Billion Happiness AMA Summary with Decentralized Club ✔️

Decentralized Club
7 min readMar 10, 2021


Dear, Community,

Welcome to the recap of our AMA with Billion Happiness.
Our vibrant and enthusiastic community had a lot of questions to ask. To those who want to know quickly what Billion Happiness is about, we are sure this recap is gonna help you. So without further ado,continue reading 😉

✔️Introduction with Billion Happiness : 👉

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
First question of Introduction :

Q1. Can you provide a brief introduction to the core team behind Billion Happiness?

BSC Pleb (Verify Username):
Let me answer this

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:

BSC Pleb (Verify Username):
We are a group of well-dedicated team members. There are 3 Founding members working together for BillionHappiness Finance Project . I am BscPleb — Co-Founders of Billionapiness NFT Market place. I have been in the space since 2014. Been through everything, bull and bear! Arnel, is the Founder of Billion Happiness, partly university-educated and mostly self-taught. He started his journey with cryptocurrencies since 2014. We also have BHC_Elainne as Co-Founder of Billion Happiness (Cheif Happiness Officer). She is an Entreprenuer and Crypto Investor.

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Very Impressive👍👍

Next question🙋

Q2. Can you talk a bit about what innovations has Billion Happiness brought to the table?

BHC_Arnel “Verify My Username”:
I will answer this 😊 👍🏻

BillionHappiness is DeFi, cashback, staking and farming. We started out as an e-commerce store having its goal to provide product ownerships on every purchased items from the store and by giving rewards/cashbacks in form of token called BHC.

BHC was created for BillionHappiness Community, it’s further development made it possible to be traded, staked and farmed on different exchanges that led us to flourished in DeFi world. Currently we are working on our NFT Marketplace. This aims to be a fully Functional NFT Marketplace on Binance Smart Chain. Our platform will allow sellers to list artworks with multiple minting and animated artwork making it the 1st NFT marketplace with these features on BSC Network.

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Amazing 😎 It shows a lot of transparency

Next question🙋

Q3. What is that significance of HPS token because you already have BHC token present ?

BSC Pleb (Verify Username):
I will take this

HPS and BHC are two main tokens of Billion Happiness. Think of them as siblings, brothers and sisters.

These tokens are created for different purposes. It is important to know how they are different from each other.

BHC was created for Billion Happiness Community which serves as cashback for e-commerce store — first BH project.

It has fixed supply and is considered a store of value. Further development leads to BHC being traded, staked, farmed on DeFi world. Hence, HPS will be the BH Project Booster token, minting fee for BH NFT Marketplace, and is deflationary. And yes, soon you will be able to trade, stake and farm HPS on different exchanges, following its older brother’s footsteps.

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Amazing with Interesting 😎

Thats a lot of work and by your words it is clear Billion Happiness is well on track to achieve its goals.

BHC_Arnel “Verify My Username”:
Thank you very kind 😊😊

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Last question of the Introduction🙋

Q4. What is Billion Happiness gunning for HPS token further in 2021 ?

BHC_Arnel “Verify My Username”:
I will answer this one 😊

We have been working on a new project in Billion Happiness which is an NFT Marketplace with $HPS token.

It is set to launch at the end of March.
HPS’s primary purpose is to be used as a BillionHappines project booster. Currently, HPS will be integrated into the NFT marketplace, allowing artists to pay listing fees in HPS or BNB.

If users pay fees in HPS:
— 50% of fees will be burned
— 50% of fees will be allocated to BillionHappiness

Moreover, Billion Happiness is aiming for HPS to be staked, farmed and traded on exchanges where BHC has already been present.

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Thank you @BillionHappiness @BSCPleb ,super insightful and very easy to understand.

BHC_Arnel “Verify My Username”:
Welcome 😊👍

🌍 Community ask question by Twitter 👨‍💻

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Twitter question no 1.
From : @meml97

I read on your medium articles that $HPS is a booster token for BillionHappiness project to support, build ecosystem, and Develop NFT marketplace. So, does this mean that this token only works as a temporary booster and you will have a new final token later on?

