Decentralized Club Ama with MEGLAND.

Decentralized Club
22 min readFeb 22, 2023


On the 22 nd of February , 2022 Decentralized Club had the honor of hosting Sheraz khan and crypto curran from The Megland for an Ask-Me-Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 60,000 people. It was hosted by Auria

The session was divided into three segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter community were answered in Segment 2, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 3.

If you missed this event and would like to know what The MEGLAND is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Information here should be researched and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Also note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media.



I’m Auria, your host for this AMA session.

For today’s AMA session, we have invited the Shezkhan and crypto Curran7 from MEGLAND to help us learn more about this awesome project.

Let us all give a warm virtual welcome to our guest , @Crypto_Curran7
@shezkhan 👏

Crypto curran

Hey guys thanks Alot for warm welcome. We appreciate.
And warm wishes for all of you. ❤️😍


It’s pleasure to have you here with us.

Crypto Curran

Thank you so much for such a great Welcome 🙏😍

Exactly We are all here to build together even in Harsh market as well.
So let’s go now for Ama I know there are many more Questions from Audience


Before we dive into the project, we will love to know about your role and day to day work experience in project

Crypto curran

Yeah Sure Let me explain about it in Detail so it will easier for viewers to understand well.

My Name is Hamza khan(Curran). I am a marketing and management expert in the field of Crypto and Web3 from last max 3 years.About my portfolio so I can would love to express that I have worked with world’s best Gamefi, DeFi and P2E projects including “Axie Infinity” Which is one the best P2E gaming projects in the World.List is too long so I would make it easier for Viewers.its a short Introduction about me if you want to check my profile on linkedin you can get more from there.
Here you go:

Well at TheMEGLAND I am representing this competitive project as a Community Manager. I am responsible for managing content, make startgies for growth, handle partnerships, Amas and twitter spaces etc.
Well the experience at themegland is too good. We are building strongly together. Internally team is really cooperative and we are learning every day new things from Other team members as well. 😍


Thanks for introducing yourself

So let’s start our AMA with basic introduction segment.

Kindly type ‘’Done’’
After answering the question.

So let’s start our AMA with basic introduction segment.



Here’s the first one for you

Q1. Can you start us off with the vision behind Megland, a brief description about the product and its current major investors or partners ?

Crypto curran

Well, that’s a good question that everyone should know about the project.TheMEGLAND is a metaverse project created by the MEG team where users may engage in virtual competition, develop, rule, share, and live experiences. With its “play to win” philosophy and non-main token, $MEG, an ERC20 protocol fungible token, this virtual world built on the Ethereum blockchain seeks to transform the video gaming sector (NFTs). By incorporating the blockchain into popular games, gamers will build and own the platform themselves. By providing genuine ownership, digital uniqueness, monetization potential, and interoperability, the objective is to draw and unite fans of cryptocurrency games and online players.TheMEGLAND will make use of technology that makes it possible to create lifelike interactive experiences for PC, console, mobile, and mixed reality. Games and “play to win” platforms can be made by platform users, developers, and gamers. Using a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), MEG holders will also be able to take part in the governance of TheMEGLAND by casting votes on important ecosystem decisions.

Players may use MEG, the platform’s utility token, to battle, create, own, control, and monetize their gaming experiences in the virtual environment known as the MEGLAND. Our goal is to build a collaborative metaverse that allows users to construct virtual worlds and games without the need for a central authority.

We are developing that type of ecosystem where every player can play, every artist can make and publish and every trader can buy and sell their assets without any central control. The ownership and centralized management of user-generated material in the present video game business is a concern since it restricts artists’ ownership and rights. Players are unable to receive a fair price for their virtual commodities when there is centralized control over the market. However, it can be challenging to demonstrate creative ownership of these works, particularly if the content has been copied, updated, and developed. Our goal is to provide a gaming platform where people can freely create, play, share, and exchange content while maintaining safe copyright ownership and the opportunity to make $MEG.We are excited to say that by fusing play-to-earn and metaverse games, we are creating a free and open platform for everyone that is ideal for both beginners and experts.
Now the question is what precisely you would receive as a benefit of joining TheMEGLAND?
Here are some points for understanding exactly what we are!

