Decentralized Club Ama with Tokoin Global

Decentralized Club
8 min readMar 29, 2024


On the 27|03|2024 Decentralized Club had the honor of hosting Andrew (Ape Man) from Tokoin Global for an Ask-Me-Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 60,000 people. It was hosted by Auria

The session was divided into three segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter community were answered in Segment 2, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 3.

If you missed this event and would like to know what Tokoin Global is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Information here should be researched and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Also note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media.


I’m Auria and I will be hosting an AMA Session of Tokoin Global here.

For today’s AMA session, we have invited the @Apeittillyoumakeitz from Tokoin Global to help us learn more about this awesome project.

>Ape man



Let us all give a warm virtual welcome to our guest ,

It’s pleasure to have you here with us.

>Ape man

pleasure is all mine!


Before we dive into the project, Could you please introduce yourself and your experience with our community?

>Ape man

thank you for having me here!


hello decentralized club community! Andrew here, i’m the current CMO of Tokoin.

I’ve been in the crypto / blockchain industry since 2019 and have been involved in various blockchain projects and marketing since.

Been learning a lot about blockchain technology through this journey, meeting great people from the industry and also expanding Tokoin’s network.



Thanks for introducing yourself

as you already know, this AMA will have 3 segments.
Intro segment
Twitter segment
And in the last (3rd) live segment , I will unmute the chat to allow questions from our dear Community!

if you are ready, Let’s get started

>Ape Man






Here’s the first question

What is tokoin and what is your mission?

>Ape Man

Tokoin is a blockchain as a service company that aims to provide advanced solutions to the needs of local governments and companies through blockchain technology.

We believe we can contribute to the blockchain ecosystem, starting by assisting ambitious projects with big dreams and empowering them with TOKO token.

Our mission is to build a successful blockchain ecosystem, accelerating growth, efficiency, and effectiveness, and also providing assistance to individuals and institutions with world-class blockchain products and services.




Moving on to the next question……

What specific products and services does Tokoin offer within its one-stop ecosystem for blockchain solutions?

>Ape Man

Tokoin offers a variety of products for our users by bringing notable partners from different industry under our ecosystem.

Firstly you can trade popular token in Tokoin futures, secondly spending your tokens for real life benefits using T-vouchers, we also issue a secure self custody crypto wallet using T-Wallet.

For those that like to have some fun in our ecosystem we offer a range of De-Fi games as well, and currently building a De-Fi lending protocol!

We will be onboarding more partners and introducing more products later this year as well! Be on a look out for it!




How does Tokoin collaborate with the local government to support its mission of fostering blockchain adoption?

>Ape Man

Tokoin collaborates with the local government by leveraging our position as a pioneer blockchain company locally.

We often have discussions and meetings on how we can help to drive blockchain adoption in our country. Where know how of the technology is relatively lower.

We allign our vision together and anticipate more development and advising firms on how they can leverage the blockchain technology in their businesses.



Could you please describe your token and it’s utilities?

>Ape Man

$TOKO token serves as a cornerstone of Tokoin’s ecosystem, empowering us to strive towards becoming the agnostic leading blockchain company. We ICO back in 2019 on KuCoin spotlight and currently listed on KuCoin, for major cexes to name a few.

With $TOKO integrated across our various products in like Future Trading, T-Voucher, and all T-Fi Ecosystems, it offers versatile utilities to our users.

$TOKO enables the opportunity for passive income generation, acting as leverage or proof of ownership within our ecosystem. Additionally, it facilitates the enhancement of user experiences by allowing individuals to engage in activities they enjoy while achieving more through the token’s functionalities.

Overall, the TOKO token serves as a versatile utility token, enabling users to engage in various activities within the Tokoin ecosystem while driving growth and connectivity across different industries.



What sets Tokoin apart from other blockchain technology providers in terms of its approach to supporting institutions?

>Ape Man

What sets us apart is that we help enable web2 businesses to be empowered with web3 capabilities and blockchain technology.

