Decentralized Club Ama with VENUS.

Decentralized Club
12 min readJan 21, 2023


On the 20 january, 2023 Decentralized Club had the honor of hosting Ammar from Arcane for an Ask-Me-Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 60,000 people. It was hosted by Auria

The session was divided into three segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter community were answered in Segment 2, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 3.

If you missed this event and would like to know what VENUS is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Information here should be researched and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Also note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media.



I’m Auria, your host for this AMA session.

For today’s AMA session, we have invited Jennee from Venus to help us learn more about this awesome project.

Let us all give a warm virtual welcome to our guest , @Jeneene_VenusDAO 👏👏



Nice to meet you



It’s pleasure to have you here with us.

Before we dive into the project, we will love to know about your role and day to day work experience in project



Hello everyone, I am Jeneene, a member of the VenusDAO Foundation


Thanks for introducing yourself ☺️

as you already know, this AMA will have 3 segments.
Intro segment
Twitter segment
And in the last (3rd) live segment , I will unmute the chat to allow questions from our dear Community!

So let’s start our AMA with basic introduction segment.





Here’s the first one for you

Question 1: Please introduce VenusDAO’s platform token VUS.


ok let’s start


Kindly type ‘’Done’’
After answering the question.


we have introduced VenusDAO in detail. You can read the previous AMA article:

Today we mainly introduce the POC mining mechanism of VUS and VenusDAO.

Enus is the goddess of love and beauty in ancient Roman mythology, the brightest star in the night sky, Venus is a symbol of love and freedom, light and hope.
DAO is the abbreviation of (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), which means decentralized autonomous organization.

Venus DAO is a collaborative network of decentralized organizations composed of senior foundations, developers, content creators, community consensus members and blockchain enthusiasts in the blockchain industry.

Simply understand, Venus DAO is a decentralized global autonomous company called Venus, anyone can join this company to realize their own value.

VUS is a token issued by the Venus Foundation on the Binance Smart Chain in the form of DAO governance. It serves as the governance token, platform token, and ecological circulation token of Venus DAO. It’s been online for a month.The highest increase reached 11 times,The current liquidity pool has exceeded 1,000 BNB,The contract address of VUS is: 0x9fe22d981f2c9f3563d044c43e14feeecde8fc54




Next question…..

Question 2: What will Venus DAO do?


The vision of Venus DAO is to build a metaverse of value. Under the joint development of blockchain, artificial intelligence, big data, AR, VR and many other industries, the next-generation development goal of the Internet must be the metaverse. The metaverse must not be a large-scale virtual game, but a new world where value can be created and exchanged in real terms. The vision of Venus DAO is to use the form of DAO organization to gather like-minded people from all over the world to jointly build a metaverse of value.



Question 3: How does Venus DAO realize the vision of building a value metaverse?


Venus DAO rules the development strategy of 1+1+N, that is, one organization (Venus DAO), one token (VUS), N ecological applications, and finally realize the construction of value metaverse.

Venus presents NFT through IP credible digitalization, which strengthens the value and rights of NFT, and at the same time forms a “brand circle” with NFT as the core, so that NFT can not only be widely used in music, games and other fields, but also allow users to pass NFT builds its own brand image.

Venus provides a wide range of access methods and one-stop service facilities for the circulation of NFT, enabling NFT to be disseminated and promoted more widely, and invisibly pushing up the value of NFT. Both users and developers can use Venus to provide The NFT basic service facility lowers the NFT development threshold, operation threshold and access threshold.




Question 4: What has Venus DAO already done?


As we all know, in the metaverse world, most of the assets are NFT, and NFT is the key to open the door of the metaverse. Venus DAO has launched its first ecological platform, the Venus NFT platform. In the future, Venus will launch more ecological applications one after another.

The developer team of Venus NFT is spontaneously organized by members of Venus DAO. The members have rich experience in the Internet and blockchain industries. They have participated in code development for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Polygon and other public chains, community consensus, and ecological construction. He has made outstanding contributions and is the promoter and leader of the Internet and blockchain industry.

The Venus NFT platform is the first ecological application platform of Venus DAO, and each DAO member is the master of the Venus NFT platform. The Venus NFT platform is a one-stop comprehensive service platform integrating NFT creation, batch creation, transaction, auction, collection, blind box, NFT finance and other functions.