Well, we have big partners and backers supporting us all mentioned on the website.

Here you go!



Next question…

Q2. Can you elaborate about the flagship features and other aspects also which makes this product a potential in space of blockchain gaming?

Crypto curran

If we talk about benefits are advantages then I would love to elaborate we are building a UGC- an ecosystem that is full of opportunities and helps at every edge.

We believe that we have many useful and competitive tools that can make our project the best one in this rising and competitive market.
Let me introduce our Ecosystem in detail.

MegEdit is a free, user-friendly, and sophisticated 3D modeling and animation program that enables users to design and animate 2D or 3D objects including people, animals, plants, roads, buildings, and tools. To become game assets, these items may be exported to the TheMEGLAND store. MegEdit was developed by the MEG team using AI, and additional capabilities will make generating digital assets simpler. Moreover, users will be able to generate NFTs automatically using our new AI tool rather than by hand.

TheMEGLAND is an online NFT market that will employ AI to show user collections. With the MegEdit editor, assets are generated and then uploaded, published, and sold. Users will soon be able to design items with varying power levels, including automobiles and guns. Using technologies created by AI, collections will be offered on the market.

The AI-powered MEG Game Creator will let users put their assets on their own Lands in the virtual world and utilize them there. Users may add assets to their LAND and create engaging game dynamics using visual scripting. With AI automation, placing NFTs on LANDs automatically will just require a simple command, turning an essential decoration experience into a full, customized gaming experience.

Players have total control over their digital possessions, and they will always be theirs even if the game is scrapped or canceled. Giving players the option to choose how to use, trade, sell, or give away their in-game stuff, NFTs (non-blockchain, fungible tokens) allow game objects to be represented on the internet.
Similarly, as I discussed that TheMEGLAND Provides many more benefits which make us competitive and leading in the blockchain and metaverse industry.

And still if there is any confusion than I would appreciate to our lovers and supporters to Just visit the Web & join our community. Our mods will help you at every Query😍🚀



a minute for the community to digest

Q3. Can you tell us about any current running pormotional activities like giveaways etc. for new users?

Crypto curran

Yes sure why not its too long but our mission is to deliver everything to our audience in order to understand the real meanings and vision of TheMEGLAND 🤩🥰

Well for engaging our communities We have Amas, Giveaways and airdrops etc on weekly and monthly basis.

Recently we Launched our MEG soldier program For our Community members where they can participate in Given Quests, raids and Earn points and money.

We will publish our new Giveaway for our Community within this week.
It’s better to keep eyes on Official announcements to get benefits out of it. 🔥🙏




Q4. What is the utility of the native token $MEG and how does one acquire it and also how its holders will be protected?

Crypto curran

On the Ethereum blockchain, the MEG is an ERC20 token that is used for TheMEGLAND platform transactions. The platform needs it because of its essential processes. Now let me talk about the utilities of $MEGin in detail.

💎1-Access to the MEGLAND Ecosystem:
Users pay MEG to play games, purchase gear, and design their characters on the TheMEGLAND platform. With staking, creators spend MEG to purchase assets, lands, diamonds, and shields. To upload assets and make diamonds, artists spend MEG.

Using a decentralized autonomous organization, MEG’s governance token enables holders to take part in platform governance decisions (DAO). Owners of MEGs may cast a ballot or assign their vote to another player.

Staking with the MEG token has a number of advantages for token owners, including the chance to develop digital assets by collecting diamonds and shields, incentives for involvement through NFT airdrops, and more (possible through staking LANDs as well). Staking is a means of contributing to and engaging with TheMEGLAND ecosystem.

💎4-Fee capture model:
The transaction fees from 5% of all MEG transactions are split equally between the foundation and the staking pool as incentives.

The foundation’s mission is to support the TheMEGLAND ecosystem by providing funding for the creation of top-notch content and by uniting a sizable player base.

