Decentralized Club Ama with LitCraft.

Decentralized Club
14 min readJan 31, 2023


On the 31stof January, 2023 Decentralized Club had the honor of hosting Tom from LITCRAFT for an Ask-Me-Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 60,000 people. It was hosted by Auria

The session was divided into three segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter community were answered in Segment 2, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 3.

If you missed this event and would like to know what LitCraft is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Information here should be researched and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Also note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media.


I’m Auria, your host for this AMA session.

For today’s AMA session, we have invited the Tom From LitCraft to help us learn more about this awesome project.

Let us all give a warm virtual welcome to our guest , @tomdevv 👏👏


Hello, glad to be here today


It’s pleasure to have you here with us.


excited to tell everyone about LitCraft and Devvio as well. I’m the founder of Devvio and the creator of LitCraft.


Thanks for introducing yourself 😊

as you already know, this AMA will have 3 segments.
Intro segment
Twitter segment
And in the last (3rd) live segment , I will unmute the chat to allow questions from our dear Community!


ok. great


So let’s start our AMA with basic introduction segment.


sounds good



Here’s the first one for you

Q.1 — Tell us a bit about the LitCraft team


sure… LitCraft and Devvio are working closely together to build a digital financial ecosystem. The team is the thing I’m most proud of at Devvio and LitCraft — It is a world class team. Here are some examples of team members and advisors.
— Tom Anderson, former video game exec, founded robotics company that raised $34m and went public, sold IP to Facebook
— Ray Quintana, one of two general partners at the best performing early stage venture capital company in the country according to Preqin
— Will Stewart, cream of the crop VC, has invested in over 400 companies and has invested over $5 billion into tech
— Mike DiPetrillo, former head of blockchain at VMWare a $9b tech company. One of the few people in the world who has successfully deployed enterprise blockchain projects
— Sunny Trinh, former executive VP at Avnet, a Fortune 200 electronics distributor. Sunny was in charge of new product innovation, including all blockchain initiatives.
— Chris Church, former CEO of SWIFT, the international payments company
— Vincent Stewart, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and former Deputy Commander of US Cybercommand

many of those folks are Devvio’s team and advisors, but given that LitCraft is building on DevvX, it represents folks growing the collective effort


How long have you been in gaming and crypto?


I’ve been in Gaming for over 15 years. I’ve been in crypto for 7 years. I’m an experienced entrepreneur. I’ve raised over $60 million in funding for my companies. The first company I founded was a video game company, so a lot of my experience is in the video game industry. In that business I licensed on the order of $100 million of video game development, and we published over 100 titles. My second big company is Devvio, a blockchain company. I started it 7 years ago as I see blockchain as one of the few technologies we’ll see in our lifetime that will fundamentally change computing, on par with the internet. We saw a lot of need and room to innovate, so we designed our own blockchain protocol from scratch, the DevvX platform. Done



3 What is the LitCraft project about in a few simple sentences?


thx :)

LitCraft is a rich and deep sci-fi fantasy universe. The main idea in the LitCraft lore is that there are mages with powerful magical abilities living all around us, hidden in plain view. There are hidden mage cities, a complex society, a powerful magic system, numerous magical creatures and races, and it encompasses many metaphysical concepts that explore the nature of our lives and existence. From a business perspective, LitCraft is a brand that encompasses many different types of IPs — video games (LitCraft Nysperience and many more to come), books (Grant Beagan, etc), shows (Paps n Eeee, coming soon), and hopefully movies and broad expansions of everything.

LitCraft represents a society that I feel we should strive for. Importantly, with respect to the blockchain space, LitCraft is a beachhead in our Digital Financial Ecosystem. I believe it is the longest running blockchain game, but most importantly, it is a complex ecosystem of digital assets and platform tools. We have a marketplace, seller’s portal, digital wallet, and the games and applications themselves. I believe that companies that create digital financial ecosystems (as opposed to specific applications) will be the biggest winners across all metaverse applications. Done


Ah nice!

4 How is Devvio connected to LitCraft?


Devvio was founded 7 years ago and created the layer 1 protocol called DevvX that LitCraft games and applications are running on. The DevvX blockchain can process millions of transactions per second and runs at 1/10,000,000th the cost of Ethereum for example. It has a RESTful API, so any of the world’s 25 million web developers can build on it. It is a powerful platform. Devvio also created the tools and infrastructure that LitCraft uses.

Devvio created GlassBlock — is the website where people can buy and sell digital assets on the DevvX blockchain, as well as view the DevvX wallet. It will also host a non-custodial exchange. These are all important building blocks for the over Digital Financial Ecosystem that Devvio and LitCraft are building.