We not only provide this service but we empower them with liquidity and utility token using TOKO token itself.

Whereby from the get go they could be co-sharing its instant liquidity and utility with other intuitions that are already under ecosystem.

Think of it as a super token whereby the utility introduced will be limitless.



What strategies does Tokoin employ to facilitate the onboarding process for institutions interested in adopting blockchain technology?

>Ape Man

Our primary approach is to build a comprehensive ecosystem of blockchain-related products and services, serving as a one-stop solution for institutions.

This ecosystem addresses various aspects of the institution’s business needs, including technology, funding, and business development.

The key here is to build products that is sought after by the instituitions, that itself will help them adopting our technology much easier.




Moving on to our last question of the first segment…..

What success stories or case studies can you share regarding institutions that have benefited from Tokoin’s one-stop ecosystem for blockchain solutions?

>Ape Man

One good example is we onboarded a web2 gifting voucher company in Indonesia.

Previously they could only tap into the market of fiat, by leveraging our technology and we helped to be hands on in the project they were able to significantly drive their revenue by being able to tap into the web3 industry.

By doing so our existing holders and ecosystem users benefited as well from their wide range of products and attractive real world products such as food delivery and giftings.




That’s wraps up the first part of the Ama session .Thanks Andrew for your Answers!

>Ape Man

My pleasure!


Let’s now proceed to the X segment



Here’s the first interesting question from X

Q1) Various mini game ecosystem inside of T-Fi which enables users to utilize their TOKO token as an entry to win attractive prizes. I want to know, how can i play your game?

>Ape Man

You can visit our website and open the T-Fi apps to play our T-Fi games and use your TOKO token for a chance to win exciting rewards. Go to the T-Fi games section of the T-Fi apps!



Q2) How does the project plan to sustain long-term value for its token, and what strategies are in place to ensure a steady growth in profitability for token holders?

>Ape Man

Long term value of our token is derrived from the products and utility that we build it upon. Building a foundation that is solid is the key to long term value.

We consistenly expand our network and listings as well and partner up with big LPs to provide even better liquidity.

We often do buy backs as well and we will initiate one soon as well!



Partnership is very important. Can you name who are the most influential partners ? What plans do you have to expand the partnership in the upcoming time?

>Ape Man

We have KuCoin as our main partner since the beggining, their CEO is also part of our advisory board. Then we have local partners such as indodax, wadzpay, frontera and also kommunitas.

Yes we already have a pipeline for it and will announce it very soon, an integration and new listings are also on the horizon!

Be sure to keep up with our development through our socials!


Thank you for answer all the X questions That’s so informative for our community

Moving on to our last segment LIVE Q&A



Do you have any plan for burning tokens in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractivenes?

>Ape Man

Yes we often do buybacks to further use it to expand our ecosystem and listings purposes. We are planning to do one soon too!


With the ever-changing landscape of blockchain regulation, how is T-Chain staying ahead to ensure compliance across different jurisdictions?”

>Ape Man

we are always working with relevant authorities to keep up to date on regulation. we pride ourself as a fore runner in this aspect

>UCI Suryadi

Why did Tokoin choose to build on the ETH network with very expensive gas fees?

>Ape Man

As we are a pioneer project, back then ETH was the obvious choice. Right now we plan to integrate on other chains as well and L2s. We are also available on BSC currently


How does “TOKOINGLOBAL” differentiate itself from other blockchain-as-a-service BaaS providers in terms of features and offerings?

>Ape Man

we do advisory as well and as we have an existing ecosystem is more beneficiary for new partners in that sense.


How does Tokoin utilize the Tokoin Token ($TOKO) within its ecosystem, and what are the various functions it serves as detailed in the provided description?

>Ape Man

we offer various products in our ecosystem do check it out over on


Thanks Andrew for answering the questions

I have enjoy the session so much

Before wrap things up do you have any closing Remarks

>Ape Man

Thank you for having me and looking forward to our next AMA!


Thanks again for choosing Decentralized club

Take care and Best of luck to the whole team



Decentralized Club

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