In order to encourage MEG token owners to keep their tokens, we will also provide them with extra incentives. For instance, we may routinely give out incentives to individuals who stake their MEG tokens, which will encourage them to keep them for a long time. We may also provide holders of MEG tokens with exclusive investing options. For instance, by giving them the chance to buy real estate or digital assets at a discount or by giving them the chance to win more prizes by taking part in unique activities. Finally, we may collaborate with other blockchain businesses and initiatives to broaden TheMEGLAND’s appeal and boost interest in the MEG coin. We can strengthen the MEG token economy and assure its long-term stability by putting these recommendations into practice. By participating in games, starting challenges, finding treasure, performing quests, etc., players may earn MEG. In order to take part in competitive challenges like races and card games, they might also pay registration fees. A percentage of the registration costs may be given to experience designers as compensation. MEG tips may be given to players who are also streamers for their work.
Asset sales for financial gain: The market allows creators to sell their assets and get 100% of the selling price in MEG. Due to their programming, some items will initially only be accessible through the TheMEGLAND platform (for example NFT cars or weapons).

Great !


Q5. What are your major priorities in 2023?

Crypto curran

Well, we have achieved according to our strategies and plans as on our roadmap It means that we are fully transparent to the world. In 2022 we have worked for team accomplishment, partnerships, deep marketing, and art development including the development of our nft collection, Gaming characters, fundraising, etc. We are up to date and going according to what we have planned.

Future goods on our roadmap were created by our talented team to expand TheMEGLAND platform around the globe and advertise blockchain as a cutting-edge gaming technology. The MEGLAND’s beta version, which is available following the IEO, will soon go live. To increase liquidity and availability, we want to make MEG available to both consumers and enterprises. We’ll do our best to support the community’s expansion. All producers and participants in the community will have access to MEG, which can be acquired via a variety of strategies, such as buying on multiple exchanges. As the overall supply of MEG is fixed, demand for MEG will rise as more creators, players, and assets are traded in the market. Moreover, tools will be offered based on the requirements.

We are working on our mission to build a
-A platform for gaming where users may create, play, share, and trade without centralized management, with protected copyright ownership and the opportunity to earn Money.

A platform that will provide virtual reality technology as an option for engaging experiences on PC, console, and mobile, you may create a competitive platform for industry titans.

-Play-to-earn and metaverse games will be combined to create TheMEGLAND, a free and open platform appropriate for both amateurs and experts.

Done 👍


Moving on to our last question of this segment

Q.6 Hey we heard about your soldier program which pays the community passive income, can you elaborate that program with more details?

Crypto curran

Our Nft market place is coming soon before that we will go ahead the completion of IMEG bot 🤩

That’s the back bone of our community let me elaborate more about it 🤗

💎The MEG Soldiers

The core idea behind The MEG Soldiers is to create a formation within our community in such a way that there is true community activation. Many communities in blockchain are passive and projects’ marketing efforts are non-inclusive approaches, where communities are not aligned with the right incentives and mechanisms. The MEG Soldiers is about activating members from our community who want to win, and who want to see us win in the process.

💎The Tasks:

While creating the foundation of The MEG Soldiers, we will start simple. However, that simplicity will help everyone feel included, and the outcomes of these tasks will be significant, because of the sheer size of the active community who participate and the strategies that create consistent growth. Some of The MEG Soldiers’ tasks will include:

💎Pushing social media posts to become viral:
Talking about MEGLAND, IEO, NFT, LANDs, and other ecosystem-related topics in hundreds of different Discord, Telegram, and Reddit community groups, creating persistent word of mouth
Creating articles, infographics, videos, gifs, and other types of creative content
Applying growth-hacking tactics to increase the reach of each member will create
Joining educational workshops for self-improvement in key areas
Other tactics related to community building, marketing, and content creation.
The MEG Soldiers invites anyone who is looking for a side hustle, as well as creating growth in the MEGLAND ecosystem in the process.

💎The Rewards:

There will be points for every task a user completes. For example, we will have “Raid To Earn,” “Quest To Earn,” and “Engage To Earn” features. If we announce a Raid like “Like and Retweet the tweet,” if a user likes the tweet, they will get 25 points for liking the post, 25 points for commenting on the post, and 25 points for Retweeting the tweet with comments.
On the other hand, we will have the “Quest To Earn” feature where we will give the community a tweet from a famous influencer, company, or NFT buyer to do a constructive comment about MEGLAND on that tweet. After commenting, the user will need to submit proof of the comment in the “#Submit-Quest” channel of the Discord server to claim their 25 points.
When a user completes 5000 points, they can exchange those points for actual rewards such as USDT, BUSD, Whitelists, or LANDs, etc., in the “#Store” channel of our Discord server.

