyDK for AMA and project promotions♻️