5 With the current state of the market, how do you keep things sustainable?


We have designed our digital financial ecosystem to not rely solely on growth. Many blockchain games are simply a system of issuances balanced against sinks, but that is not a sustainable approach and only really works well during growth phases. We’ve focused on a long term robust digital financial ecosystem that brings together many different types of activities, lots of flow across the activities, many tie-ins with real world efforts and value, and importantly a lot of fun and great social interaction. We are building mobile applications and already have easy to use infrastructure for beginngers. It is an effort designed for long term growth irrespective of how the markets are performing at any given time.



6 How far along are you with your roadmap? Are there any other exciting updates we should look forward to?


We started the game over 4 years ago, and it has been running live on the blockchain the whole time (mainly in the early days as a testbed application). When the blockchain gaming space blew up, we had a ready to go game, so we launched it on 4/22/22 as its own product, and it has been going very well. There are dozens of games that one can play now in LitCraft Nysperience, a robust battling game, and virtual businesses that one can grow and earn. Anything one earns in game can be easily sold on (check it out). We are headed towards a big V4 launch that has many updates encompassing the newly expanded digital financial ecosystem. We’re adding dozens more games, leveling up in businesses, a new community effort call Lit Legion where you can perform real world tasks and earn, and overall an upgrade to the complexity of the digital financial ecosystem design. We’re adding hundreds more tokens and asset types, many more recipes, and the business system is going to be compelling. I’m very excited about where we’re headed. Done


a minute for the community to digest

7 Let’s talk about your token now. How do you see “DevvE” integrating into the ecosystem?


Unfortunately, I can’t talk much about tokens too much on a public forum. We are a US-based company. At a high level, DevvE’s utility was designed around the ESG space (Environmental, Social, and Governance). It is the platform token for the DevvX platform. We will explore other areas of utility over time as well for DevvE in any ecosystems built on the platform. The LitCraft token (called Quint previously, but we are going to probably change the name to something else as another token came out with that name not related to us) can help drive content in the LitCraft universe and ecosystem. We have also been looking to expand it in uses for LitCraft guilds as well. Done

oh wait…
One other thing…

The in game currency in the LitCraft financial ecosystem is Heptals. I can talk about that in detail, and is worth describing. Players can earn Heptals in many different ways, and there are a variety of fiat offramps associated with all of the various ways on can earn. Traditional ways to monetize games (power-ups, advertising, skins, etc) are used by players (not the publisher!) in our ecosystem. I give a full description of the digital financial ecosystem here…



8 Can you explain your play-to-own model?


Sure… great question. In our model, players can play games or take part in any type of activity (including real world activities like social media, helping the environment, visiting locations, etc) and earn tokens and coins in the LitCraft Universe. You can play a minecraft type of gameplay, a match 3 gameplay like Candy Crush, a merge type of gameplay that is a popular genre, soon — classic games like solitaire and sudoku, etc. It is a lot of fun, and is compelling gameplay and experiences

When players earn tokens they can combine and craft them into more and more complicated things, or they can use them directly in businesses. Businesses are similar to real world businesses — there are expenses and profits and you grow them over time into profitability.

The end result is that players can play and interact how they want and where they have fun or see the most potential to earn, and all of one’s activities can be important to other players activities. You can specialize as much as you want. In the real world if you own a bakery, you don’t grow your own wheat and do your own legal — you pay others for the results of their efforts. The concept is the same in our ecosystem.

All items show up in the DevvX wallet, and they can be bought and sold on Items include traditional game monetization like power ups. A power up that a casual player buys for a match 3 game is crafter by another player, for example! cool concept. Marketing that one uses in a digital business comes from points earned in real world marketing on social media, for example. There are lots of ways to earn and lots of fiat offramps.



9 What is Lit Legion?


Lit Legion is one of the most exciting upcoming concepts we have for 2023 — It is our community effort where users can do real world tasks and earn tokens and coins (all part of the digital financial ecosystem described above). You can think of it like a real-world MMO (massively multiplayer online game, like World of Warcraft, for example). There are NPCs that direct you through many different task trees, and you continually do fun tasks to level up and earn. It is going to be a great community and a lot of fun to earn and grow within our ecosystem. Done



10 Is the game available for users now?


yes, go to and download LitCraft Nysperience now! It is free to play — there is no upfront cost to get started. You can jump in and start playing right away, earning items in the ecosystem through mining, crafting, or playing any of the earning games. You can craft more and more complex items, build a business, and sell your assets on It’s all working now.

We have our big V4 version coming out 4/22/23 again as well :) Done

Also, if you run into any troubles getting started, check out our LitCraft community on Telegram — it is a really great community!


11 How can users earn Heptals?


You can earn Heptals by battling with LitPets in Heptone battles. Other upcoming PvP gameplay, selling items in a virtual business, selling items on GlassBlock, doing tasks in Lit Legion, as examples. You play to earn them :) Done


Moving on to our last question of First segment

12 How can users spend Heptals?


Heptals are the in game currency in LitCraft Nysperience, so you use them in the game for wherever you want to specialize. You can use Heptals to invest in your business, craft LitPets (the citizens of the game, which can be used to battle with or used as employees of the businesses), buy power ups, buy skins, buy NFTs, buy assets you need on for your crafting or businesses needs, etc. Done


That’s wraps up the first part of the Ama session .Thanks Tom for your Answers!


great questions. thanks ;)


Let’s now proceed to the twitter segment



Here’s the first interesting question from twitter

Q.1 What Main Requirements a Player has To Fulfil To Join the game Litcraft Platform, Do You Demand any Types of Money Or Investment To Participate in Your Platform ?