Its a pleasure to be aware of what we are doing and what is essential for everyone



That’s wraps up the first part of the Ama session .Thanks Hamza for your Answers!

Crypto curran

Yeah it’s pleasure to have you all around. Such a huge and supportive community here 🎉🤩
Keep building guys 👏👏

Let’s now proceed to the twitter segment



Here’s the first interesting question from twitter

Q.1 I would like to know how your play-to-earn model is design to and How you intend to mantain a delicate balance between Attractive gameplay and attractive Reward ? Will it be possible for Megland to operate a sustainable GameFi model when many have already failed?

Crypto curran

Let me first go with Megland’s Game preview, TheMEGLAND is a system for players and creators comprised of three main components: MegEdit, a 3D creation platform, the Marketplace for selling created 3D models, and the Game Maker. Users can create and animate 3D objects, publish them on the global marketplace, and sell them as ERC1155 tokens called assets. Assets are unique virtual tokens for digital rarity, security, and authenticity. The blockchain allows creators to hold true ownership of their creations and offers players the opportunity to monetize their work. Assets offer multiple uses by allowing developers to give value to assets that can be shared among games, platforms, and blockchains. The marketplace is where assets can be gifted or sold. TheMEGLAND offers an alternative gaming experience to existing platforms such as Fortnite, GTA, Call of Duty, etc., by combining creativity and security through the blockchain. Players will also be able to play to win by collecting rewards through gameplay. Here we differ from other gaming projects as here AI can be used to enhance the gaming experience on TheMEGLAND by providing solutions for smoother navigation through the different worlds, improved interactivity between players, and more realistic graphics. Additionally, AI can be used to generate random LANDs with different themes, such as medieval cities, futuristic space stations, etc.
Players can expect a variety of gaming experiences on TheMEGLAND, including
social experiences where players can meet with friends in spaces decorated to their preferences, and building and crafting experiences where players can unleash their imagination by constructing structures, objects, etc. Players can also explore and solve mysteries in LANDs created by other players. By using AI to generate random LANDs with different themes, players can expect a
continually renewed and exciting gaming experience on TheMEGLAND.

Players can expect a variety of gaming experiences on TheMEGLAND, including
social experiences where players can meet with friends in spaces decorated to their
preferences, building, and crafting experiences where players can unleash their imagination by constructing structures, objects, etc. Players can also explore and solve mysteries in LANDs created by other players. By using AI to generate random LANDs with different themes, players can expect a continually renewed and exciting gaming experience on TheMEGLAND.


Q.2 Could you please tell us, How will Megland users be able to purchase land, what do they need to do, and will there be limits on the amount of land per person? What advantages and opportunities will the owners of these lands have?

Crypto curran

Well, our official mint for the Lands is currently closed but You can easily purchase our NFT Lands Via Opensea! Just directly click on this link below, connect to your meta mask to purchase our NFT Lands, and all set, there is nothing more to do,

Link to buy:

Our NFT Lands have explicit benefits and Unique utilities! As a LAND owner, you have the opportunity to become a part of the TheMEGLAND metaverse and create your own unique gaming experiences. The LANDS can also be used as a play-to-earn mechanism, as players can earn $MEG by spending time playing. Additionally, the AYASAÏ, a limited collection of 2,000 assets, will be AirDropped to Genesis LAND owners.

And Once you own LAND, you can build
structures, host games, and invite other players. LANDs are represented by tokens based on the ERC721 standard for NFTs.TheMEGLAND metaverse has a map of 178,929 LANDs, including 1630 rare Genesis LANDs, 35,786 rare Premium LANDs, and 141,513 Standard LANDs. The sale of LANDs will be based on market demand. LANDs can be used to publish games and can be rented to game creators. Each LAND can be modified by the owner or other
invited players.

There are two types of parcels available: a LAND, which is the basic unit with an area of 96m², and an ESTATE, which is a combination of several LANDs forming a larger area. The LAND is at the center of TheMEGLAND Metaverse and allows players to play, create games, earn tokens, and host events.