The Venus NFT platform is characterized by ease of use, complete functions, and low cost.
Simple and easy to use: No coding ability is required, NFT can be created by posting to Moments, and NFT can be traded by amazon.

Complete functions: The Venus platform supports up to seven chains, and the full ecological functions of NFT.

Low fees: The Venus platform launches preferential handling fee activities to promote the liquidity of NFT.



a minute for the community to digest

Moving on to our last question of this segment

Question 5: Please focus on the POC mining mechanism of VUS


We all know that the mining mechanism of Bitcoin is POW, the mining mechanism of Ethereum is POS, and the mining mechanism of VenuDAO is POC.In general, mining output is related to the total market value of the liquidity pool.

The birth of BTC in 2008 started the mining of digital currency. Over the past ten years, countless people and rich people have been created. Since then, mining has become the top of the blockchain field. Good mining models make people financially free, while some mining makes people scarred.

The biggest problem with traditional mining projects is that the law of mining is completely separated from market demand, so it is impossible to adjust the relationship between supply and demand in the market, and the result is that the currency price is completely uncontrollable.

The POC consensus proof elastic mining mechanism created by VUS is a new mining model based on market demand and consensus construction. It can be realized that while the consensus obtains more tokens, the currency price can rise steadily, so that the consensus can harvest both the volume and the price, and the wealth will increase dramatically.

We have opened the activation and invitation, welcome everyone to participate:



Thanks for that well detailed introduction about Venus

Let’s now proceed to the twitter segment






Here’s the first interesting question from twitter

Q.1 as I read that Venus is a comprehensive NFT platform that links the real world, creates a virtual world. As we Now that NFTs and Marketplaces have become extremely popular, what will Venus Marketplace offer to artists and buyers that other platforms like OpenSea can’t?



First of all, the Venus NFT platform is not just for artists. My purpose of Venus NFT is to build an NFT platform for the value metaverse. We are more interested in the real value of NFT, and we are more inclined to virtual and reusable Internet. Products, such as music, movies, LOL hero skins, etc., because such products can create value, and the current gamefi is just an economic model. For GAS fees, we support multiple chains, such as MATIC, BSC, so the handling fee is very cheap



Awesome 👌

Next question….




Q.2 In your Medium it was explained that Venus has three concepts: co-creation, sharing, win-win. But I cant find more information about the concept. Can you explain what each of these concepts mean, and is it possible to measure the level of decentralization and economic incentives?


The so-called co-creation, sharing, and win-win refer to that although VenusDAO itself is an NFT platform, we use the management model of the DAO organization to manage and operate the entire platform, so there is no project party, and all future development directions are independent. It is determined jointly by users, so we are not just an NFT platform, nor is it just a DAO project. In terms of economic incentives, all desired tokens are generated through poc mining, and the amount used for rewards depends on the The mining algorithm is determined by computing power.



Q.3 May I know the Utility of the $VUS token in the ecosystem and what’s the minimum amount that users can buy and what methods you will implement to motivate users to use $VUS token Constantly ?


In terms of purchasing, there is no limit to the number of VUS. In the NFT transactions on the VenusDAO platform, VUS will be used as the NFT trading pair in the future, and we will invite more projects to issue NFT on the VenusDAO platform. They will all pledge VUS to As a distribution authority, in POC mining, if you want to obtain mining authority, you must purchase VUS and add liquidity, so the demand for VUS in the market is very large, and VUS also has a destruction mechanism.



Q.4 How do Venus team plan to provide a good Security for its users? Will you be able to gain the trust from the audience and let them safely invest, deposit and trade in Venus?


The members of Venus DAO have rich experience in the Internet and blockchain industry. They have participated in code contribution development for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, Polygon and other public chains, and made outstanding contributions to community consensus and ecological construction. They are Internet and blockchain industries. The promoter and leader of VUS, and has developed a mature NFT platform, the current vus LP has been injected into the black hole address,

The tokens in the mining pool will be managed through contracts, and the NFT platform will also cooperate with professional code audit institutions. Investors are welcome to participate with confidence.



Moving on to our last question of Twitter segment

Q.5 Hi 💸💸

What is your major strength that would make you superior over during these days? In what all ways you generate revenue to sustain the project?


We all know that the current market environment is very bad, and many people have lost confidence in the blockchain, but now that the digital currency has fallen to the lowest point, it is a good opportunity to deploy value projects.