Right now you can simply download the game for PC or Mac at There are no upfront costs, so you can start playing and earning right away, which I think was a great design decision. We will be releasing on iOS and Android later this year — the game was designed from the beginning for mobile — I had a running version on my phone 3 years ago that has most of the current gameplay for example, so shouldn’t be long to get the mobile version out as well ;) Done


Next question….

Q.2 The main problems with today’s games are the bad matchmaking systems, which end up disappointing players because there is no fair system that allows the same winnings. Considering this, what is the matching system that LitCraft has adopted and how have you solved this problem?


In LitCraft Nysperience there are a lot of ways to play — it is not simply PVP. You can play any of dozens of games that cover many of the most popular genres. Much of the gameplay is PvE, working through levels, doing activities like mining etc, where matchmaking doesn’t come in. We have many players who have played hundreds of hours (even before the game was launched as a real product when it was a testbed, just because they thought the gameplay was fun). In terms of the PVP aspects of the game, we’re using a ladder system where people work their way up and down the ladder and end up playing against players of their comparable level, so I think the matchmaking design is a good one.



Q.3 could you please tell us that what features do you consider most valuable to bring out the compassion and vibes of a game to the audience?


Fun is a key component and design criteria for us (emphasized much more than many play to earn games). The ownership of monetization going to the players, and always making sure not to undercut the value they build in the ecosystem, is critical. The emphasis on complexity and flow of many different types of efforts and assets is important. A blockchain game should not simply be sinks vs issuances, but rather, should be a complex interrelated ecosystem. The you have to also bring in traditional game design and mechanics that the game industry has proven out, which is where a traditional game background is good. Done


Q.4 I read on your website that Litcradt is Free to play game Is it totally free to play or do I need any of your tokens, NFTs or tickets? Can I play from any device, for example a mobile? What sets LitCraft apart from other major gaming platforms??


those first questions are answered here… In terms of what sets us apart
Technology — the powerful and scalable DevvX platform
Gameplay — many fun type of gameplay and many different games
Universe — a deep and rich sci-fi fantasy universe that has been in development for years
Platform — GlassBlock and DevvX web app
and perhaps most importantly, the overall ecosystem design, based on the flow of many assets across many people, doing many different things.



Moving on to our last question of Twitter segment

Q.5 I read term “LitCraft Wiki”
Could you please tell us In layman terms that will be understandable by a crypto newbie, can you explain the concept of LitCraft Wiki?


We have a wiki where users can contribute content, tutorials, guides, explanations, etc. It will be a shared resource for players to learn and help others. A lot of content for the wiki will be driven by tasks in Lit Legion, where users can get a task to create a new type of guide, for example, then post it, and it will be an ongoing resource for everyone else from then on. Done


Thank you for answer all the Twitter question. That’s so informative for our community


great questions as well :) thx


Q.1 By understanding what users value and need, you can prioritize features and improvements based on the greatest impact and return on investment. Do you believe that feedback from community can help to prioritize features and improvements?


yes feedback is critical. I use feedback as one of the most important things in our community, and how it affects our designs

Q.2 Do the token holders have the right to participate in the governance of the project? What kind of decisions can they vote on about the project?


No, the tokens are not for governance

Q.3 Can you tell us about your plans for 2023 and for long-term? what you are currently focusing on and are you going to expand the list of big exchanges??


on 4/22/23 we have our big V4 launch out. Lit Legion will be out in the next month or so. Longer term, I want to bring in many more games, including up to AAA level games if all goes as we hope

Q.4 Staking programme is very important for any project? Can i stake your token? Do you have any plan of starting staking programme?


we’re looking at staking for guilds, and using guilds to increase earning, but the details for that aren’t released yet

Q.5 The graphics and game styles of the LitCraft game appear to be incredibly successful. Can I profit from LitCraft as a player?
What PC and mobile specifications are needed to run the game?


the graphics requirements for PC and Mac are just a standard computer. Mobile will run on standard smart phones


Alright that’s a wrap.

Thanks for joining us today

Your project is amazing


great, and thanks for having me. Was really great meeting you and the community!


Great session it was


would love to see new players join us — you clearly have a great community, and I think people will like ours :)


Best of luck to the whole team

Once again thanks




LitCraft Nysperience

Download Nysperience:

Marketplace for in-game items:

Nysperience Leaderboards:

Nysperience Wiki:

Announcement Channel:

LitCraft Twitter:


Lit Legion community site:

January Retweet Contest:



Decentralized Club

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