Please only follow the official links and be aware of scammers and unofficial people and social media as well. Keep in mind we won’t Dm you or provide any reference to theMEGLAN’s token events.All official announcement will be posted on our official socials only



Impressive 💯

Q.3 What are the criteria/restrictions set by your management to join the Megland? Do I need to invest large amounts, what exactly is the success you want to achieve in your ecosystem?Do we have to pay to play? How many battle modes are there other than the Megland? What roles can I play in your ecosystem?

Crypto curran

Our metaverse and gaming experience are like users can also Play for free too if they want here we Offer a free game that rewards passionate users by allowing them to unlock NFTs without spending. Our free model Allows amateur players to join the platform without a cryptocurrency wallet
and earn gains by spending time playing.

But if a player wants to gain full access to all the tools and each aspect of the metaverse then he will need to buy the lands also Players may use MEG, the platform’s utility token, to battle, create, own, control, and monetize their gaming experiences in the virtual environment known as the MEGLAND. Our goal is to build a collaborative metaverse that allows users to construct virtual worlds and games without the need for a central authority.

The roles members will get are based on the lands they have bought, for instance, if a member has bought our Genesis Land so he will get the role according to that land and access to the metaverse according to the land which a user has bought.

We are having many goals which are mentioned on our roadmap so you can visit our roadmap which is mentioned on our website and in whitepaper too, and we will go through that Roadmap to achieve our goals accordingly.


Next question…..

Q.4 I read that You have done partnership with “Gamersenft” Could you tell more about this partnership in detail ? How it will provide benefits to your platform ? And what other collaborations you have done till now?

I really want to know and learn about your project .


Crypto curran

Well Our mission is to get more partners from crypto spaces related to Web3 and Gaming. Our mission is to build together, Share opportunities to stay stronger in every condition.

We have done Our partnership with GAMERSE NFT Project.As our contracts we will share marketing opportunities in order to get more visibility to the crypto enthusiast and investors as well.

We will be giving providing some growth and marketing campaigns With them from where we can get more visibility and community Growth in order to build more trust. 🙏



Q.5 I really want to know that is megland smart contracts have been successfully verified by audits experts if yes please share with me or your audit is still in the progress?

Crypto curran

Well Our Smart contracts Will be audited by Open Gem and certik Audit to make sure that we are safe and transparent as well.
We are now focusing on our Nfts lands collection, IMEG bots and many other competitive tools which are also essential for our Ecosystem.
But before Our Token Events it will be done openly and transparently in order to make sure our investors also.
We will live for IEO in Q1 of 2023.


Thank you for answer all the Twitter question. That’s so informative for our community

Moving on to our last segment LIVE Q&A


Q.1 Ambassadors play a very important role in every project, Do you have an ambassador program? If yes, how can I be one?

Crypto curran

That’s a good Question 👏👍

Well recently we launched our MEG SOLDIERS progem for our Community members to engage with each other and with our Social media also.

The vision behind is to create a supportive community where every one can learn and earn easily.
You can Participate, Full fill the requirements and given tasks and you will be given some points on each Activity. Later you can redeem your points in to your local currency. Your activites will be tracked by integrated bots.

We are going to launch a Campaign for our MEG Soldiers where they can invite other soldiers and earn.

Right now they are just as MEG SOLDIERS for us but later we will start verify them one by one and give them our official ambassador role. So they will have specific role and access to our platform. They will be rewarded with some incentives and they will work closely with the official team as well.

Q.2 Can you list 1–3 killer features of Your Project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

Crypto curran

Well we think that Our 3 killer features are

1-Scalability solution
Once the platform will be live than unlimited players can play and earn on one server with out any Glitch or error.

2-IMEG BOT /Ai Game maker
If you aren’t a gamer and a developer you can make your own games on our own metaverse and invite your colleagues and earn.

3-AI MEG Edit
By using this tool you can edit your lands, you can build/construct buildings, houses, Towns, shops, roads. You will be allowed to make your lands as you want. After projection your land price will be higher than before.

We will launch our own marketplace from where every one can buy and sell their assets freely and securely.

Q.3 I am interested to invest in your project. When and where can I buy your tokens? Is it already listed exchanges?

Crypto curran

Hi there thanks alot for your interest and enthusiasm.
Well we will live for Our token’s events in Q1 of 2023.
We will go ahaed with IEO With best launchpad.

