AMA with Portal Defi

Decentralized Club
18 min readJul 3, 2022

On the 29th of June, 2022 at 14:00 UTC, Decentralized Club had the honor of hosting George Burke(Co-Founder) from the Portal Defi for an Ask-Me-Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 100,000 people. It was hosted by DC Host, Ella.

The session was divided into three segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter community were answered in Segment 2, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 3.

If you missed this event and would like to know what Portal Defi is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Information here should be researched and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Also note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media.

Segment 1 — Introduction



Hi Everyone! Hope you guys doing well☺️

Today I am hosting an AMA session with the Decentralized Club.

My name is Ella and I will be hosting PORTAL in this session.

Let’s welcome our guest @geoburke

Hi George! You’re welcome to Decentralized Club ! It’s our pleasure to have you !


Hi there. Thanks for having me


How has your day been going so far?


I’m looking forward to talking with the community about what we’re building at and our belief of multiple layers of financial infrastructure built on Bitcoin



Would you kindly introduce yourself to the Community ?


My name is George Burke, a co-founder at Portal. Our team started working on this since 2018 but I’ve been involved in bitcoin since early 2013. Always a believer in censorship resistant, egalitarian technologies.

I built a bitcoin/altcoin exchange in 2013 which was sold. I later went on to build the first bitcoin debit card in the US called FreshPay.

Prior to crypto, I launched the first “netflix for books” subscription club.

I also currently run the first-ever bitcoin meetup — Silicon Valley Bitcoin — — first started by Roger Ver and Andreas Antonopolous.




Let’s Get Started, Let me give you a quick overview of the session

AMA is divided into three segments:

Segment 1️⃣: Introduction with Project team

Segment 2️⃣: 5 best Question from Twitter Gets Answered

Segment 3️⃣: Live Telegram Questions will be held on PORTAL Channel. Community kindly join ,Best 5 Telegram questions get answered.

Kindly type”✅” after you are done answering!

Let’s get started! We are very interested in learning more about PORTAL!🤩

Starting with the very first question

Q1. What is Portal? Could you explain its uses and benefits to our community?


Our company Portal — — recently announced an ~$8.5M raise to give birth to DeFi built on Bitcoin.

We believe financial applications should be built on the protocol that is most likely to become the base money layer. Portal makes DeFi unstoppable with anonymous, zero-knowledge swaps via the first true cross-chain DEX that’s genuinely trustless. Unlike Uniswap/others, Portal eliminates minting wrapped coins (ie wBTC, wETH) or risky staking with intermediaries. Trading across incompatible blockchains is now just 1-click, trustless and private.

Fabric protocol, our layer 2 & 3 technology powering Portal, enables building censorship-resistant communications, media and one-click cross-chain swaps, all on Bitcoin (along with all its security advantages).



Q2. What problems or challenges on the Bitcoin network and DeFi are you looking to address with Portal?

Hello Lovely Audience🤩,

Kindly join for Live Telegram Questions.


The problems of today’s DeFi and DEXs that we’re solving with Portal are:

1) High gas fees: we utilize layer 2 for cross-chain swaps by which nodes can communicate hundreds or thousands of messages/transactions prior to settling on the main chain.

2) Poor UX: We agree the user experience for DEX trading has been awful so far. We have a beautiful non-custodial wallet that is as easy to use as Coinbase but self-sovereign and trust-minimized, where you can store coins and trade from within the same interface. We’ve worked years on developing this.

3) Asset locking & asset replication: The wrapping and locking of funds onto other chains by these so-called “cross-chain” DEXes/Bridges are neither trustless nor decentralized, nor are they even cross-chain! BitGo custodies the majority of the billions of locked up BTC. As we saw with the $600M Axie/Ronin hack and the recent $100M Harmony One hack, these Bridges are honeypots waiting to happen. Atomic swaps solves this. Wrapping tokens becomes a thing of the past since coins of incompatible chains can be traded natively and without a risky middle-man. Each party’s funds are only locked during trade execution and not re-bonded or replicated onto other chains for eternity.



