Decentralized Club Ama with PUFFVERSE.

Decentralized Club
16 min readSep 27, 2022


On the 26th of September, 2022 at 2:00 PM UTC, Decentralized Club had the honor of hosting Andrew from Puffverse for an Ask-Me-Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 60,000 people. It was hosted by celeb

The session was divided into three segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter community were answered in Segment 2, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 3.

If you missed this event and would like to know what PUFFVERSE is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Information here should be researched and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Also note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media.


Hello @AndrewCryptolife23
We are all Puffed up today ready for you

Puffverse | Andrew

Hey Celeb, nice to see you again

Greetings Decentralized Club, how are you guys


Doing great over here

Puffverse | Andrew

Glad to be here today and I am ready to show you guys more about Puffverse!



But before we proceed
We would be having 2 segments
Which are:
Introduction questions & The live session

First of its kind in d. C

And an interesting one
I still remain king of decentralized club

Are you ready @AndrewCryptolife23

Puffverse | Andrew

That’s awesome!

Yup, let’s get started!


Let start up with the introduction session

Puffverse | Andrew

For sure



1. First off, let’s start with a brief introduction of Puffverse?

Puffverse | Andrew

Surely. First of all, welcome to Puffverse Discord again, and I’m glad to see all the future Puffs are gathering here through Web 3.

This is exactly what we are trying to do, to build a Disney-like dreamland of the 3D metaverse that aims to connect virtuality in Web 3 and reality in Web 2.

We have an amazing and mature development team as well as solid backers to provide us with engine and game-building support, we also have a great community here at the very beginning.

To bring you into the Puffverse, you have to know that we have unique storylines and extraordinary characters with different personalities. Web 3.0, DeFi, and SocialFi are our goals.


We have quite a number of newbies here what realities is providing ff verse trying to connect here?


Toys, Figures, tours to exhibition, retail store, etc

Once you join, you should be expected to be in both Puffverse in reality on your daily basis, and also web3 in your mobile device

More to intro, Puffverse is a multi-end interactive universe with characters as NFT assets, allowing players to experience different content in different scenarios using their characters. Users can use their characters as NFT assets to experience different content in different scenarios. They can collect multiple characters with unique and diverse costumes, various characteristics, skills, bonuses, and more.

Each character also has distinct specialties for different scenarios, such as specific skills, exclusive bonuses, and so on. Players can actually own, buy, sell, and trade the resources they acquire in-game, and the assets they own can be used in the products of the ecosystem to play, earn, or experience character life simulation. Each scene has its own mechanism and settings, and with the development of Puffverse, more products and use cases will be applied.


This get more interesting I guess

Puffverse | Andrew

Exactly, that was one of the reason I joined Puffverse at the beginning, you will love being a puff


After today
I will like to also be a puff

Once you are done answering a question you reply with a done or a tick

Puffverse | Andrew

Welcome to join the fam👍👍

and yes, that was my whole answer to the first question✅


Let move to the next question

2. Great to hear from a potential rock star. I’m just curious how the team came up with the idea to do the Puffverse?

Puffverse | Andrew

Well, in short, it’s because of dream vs reality. The dream is pretty simple, as the crypto market being bullish since the end of 2019, everyone has a dream to step right in and build their own project here.

But when we saw a lot of projects who didn’t really have an outstanding game but only a good tokenomic model, we knew we’d do better because of how strong our development team is.

The reality didn’t hit us, but only was the catalyst of realizing the Puffverse. Starting from 2019, due to the limits imposed by the epidemic, the majority of people worldwide are unable to travel as freely as before, but the socialization need still remains.

With 300 million users worldwide, Xiaomi is a user-centered platform where quality content and platform will complement one another to create positive feedback in a loop. As a result, a team from Xiaomi decided to expand the investment in content production while choosing this track in the medium casual competitive category given the overall situation at the time (COVID-19).

Hopefully, this will increase the viscosity of the platform and product users. The team also collaborated with Unity to develop the underlying framework of the product and designed a full set of Unity technology to realize the product planning.

Unity provided all the technical support for the Puff project, and the best TA team in the world was brought in to realize the Puff product’s art and animation.

The team created the base framework of the editor based on Unity to give the best action game experience to the users after it was introduced to the public.

I hope our story is unique and worth reading lol, nothing too special but we do carry our own thoughts and efforts into building Puffverse ✅


Well using xiaomi actually proves a worthy point to be associated to

It’s quite a read

To the next question

3. Hear many great names, really looking forward to the launch! So, tell me, what are the differences between Puffverse and its competitors? What’s special about Puffverse?