But Our Nfts which are our main assets are listed on Opensea and there are 3-types of NFTs with different utilities.
-Standard lands
-premium lands
-Genesis lands

You can directly visit our own NFT collection on Opensea.Later you can buy by just connecting your wallet with our website and that it.

Website :


Q. 4 I have some questions in my mind if you can answer.
• How will TheMEGLAND revolutionize the video game market?

• What is the governance model for TheMEGLAND?

• What is the problem with the current video game market according to TheMEGLAND?

• How does TheMEGLAND aim to solve the problem of centralized control in the gaming market?

• What is the benefit of using blockchain in the gaming market according to TheMEGLAND?

• How does TheMEGLAND differ from other video games in terms of ownership and control of user-created content?

Crypto curran

Using a decentralized autonomous organization, MEG’s governance token enables holders to take part in platform governance decisions (DAO). Owners of MEGs may cast a ballot or assign their vote to another player.

Players have total control over their digital possessions, and they will always be theirs even if the game is scrapped or canceled. Giving players the option to choose how to use, trade, sell, or give away their in-game stuff, NFTs (non-blockchain, fungible tokens) allow game objects to be represented on the internet.
Similarly, as I discussed that TheMEGLAND Provides many more benefits which make us competitive and leading in the blockchain and metaverse industry.

We are developing that type of ecosystem where every player can play, every artist can make and publish and every trader can buy and sell their assets without any central control. The ownership and centralized management of user-generated material in the present video game business is a concern since it restricts artists’ ownership and rights. Players are unable to receive a fair price for their virtual commodities when there is centralized control over the market. However, it can be challenging to demonstrate creative ownership of these works, mainly if the content has been copied, updated, and developed. Our goal is to provide a gaming platform where people can freely create, play, share, and exchange content while maintaining safe copyright ownership and the opportunity to make $MEG.We are excited to say that by fusing play-to-earn and metaverse games, we are creating a free and open platform for everyone that is ideal for both beginners and experts.
Now the question is what precisely you would receive as a benefit of joining TheMEGLAND?
Here are some points for understanding exactly what we are!

Q.5 Non-crypto user is very important for mainstream adoption. How you are planning to attract non-crypto users towards your project? Is there any upcoming partnership that will brings non-crypto user and real-use case?

Crypto curran

Good question
Yeah, basically, our project is based on AI side the most, so we are having many features which will attract non-Crypto users too, for example we are having our IMEG bot which is underdevelopment and we will launch it soon, so as Hamza Curran said with this bot users who are not even developers can Create games, or can get the idea to create games and play and invite friends to play the game with, so looking to this feature we can attract non-crypto users too as here they only need some knowledge about Artificial intelligence, but doesnt matter if they are from crypto field or not…

Also we have the Soldiers program ongoing so this is actually the marketing strategy where Soldiers need to Complete various tasks either they are having crypto knowledge or not, and we are focusing on more things to get as much attraction from different Fields as we can, like non-crypto users, gamers, Developers and Artificial intelligence field people


Alright that’s a wrap.

Thanks for joining us today

Great session it was

Before you go any final words to our community?
@shezkhan @Crypto_Curran7

Crypto curran

Thank you so much guys for having us it was really thrilling to meet you all hereYes why not I would love to tell About MEG Soldiers Programe to everyone to join and earn without any investment 🙏🚀

OK @Auria230 Thank you so much for hosting us and it’s a great Evening taking with you Guys.
Best wishes Keep building and ignore Fud and bad market as well. 🎉🚀🚀🚀

Sheraz khan

Hey yeah we thanks to all the community who joined us for this amazing event, we really appreciate their interest, and we welcome them to join Our Soldiers program if they are interested in earning passive income,

Let me give them a little motivation so
Hey, Fam!
With The Megland Sildiers program, you can earn 40$ in 15–20 days easily multiple times…

So what are you looking for? Come and join us as a soldier now :


Thanks again

Best of luck to the whole team




Decentralized Club

🎉Welcome 🎉 We are a community who eats, sleeps and drinks crypto 😉 Contact👇@cryptoTALK01 @UniqueBoyDK for AMA and project promotions♻️