That’s great🤩

Q3. What are your products and how can the community use them?


Before roadmap, let’s start with accomplishments so far: We invented zero-knowledge swaps, which fix the Layer 1 “Tier Nolan” atomic swap problems. In addition, our CEO invented the Fabric protocol (the protocol Portal uses to build p2p ZK circuits for Fully Homomorphic Encryption), and has been used to build peer-to-peer communications and decentralized other apps.

With the atomic swaps integrated into Fabric, we are rebuilding the Web from client server model to an uncensorable, decentralized architecture. We expect playnet to be ready soon and testnet out before the end of 2022.

As for roadmap, Portal is a completely community-driven development. The community will determine roadmap and features post-launch. We’re excited to see where the community drives the project as they push the bitcoin interoperability ecosystem forward.



This is something new i came across! Happy to learn about the Amazing products🤩

Q4. What makes Portal unique? What is it that Portal offers that your competitors don’t?


To answer this, you need to know what Portal is and its underlying technology, Fabric. —

1) Fabric is the protocol, built ON BITCOIN, for peer-to-peer message passing and contracting using bitcoin as the security layer. All of the layered networks built using Fabric can use portal to exchange into Bitcoin and other assets. It is a natural fit to have the team unified and aligned.

2) Portal, built on Fabric, is enabling atomic swaps for coins across incompatible blockchains; trust-minimized trading using the security model of bitcoin.

3) Here’s what’s so exciting and unique about atomic swaps:

Atomic transaction means either the entire cross chain contract (typically updating of both ledgers) happens all in one piece. For example, if you “atomic swap” your Bitcoin with someone’s ETH, either you get their money and they get yours, or nothing happens. It provides guarantees of a secure execution of an exchange without a trusted third party.

To fix the problems that have made layer 1 “tier nolan” atomic swaps impractical until today — such as miner front-running, long transaction times, lockup griefing, and all-or-nothing order execution, first we are utilizing Layer 2 for fast communication and coordination, including the ability to recompose orders into smaller chunks to create execution that is fungible, and therefore scalable. It’s done through the Fabric protocol (the protocol we use to build p2p ZK circuits for FHE), has been used to build peer to peer communication and other apps. We utilize Fabric like a Lightning Network that is purpose-built for trading.

Second, we invented zero-knowledge swaps at a layer 3. How can a decentralized exchange layer be truly censorship-resistant if traders are known and addresses can be traced? So, Fabric technology enables ZK circuit creation which, when implemented, opens the door to a whole host of new methods of obfuscating transactions without losing verifiability. With regards to revenue, all facilitators get paid based on the value of trades they facilitate. Our revenue is tied to the growth of the network and userbase. We are seeing a lot of interest from users and we expect it to only go higher.



Q5. Tell us a little bit about your community. How have you managed to build and maintain such a strong community?

Reminder 🛎

Lovely people,

Kindly join for Live Telegram Questions.


I’m so proud of our community and the community managers who make it all run! We have over 55,000 amazing community members in our Telegram room:

Just have a look at our Twitter following: 133,000 Bitcoin enthusiasts from all over the world:

My biggest belief of the success of the community comes down to the general bullish expectation of continued growth of Bitcoin over other chains alongside the excitement folks have for “DeFi on Bitcoin” in 2021+2022.


Community Follow them on all their socials:

👉 Follow PORTAL Twitter:

👉 Join PORTAL Discord :

👉 Join PORTAL Telegram:

👉 Join PORTAL Telegram Announcement:

With this we have came to an end of segment 1



Let’s now take some questions from our Twitter community!

Segment 2 — Twitter Questions

Q1: Many projects appear to be successful only in their whitepaper and roadmap, but they face various problems when attempting to implement the project’s mission and eventually collapse.

How does your project overcome every challenge in the development of its project?