Puffverse | Andrew

We were actually part of Xiaomi and that is why we have the faith of making this happen😄

That I am very proud of saying

First off, let’s start with the Web3 crypto view

We are a few metaverses that actually has a metaverse product, to be honest. Many projects tend to build their tokenomics first, and extend the real product launch, which is pretty Crypto but not professional. As we have so many solid backers who provide all the development sources, engines, etc, we have everything planned out and in development so that we have the confidence to be the most outstanding metaverse.



I want to be a Puff 😊😊😊

Puffverse | Andrew

Metaverse is a huge word, so in Puffverse it also includes different products in the ecosystem. The whole Puffverse is separated into 4 stages, PuffTown, PuffGo, PuffLand, and PuffWorlds. I will cover these later when I talk about the roadmap.

Overall, the typical single-character settings were abandoned in favor of a character set that emphasizes “Who I am” by letting the users choose from different characters. Each character has their own character traits — Everyone is born different, and everyone can confidently be their best self — There is always a role whose character can be projected onto the individual player, triggering the maverick GenZ users’ empathy for “being brave and being yourself,” allowing them to accept and integrate into Puff’s world. Basically, you are able to choose your Puffidentity to enter all products, no barriers here.



Puffverse | Andrew

And if we take this as Web 2 points of view, I have to talk about our first product release — PuffGo, which is an on-chain multiplayer royale party game that allows players to earn while having fun. Our Web 2 competitors might be Stumble Guys and Fall Guys, which are both trending party games. Our PuffGo will be the first web 3 party game. So either in Web 3 or web 2, we are confident that we can be the outstanding one.
In fact, Alpha version of Puffgo is about to go live in a couple of days from now, feel free to check details here:


This games can they fit into mobile devices or they can be only played on computers

Puffverse | Andrew

We will be available on both Android google store and IOS App Store at first, then we will deploy PC & Mac version



Puffverse | Andrew

You will be able to download directly from Apple store and google play


Are links available

Puffverse | Andrew

Please wait for a couple more days, we will release download links officially through our social media, so stay close!



4. Wow, we’ve said so many things about the overall Puffverse, I’d really like to know the story settings and characters. Can you introduce the whole storyline?

Puffverse | Andrew

Sure, the 5 characters we have basically all have connections to each other. The story is like this and here I quote:
This is the magic land of monsters, peaceful and beautiful. After the magic power was exhausted hundreds of years ago, the monsters gradually became gentle. Under the leadership of the Demon King, they established this prosperous and peaceful kingdom and lived a peaceful life.

However, something shattered the tranquility completely — the Demon King suddenly disappeared, the Demon King City was invaded, and the intruders — Moru evil group took the castle, their target was the princess and the Demon King’s crown she took away.


If this could be included like a sound or music on the game makes this more real to players

Puffverse | Andrew

When the princess was attacked by the Moru evil group, the egg on the shelf fell to save the princess, and the little dinosaur (Patty) in the egg also escaped from the castle with the princess. During this period, they accidentally learned about the culprit of the invasion of Demon King City — Mr. B, the descendant of the late Archmage of the Monster Kingdom.

We do have different sound track and music involved

Princess and Patty planned to take the crown with them and escaped from the castle through a portal with the help of Claude. In the course of escaping, an incident occurred! The crown was accidentally shattered into countless magical fragments by the tiny fish Pop, suspended in various venues, forming a “magic field” scattered across the magic zones worldwide, which drove the Princess nuts. In order to gain the power to retake the castle, the princess and Patty embark on a journey to collect those magic fragments, and Mr.B, who can’t afford to fail, also follows…



What exactly is Mr.B’s motivation? Can the princess and her party smash it? The disappearance of the Demon King, the depletion of the magic power, the magic power of the crown, many mysteries await to be revealed…
You can always go to our docs page for more info:


I just quickly checked this out
I must commend your team
Page free of ads

Moving to question 5

5. Exciting story! But I’m more curious about the overall roadmap, do we play to earn? Do we have other metrics or mechanisms? What’s the rough plan for the next 6 months to 1 year?

Puffverse | Andrew

Sure, let me share the roadmap with you guys, but please note that the roadmap only represents what we can predict at this point, so it’s possible that we change priorities according to the market and feedback from the community. We will do everything to ensure the best possible experience for our users.