VenusDAO is supported by the NFT platform, with DAO management model operation, we are not a company, do not need to pay wages, all development is the affirmation of the future value of VenusDAO by crypto enthusiasts, but in terms of market operations, the NFT platform has transaction fees, so we do not need high Amount of development and operating funds, and we believe that the next round of upswing in the encryption market will be ushered in by the end of this year.



That’s wraps up the Second part of the Ama session . Thanks Jeneene for your Answers!


Q.1 🥇 One issue that concerns users who create and invest in NFTs is the issue of plagiarism and copyright. How much importance does Venus give to these legal issues, do you have tools to help users determine if NFT is original or not?


For copyright issues, the blockchain solves the problem of traceability. We can find the NFT of MINT from the chain for the first time. This is his copyright. Of course, we also have our own legal consultants who will solve these problems. In addition, VenusDAO is a DAO organization, can also solve this problem by voting

Q.2 Can you please give an overview of the project and what are the special features?


In order to realize the global resource integration of Venus DAO, the global consensus elite unites more communities on the basis of DAO to establish the Venus Foundation (referred to as the “Foundation”). The Venus Foundation is committed to the development, construction, operation and maintenance of the Venus DAO ecology to ensure the safe and harmonious development of the Value Metaverse ecology. In order to avoid incidents that violate the design concept of the blockchain, the foundation will help manage general and privileged matters of community projects by formulating a good governance structure and system.

Venus Foundation is the highest decision-making body of Venus, which is operated by the participation of all ecological users. The main goal of Venus Foundation is to discuss and solve important decision-making issues faced in the process of community development, including but not limited to:

① Modify the governance structure of the foundation

② Formation of the decision-making committee and rotation resolution

③ Appointment and rotation resolution of the secretary-general of the foundation

④ Appointment and dismissal of executive directors and heads of functional committees

⑤ Review and revision of the articles of association of the foundation

⑥ Development strategy decision of Venus DAO

⑦ Changes and upgrades of Venus DAO ecological platform technology

⑧ Emergency decision-making and crisis management agenda

The Venus NFT platform is the first ecological application platform of Venus DAO, and each DAO member is the master of the Venus NFT platform. The Venus NFT platform is a one-stop comprehensive service platform integrating NFT creation, batch creation, transaction, auction, collection, blind box, NFT finance and other functions.

Issuing NFT on the Venus platform needs to follow the following standards:


Users fully own the asset ownership of NFT, and they can operate the owned NFT at will, such as auction, transaction, transfer, collection, etc.


The issuance of NFT fully complies with standards such as ERC-721, and all applications that support the Solidit technical framework can be called. The standardized function of NFT realizes the cross-ecological multiplexing and multi-functional application of NFT.


Based on years of blockchain technology research, it not only endows NFT with high value, but also empowers NFT with ecological liquidity, allowing NFT to have greater liquidity and activate the potential value of NFT.


NFTs are written into the blockchain with smart contracts, and no one can modify and edit other users’ NFTs, except the NFT holders themselves.

Q.3 Is your platform suitable for crypto beginners? Or does it only limited for professional users?Is your platform suitable for crypto beginners? Or does it only limited for professional users?


Our NFT platform has very important features. For encryption enthusiasts, the operation is very simple. If you are in a traditional industry, you need to popularize encryption knowledge. The VenusDAO NFT platform has 6 major functions: single casting, batch casting, sales Market, auction market, blind box function, indexation, of course, you can experience our platform, so the operation is simple

Q.4 Do you have Whitepaper if yes, please share it with as secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Now where can we Join it?


White Paper Link:
We currently have no sales plan. Vus has been officially launched for a month. You can buy it directly.

Q.5 Nowadays, everyone is interested in their own benefits from many different projects but they rarely care about the benefits of the project for the user. So what benefits does the project bring to users? What are the plans for reaching new investors and new users in other countries?


In the current cold encryption market, VenusDAO can be said to perform very well. VenusDAO is completely managed by the DAO organization. We have released the latest POC mining mechanism, and every user can participate. For early investors , will get huge profits, if you read our latest mining mechanism, then you will fall in love with VenusDAO, and there are no restrictions on international,

It’s finally over, thanks to the host


Alright that’s a wrap.

Thanks for joining us today

Your project is amazing


Please support VenusDAO, VUS will get better and better


Best of luck to the whole team


You’re welcome, see you next time



Decentralized Club

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