Check out the capability and experience of our team:

I’m very proud of the allstars I get a chance to work alongside every day:

- Eric Martindale 11 years in Bitcoin, Head of Open Source at Blockstream and Engineering at BitPay, advisor to Lemniscap, and is the inventor of Fabric.

- Chandra Duggirala, Bitcoiner and M.D. turned entrepreneur, ran two 8-figure software businesses, and is the inventor of functional layer 2 cross-chain atomic swaps (he solved problems keeping Tier Nolan’s atomic swaps impractical until now).

- Alexey Melnichenko, 6 years architecting token & exchange design, engineer at Phantom Cyber (acquired by Splunk), designed the exchange engine at Totle.

- Manoj Duggirala Led a 150-engineer team at Invensense, designed the Apple M7 co-processor in phones and watches, ex-IBM Almaden. Engineering at Stanford.

- George Burke, 8 years in bitcoin, 3 exits in peer-to-peer/community startups incl. early bitcoin exchange Crypto Street, created the first Bitcoin debit card, and runs the world’s oldest bitcoin meetup.

- Johnny Dilley, VP of Strategy & Product at Blockstream. Conceptualized Liquid sidechains. Early VC at Pantera. 9 years in Bitcoin.

- Jack Mills, Engineering Architect of Casper Labs / RChain, and previous Director of Enterprise Platforms at Intel. Engineering at Stanford.

- Anand Suresh — our latest hire — helped invent Shingled Magnetic Recording drives used by Seagate, and engineer at DFINITY launching the Internet Computer (ICP) mainnet.

Here’s how we came together.

Manoj, Chandra, and I had built previous 7-figure startups and wanted to solve problems in crypto. I knew the Fabric CEO Eric Martindale for many years as a friend in the bitcoin space. He was a bitcoin god. Early at a Blockstream and early at BitPay and was one of the few human beings to undestand Layer 2’s and sidechains. Eric was first a mentor and advisor to our team. Johnny and Alexey worked with him at Fabric. Later they joined us to build Portal…

A big strength is the motivation every member of our team has — to provide the best ecosystem for Bitcoin to succeed.

The motive behind Portal is expression of self-sovereignty. Portal is to cryptotrading what Tor is to p2p communication. Portal is an unstoppable p2p exchange.

For Bitcoin to become money, we need a censorship resistant, peer to peer trading system that crosses blockchains. That’s why we are building DeFi using cross chain atomic swaps. Bitcoin is strengthened by building many layers of functionality.


wahoo! That’s Amazing🔥

Your Products show how much effort you guys put to make it a success!

Kindly type ✅ when completed

Q2: Portal swaps move provable execution of cross chain contracts to layers 2 and 3. Does it allow the speed and liquidity of centralized alternatives, with the trust minimization guarantees of Bitcoin? can it be used for a general purpose market for data and computation?




Can’t share too much about our battle plans. But, I definitely have a large vision about what bitcoin in a post bitcoin world will look like. L2 is only the start. L2 is a substrate atop which L3 the computation layer will be built. Fabric is designed to be a layer 3 system to sit on top of lightining/payment channels/etc. We will see a new class of applications. Health and medical industries are very obvious applicatoins. Homomorphic encryption, meaningful data that is encrypted. Cannot see analysys and data, but can still get paid. Useful for actual medical data. HIPAA. Inform other decision makers, machine learning solutions. Those sytems do not need visibility into the actual data, only the computed results. Understood academically but the only instutitions making goo duse of this technology are banks which is unaccaptable and we need to take that tool back and put it in everyone’s hands. Replace centralized services with superior decentralized alternative. Its a challenge, order of magnititude difficulty. Centralized over the long term have a much higher cost on both tangibles and intangibles.




moving on to the next question

Q3:I understand #portal_finance enable peer-to-peer, decentralized, censorship-resistant applications as layers on Bitcoin. What technological mechanisms will you introduce to ensure that the p2p is secure? Can I see your roadmap? Are you Audited I could find anything about audit?@Sparkpoetic

Reminder 🛎

Lovely Audience,

Kindly join for Live Telegram Questions.