Puffverse | Andrew

Q2 & Q3 of 2022 are basically a start-up period:
• UI, UE, and icon design
• Development
• Fundraising
• Social Media Building
In Q4 of 2022 which is starting next month, huge things are gonna happen:
• PuffGo Alpha Version
• PuffTown
• PuffGo FIFA Beta Version
In Q1 of 2023, our Official PuffGo will go alive, Android and iOS all supported:
• Official PuffGo Launch
• Token Launch
• In-game Tokenomic Circulation
• World Chat System
• Team Recruitment System
• Guidance System
• NFT Asset Customize
• Marketplace

In Q2 of 2023, PuffTown and PuffGo will be leveling up with the following:
• Character Selection
• Friend System
• Email System
• Ranking System
• Competitive Mode
• Hardware & PuffTown

In Q3 of 2023, PuffLand and UGC are our focus:
• PuffLand UGC
• Creator Program

And in Q4 of 2023, we’ll have PuffWorld Optimization and focus on SocialFi:
• PuffWorld — 3D verse
• Decentralized ID
• SocialFi
• Optimized Metaverse
• Optimized UGC

We plan on stuff that we capable of doing, and will do it step by step ✅


This nicely itemized
Very organized
And well stated

Use of good technology

Puffverse | Andrew

We are lucky that we are backed by one of the best high-tech companies


6. Solid plans right here. I’m more curious about how we can get ourselves into the Puffverse and how we can benefit from it?

Puffverse | Andrew

To start your Puffverse journey, you must get a Puff NFT for yourself! Our Early Bird Round event was just finished! We collected 3,000 WL for the Early Bird Round.

But you still have a chance to participate in the regular round! Our regular round starts on Sept 30th, and if you participate in our events for WL, or register via Premint with a minimum of 0.

01 ETH balance in your wallet, you will be able to get the WL and mint Puff Tickets for free.


Wow massive

Puffverse | Andrew

Then, you can use your Puff Tickets to participate in the Genesis NFT lottery section which will earn yourself a Genesis NFT for free! Note that Genesis NFT can participate in all four products in the Puffverse and have all the privileges you can imagine. AND! Genesis NFT only has 2,500 in quantity, and we will not be minting more in the future. So this is your best chance to get your NFT and earn later on in Puffverse.

Pretty straight forward guys, and thanks for pinning ✅


I want to be puff😊😊😊

Puffverse | Andrew

Go get a WL and I do hope you could win the Genesis NFT


We would sure need to talk about this after ama

Puffverse | Andrew

haha np


7. Woah! How can we participate in the Regular Round? When can we mint it for free

Puffverse | Andrew

There are 4 ways to participate:

1. If you participated in the Early Bird Round event, great, please wait for the whitelist announcement, and mint the Puff Tickets for free on Oct 7th!

2. Follow our Twitter and Discord, for more events this week. We will be doing a lot of activities for WL dropping.
Participate in those events, and if you are lucky enough, you will be whitelisted and you can mint the Puff Tickets for free on Oct 7th!

3. Follow our Twitter and wait for the Premint Link. Make sure you have 0.01 ETH in your wallet address and use that address to register for our Premint Event. If you are lucky enough, you will be whitelisted and you can mint the Puff Tickets for free on Oct 7th!

4. Or! If you hold other blue chip NFTs, you will also get WL to mint Puff Tickets for free on Oct 7th!

Check these Tweets for details if you interested:

During the Puff Ticket mint period, whitelist winners can mint up to 2 Puff Tickets. With each Puff Ticket, a user can use it to draw in the Puff Lottery to win the Puff Genesis.

Please take notes❗️:
Once a user wins Puff Genesis, the used Puff Ticket will be “burnt”. However, the user can still participate in the Puff Lottery if they own more Puff tickets.
If the user is not lucky to win the Puff Genesis, the user can continue to use that Puff Ticket to participate in the next Puff Lottery after a cooling-off period.
If the user can’t win the Puff Genesis until the end of the campaign, the user still has the opportunity to join the following Puff events with earned Puff Ticket(s).


Nice initiative here

8. When is the mint period? How many days do we have for getting WL and mint?

Puffverse | Andrew

Puff Genesis Giveaway consists of a total of 1 week Early Bird Round and another 6 weeks for users to participate and win exclusive NFTs (15,000 Puff Tickets & 2,000 Puff Genesis in total for the whole campaign).

To appreciate our early supporters, we are determined to gradually lower the possibility of NFTs winning from time to time. It means the sooner you join, the higher chance you will win NFTs.



Let move on

Question 9

9. Amazing! First in first served! Puffs, remember to follow Puffverse on Twitter to keep yourself updated! I think Puffverse will be the blue chip in the later days after the official launch. And we did see many successful projects like Axie Infinity, do you see Puffverse grown like that or otherwise?