BSC Pleb (Verify Username):
I will take the 1st question

No, our two main Tokens right now are BHC and HPS. BHC was created for Billion Happiness Community which serves as cashback for e-commerce store — first BH project. It has fixed supply and is considered a store of value. Further development leads to BHC being traded, staked, farmed on DeFi world. Hence, HPS will be the BH Project Booster token, minting fee for BH NFT Marketplace, and is deflationary. And yes, soon you will be able to trade, stake and farm HPS on different exchanges, following its older brother’s footsteps.

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Twitter question no 2.
From : @Arifhusen21

Tell us a little bit about security? Have you done an audit of the platform? Are the smart contracts error-free? What are the test results?

BSC Pleb (Verify Username):
We will do the audits from a reputed company like Certik we are communicating with some of them now and more info to come soon. and we are one of the oldest projects on BSC

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Twitter question no 3.
From : @static_current

Can you tell how you are protecting the funds of HPS buyers by making sure no rug pull happens or even if it happens then HPS tokens don’t lose value?

BHC_Arnel “Verify My Username”:
After our HPS Token sale/IDO we will add forever liquidity of HPS/BNB by burning/locking the LP tokens so that team or nobody can’t rug the project (40% of the collected funds from token sale)
exchanges like Pancakeswap and Julswap.

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Cool 😎

Thanks for the quick and prompt answers!

🌍 Community ask question by Website 👨‍💻

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Website question no 1.
From : Sen Hurricane (@Tony253210)

Currently so many projects have been starting to use the BSC, so can you tell us what is your personal experience about the performance of BSC over Ethereum?

BSC Pleb (Verify Username):
It’s more convenient building with BSC networks since it provides fast transactions and lower gas fees and have a big backing from Binance as well, I personally like CZ and the approach he have towards BSC community

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Website question no 2.
From : Jade (@JoanaZ)

Billion Happiness Finance use a dual token Economy, with the HPS and BHC, so can you explain what is the role of each one into the platform?

BSC Pleb (Verify Username):
While BHC and HPS have several similarities in general. BHC and HPS have their own unique purposes. With BHC revolving around our reward system. HPS will most like be circulating within our NFT Marketplace ecosystem serving as the NFT minting fee. and we expect both tokens will be adopted by the community as these have special features

| DK | 🌿 | Never PM/DM First 🐞 Decentralized Club:
Website question no 3.
From : Augusto (@AugusS7)

Really why does BHC Emotion Pools have so many different functionalities such as product sales, pool packages and soon to be NFT markets? Wouldn’t it be better to completely focus on just one application and be more effective?

BHC_Arnel “Verify My Username”:
That’s an interesting question to answer. BillionHappiness started out as a Brand back then. On our e-commerce store, we provide our community a reward system they can benefit from. Thus, allowing us to create a community token that is now called as BHC. With BHC’s further development, our community love the idea of their reward being traded and exchange as well. Thus, leading Billion Happiness to DeFi world. Aside from the fact that we are an ecommerce store, one of our goals is to provide product ownership to every item being sold. Which led us again to innovating and building our own NFT Marketplace. With NFTs unlimited potential, we consider this an avenue into making one of our goals happen. Protecting owners and providing product ownerships to our client.

✍️ Telegram live Questions answered by Billion Happiness ✔

Which one of these aspects important for you?
1-Increasing Token Price&Value
2-Empowering Platform Development
3-Building Community Trust
4-Expanding Partnership Globally

In what order?

BSC Pleb (Verify Username):
we cannot just take 1 of these, all 4 is important as we are here for a long term journey with out all of these we cannot move forward!

We are based in Philippines and our government is more positive on crypto and it will be very easy to obtain licences for us what ever the required licences

You mention that “Select what you feel now and start earning BHC”, but will the earnings for feelings really be limited like the packages of being hungry and feeling the best? or will they soon open it again for those who have that emotion?

BHC_Arnel “Verify My Username”:
Good Question, apparently we will be releasing NEW POOLS with new emotion. We haven’t let anyone know about it yet, But since your community asked. Our emotion pool will reopen with new kind of feelings. If you wanna know about our latest News. Please join our Ann.

For $BHC we dont have any team shares and no IDO/Token Sale
we distribute it via Cashback 10% and 90% via staking (live) and farming (done)
total supply of BHC is 50K only and its almost fully circulating now

with $HPS currently in IDO stage you can check our Tokenomics on our Medium. 😊

✔️Thanks to all of our Community Fans✔️

Have a Great Day

Edited by : 🌿DK✍️



Decentralized Club

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