1) Here’s a major difference: we’re building ON BITCOIN through use of the Fabric Protocol…

FABRIC is the protocol for peer to peer message passing and contracting using bitcoin as the security layer. All of the layered networks built using Fabric can use portal to exchange into Bitcoin and other assets. It is a natural fit for what we are doing. Portal improves Fabric protocol and Fabric is needed for Portal.

What Eric invented for Fabric is the protocol built ON BITCOIN for peer-to-peer message passing and contracting using bitcoin as the security layer. All of the layered networks and DAPPs built using Fabric can utilize Portal to exchange into Bitcoin and other assets. It is a natural fit to have our teams unified and aligned.

2) Building a secure layer 1 system is incredibly hard. We don’t want to do that; Fabric uses the layer 1 system that already exists and therefore we use Bitcoin as OUR layer 1.

In Portal’s DEX, the contracts don’t depend on anything other than the trading pairs’ native chains… say BTC<>ETH. We are harnessing the security already built into Bitcoin and into Ethereum; the atomic swap contracts are minimal. Independently audited and tested to the max by a truly decentralized network before going live over the course of the past 5 years.

Unlike wrappers and bridges, these coins are not re-bonded into Portal and are not honeypots. The community treasury does not contain exposed user’s funds. The exposure is limited only to the token which is being traded — NOT what is bonded. This is the main difference between the Portal project and other so-called false “cross-chain DEX” projects. The flaw in bonding/wrapping is double the exposure for a breach in security; be it theft, risk, hacking. It’s like making a duplicate -or a triplicate- of your house key. The Portal project is designed to protect your key- the reliance on simple and native atomic swaps means there isn’t anything to expose. This is possible through the use of Fabric Protocol technology, which is an internet built on the layer 1 blockchain of bitcoin — the timechain itself.

3) Bitcoin provides the security; no need to implement a new system and attempt to garner superior adoption. Bitcoin is the most decentralized and secure system and we think it is the monetary layer. If you want to build functionality, financial contracts, and beyond, it makes sense to build it on top of the monetary layer vs any other layer. More importantly, layers of functionality enable bitcoin to capture the value, but not the risk of a failure of a layer 2 system.



Q4: Several cases of DeFi in the Bitcoin and blockchain space became some controversy as finance became uncensored, P2P and trust were minimized fueling traditional banking wars. So, can PortalFinance be said to be the solution to this problem? How do you implement it?@luckluckan1



For some background, a layer 2 is a sequence of unsettled transations on the main chain done for a purpose. For example, Lightning Network is a layer 2 system for peer-to-peer micropayments. However, lightning transactions — until settled — are not broadcasted to the main chain.

We invented layer 2 zero knowledge swaps, which fix the Layer 1 tier nolan atomic swap incentive problems, and add speed and liquidity features. In addition, Fabric protocol (the protocol we use to build p2p ZK circuits for FHE), has been used to build peer to peer communication and other apps. Just like lightning is a layer 2 system for peer to peer micropayments, and is therefore fast because lightning transactions, until settled, are not broadcasted to the main chain. Portal is a layer two system for peer to peer cross-chain contracting. Because it’s layer 2, it’s fast.

Portal is building a true cross-chain method of trust-minimized exchange without a 3rd party. But because these chains do not natively interoperate or communicate with another, a layer must be built above the base layer for such communication. Portal is a layer 2 system for peer-to-peer cross-chain contracting. Cross-chain contracting facilitates a variety of in-demand DeFi activities, like spot-trading.

Fabric, the underlying technology Portal is built on, splits contracts into “ZK Swarms” — allowing all network participants to agree to contracts on their own terms. These are “multi party contracts”, with each peer earning Bitcoin for computing their part in the program. It does this at “layer 3”, which provides the privacy PLUS fungibility of transactions.

But why zero-knowledge? Why privacy?