Puffverse | Andrew

In our opinion, Axie is surely a great project but only a GameFi project. So when it comes to the metaverse, we are more complicated yet more comprehensive. We don’t only have GameFi, but SocialFi, DeFi mechanism, and also hardware-related products. We see a bigger potential here, especially with all the Web 2 support we have. ✅


10. Indeed! But let’s state a fact that we are in a bear market, do you think you will be affected by the bear market?

Last question for this session

Puffverse | Andrew

We are surely affected, but in good ways mostly.

A bear market is a great time to build. When you are in a bull market, a project tends to try everything new and anything pops up profitably. Is it a good thing? Well, it provides diversity, but it’s not healthy for the market.

Because the more forks you have in the market, the larger the bubble is. In a bear market, we have time and patience to stick to our plan and adjust accordingly. The overall mission and vision will stay the same without all the bullish chaos. That’s why I said it’s in good ways. Again, we are confident in what we are doing and why we are doing it. To be the bridge between virtual and reality, to be the medium of Web 2 and Web 3, to redefine what GameFi looks like.

We go for the long term, and hopefully, I can see some Puffs here 3 years later❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 ✅ ✅ ✅


For sure
Its being quite a time to learn how to be a puff

Puffverse | Andrew

Yup, I know community must have a lot to ask

What a puff day, let’s begin the live session!


We would be picking 7 live questions

Puffverse | Andrew

Noted, my king


Q.1 Is your platform I suitable for Crypto beginners? Or is it only appealing to professional users? III

Puffverse | Andrew

Well I would like to answer this one first: Puffverse will bring you a whole new experience in Crypto world, cause besides Crypto, Puffgo is just a 3D playable game available on App store & google store

I would say we are building a metaverse that everyone can join and enjoy, also with high returns if you are professional user.

Q.2 I Got to know that PUFF Has done the Partnership with the TS MUSIC , Could You Please tell me More about this Partnership with TS MUSIC and How It will benefit the Users. ?

Puffverse | Andrew

Original sound track & music work will be coming out of T’s, who would be an amazing backers for Puffverse.
We would even publish our own sound track later on if you are a Music fan, stay tuned🥇🥇

Q.3 Do I have to spend any money to play puff verse game?

Puffverse | Andrew

I have stated above, but still important to clarify: Once you have WL Spot & win Puff Tickets, you are able to play Puffgo for free

We will host the massive launching with Free mint, so yeah the only fee you pay is to ethereum, which is gas. and I do realize gas price dropped these days which is quite awesome👍

Q.4 ❇️ Would you be so kind to tell us about PuffTown from Puffverse? I read that it offers a way to generate passive income with our Puffs, this is interesting to me. What does this game consist of? What do we have to do? How can we earn? What do we need to access?

Puffverse | Andrew

PuffTown is a life simulation game for players to earn passive income effortlessly. Players can improve their characters’ combat capacity by developing them, which can be used in higher-level competitions.

“Skill to earn” is what we trying to build here, so practice your game skills and be ready to earn a load playing in puffverse!

Q.5 Partnerships are essential for every project. How will you maintain your partnership now and in the future? What steps have you taken now or will take in the future? Can you show us some of his highlights???

Puffverse | Andrew

We have the best dev team and one of the best marketing teams in the crypto world

All partners will be cherished and highly intereacted with.

Lemme show you our backers again:

Q.6 I read you said that Puffverse is a Disney-like dreamland, so what are your strategies to make Puffverse as fun as Disney? What are your strategies to be bigger than Disney in the future?

Puffverse | Andrew

I like what you asking, however we are not aiming to beat what DisneyLand have build over the past century, we are aiming to build a web3 world with more use- engaged games, more user-friendly use-case and a more user independent field to play with. Web 3.0, DeFi, and SocialFi are our goals.

Q.7 Hello, sir
Do you allow suggestions and feedback from the community? Are we allowed in decision making, do you put community into consideration ?

Puffverse | Andrew

We are not building a DAO community, however we cherish all players and will listen to their suggestions
you will know how much we value our early supporters

showing our discord channels:


Wow this being more than exploring session

Do you have any closing remarks words for decentralized club

Well, I have done over 20 AMAs already
I gotta say shilling is not what we aim to do here😂
We are trying to build a metaverse where everyone actually enjoy being in, not only for short term profits

Welcome to Puffverse and we would love to have you as puffs!


Love to have a long term relationship with Puff

Am already Puff pumped

Puffverse | Andrew

Thanks so much for having me here, you guys are awesome.
and Celeb I do hope you could join being a puff someday😘😘

Much love to everyone, have a good day!


I am Puffed already today

Thank you for your time



Decentralized Club

🎉Welcome 🎉 We are a community who eats, sleeps and drinks crypto 😉 Contact👇@cryptoTALK01 @UniqueBoyDK for AMA and project promotions♻️