How can a decentralized exchange layer be truly censorship-resistant if traders are known and addresses can be traced? So, Fabric technology enables ZK circuit creation which, when implemented, opens the door to a whole host of new methods of obfuscating transactions without losing verifiability.

For Bitcoin to become money, we need a censorship resistant, peer-to-peer trading system that crosses blockchains.



Q5: Currently the user experience for DEX trading has been catastrophic. What solution will Portal provide to this problem? What makes Portal Dex reliable and secure, so you can protect investments?@y1sus_afp


Two of my previous questions answers this pretty well. For DEX trading user experience see:



Ending segment 2 with great Information about the project!☺️


For reliability and security, see:




Time to take up some questions for segment 3 from our live audience! Guyss be readyyy to shoot your questions on PORTAL CHANNEL😉




Yeaah! Let’s move to Portal Channel!

See you all there!🤩 We have came to an end segment2

— -Chat was then opened for the live community to send in their questions — -

Segment 3 — Live Questions


Hello, Beautiful Portal Community

IN the last 2 segment we got a lot of knowledge about how Portal Team is making their project a success

Time to take up some questions for segment 3 from our live audience! Guyss be readyyy to shoot your questions😉

Dear guest,

Please pick five original questions to answer.

Try to ignore generic, vague, and copy-paste questions 😊

AMA Rules for the community

🚨DC AMA Rules🚨

1️⃣ Post your best questions first. Community members are allowed a maximum of three(3) questions per session but do not repeat questions from the same account. People who break this rule will be disqualified even if the excess questions are deleted. WE ARE WATCHING 🙄

2️⃣ Post only original questions. Members with stolen questions from DC or other AMAs will be disqualified and banned.

3️⃣ There will be slow mode to prevent spamming.

4️⃣ Join the guest and host (DC) Telegram and Twitter pages to be eligible for rewards. Check pinned post during AMA for details.

5️⃣ Don’t tag the guest in your question or your question will be deleted.

6️⃣ Follow all the special instructions the host gives before the live session. Pay attention.

7️⃣ You can only win once in one segment no matter how many times your questions were picked.

8️⃣ Telegram username should be present in your Telegram Account, otherwise you will be considered as DISQUALIFIED.

9️⃣ Join Đecentralized Člub Discord:

Please join our courtroom for disputes and to report copied questions and cheaters with relevant proof.






Dear community, as a measure to deter bots and reward hunters, please include the guest’s full name in your questions so the guest can tell original questions apart!


Dear Guest, be ready to answer some 5 best question for our lovely audience


The group will be unmuted shortly 😊


Hi everyone from Decentralized Club. Welcome to the Portal community. Happy to be participating in your AMA this morning

Ready for live questions when you are @ella_xoxoo


Portal group will be unmuted shortly 😊

Be readyy to shoot some questions community!🤩

Okayy! We have got a lot’s of question! Audience you are AMAZINGG🤩🥂🙌🏻

Dear Guest, Free feel to take your time and some more amazing questions from our lovely audience!

Q1. Can you explain, which one is your top priority? Security, Product, Partnership, or Token price? Please ans this question. @Boss_1n dis


Security is the top priority; but by solving Security, we’re also solving Product.

Today’s DEXs and Bridges have been security nightmares.

The wrapping and locking of funds onto other chains by these so-called “cross-chain” DEXes/Bridges are neither trustless nor decentralized, nor are they even cross-chain! BitGo custodies the majority of the billions of locked up BTC. As we saw with the $600M Axie Infinity/Ronin hack and the recent $100M Harmony One hack, these Bridges are honeypots waiting to happen. Atomic swaps solves this. Wrapping tokens becomes a thing of the past since coins of incompatible chains can be traded natively and without a risky middle-man. Each party’s funds are only locked during trade execution and not re-bonded or replicated onto other chains for eternity.


Q2. CAN you explain how is your Tokenomics Distribution? How many tokens will be minted?How many tokens Will be locked by the team? @ShuN_11


We cannot discuss tokens or token price. Why? On the regulatory front, we have been seeing SEC lawsuits to various token projects for raising on an unregistered security; potentially fraud. This can be as little as a fine of millions or as bad as going to jail. Any issuer who promises an investor tokens is irrepairably tethering the network token to the fundraise and will forever make that token a security. We will see any tokens deemed securities to be banned from trading on non-brokerage exchanges (which is pretty much all of them).

Instead, Portal’s fundraise happening NEXT WEEK — through a compliant securities offering on the best lauchpad in the world, Republic — is specifically designed to preserve the non-security nature of a digital asset that runs on the decentralized network, and therefore is never sold, given away, airdropped, etc. This way it can always be as freely transferrable as BTC itself. For more info on this, see the writeup we did on this compliant fundraise model here: . Compound and Chia used a similar mechanism.


3️⃣ more to go!🤩🙌🏻

with every question, Portal is becoming interesting a little more🤩

More power to you guyss💪🏻

Q3. What is the purpose of Fabric within Portal Finance, and can you explain a bit about the relationship between the two projects? @curiosoAMA


We’re building ON BITCOIN through use of the Fabric Protocol…

FABRIC is the protocol for peer to peer message passing and contracting using bitcoin as the security layer. All of the layered networks built using Fabric can use portal to exchange into Bitcoin and other assets. It is a natural fit for what we are doing. Portal improves Fabric protocol and Fabric is needed for Portal.

What Eric invented for Fabric is the protocol built ON BITCOIN for peer-to-peer message passing and contracting using bitcoin as the security layer. All of the layered networks and DAPPs built using Fabric can utilize Portal to exchange into Bitcoin and other assets. It is a natural fit to have our teams unified and aligned.


Q4. Since Portal Finance functions as a DEX AMM, it is crucial to draw in liquidity and build a sizable pool because orders will have less slippage if the pool has more liquidity. So, what tactics will you employ to draw in sufficient liquidity and thwart order slippage .@chukky10z


What we can reveal is that there are node operators or “facilitators” in our model. All facilitators get paid based on the value of trades they facilitate. Portal’s revenue, as well as the revenue of any facilitators is tied to the growth of the network and userbase. Every wallet downloaded can be configured to run a facilitation node. The whitepaper goes into facilitators more extensively. Please see the whitepaper at

After the public sale on Republic HAPPENING NEXT WEEK, we can reveal more of the network design


Q5. Staking, NFT is very hottest, do you think you will apply NFT technology to your products in the achieved future? @ShuN_11


I already see incompatible siloes being problematic because an NFT on one chain cannot be accessed through smart contracts on another chain.

Since Portal is all about cross-chain, trustless interoperability, I can see a future where we may be able to bridge the gaps between siloed NFT platforms. I also see a future where a single NFT can be bonded with several FUNGIBLE tokens being minted for fractionated ownership. Fabric’s technology would enable Portal to build both of these awesome NFT-features… HOWEVER, our roadmap is community driven and they will be the ones to direct the development team down that path. We shall see!



Dear Guest you covered all 5!🤩

Wish to answer 1 more or we should wind up?


I need to get a meeting I’m late for. Sorry, can’t.

Thanks for participating, everyone! Thanks for hosting the AMA, Decentralized Club


ohh okayy! nP! Then It’s a Wrap Up Guyss!

Cheers to you and your team for their time and effort in making this project a success!


For the public sale next week: If you wish to participate, you’ll need to first register for the whitelist here:

You’ll also need to have an active and KYC’d account on ( They’ll make the announcement of launch only to registered users.

To make this easy, we wrote a blog post to outline the steps to participation here:


Have a great day everyone!


Thankyou for choosing Decentralized Club❤️


Have a great day ahead!




Decentralized Club

🎉Welcome 🎉 We are a community who eats, sleeps and drinks crypto 😉 Contact👇@cryptoTALK01 @UniqueBoyDK for AMA and project promotions♻️