Decentralized Club
11 min readJul 21, 2023
AMA with Metatime

On 20TH July, 2023 at 2 PM UTC, Decentralized Club
had the honor of hosting Yusuf, CEO of Metatime for an Ask- Me- Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 60,000
people. It was hosted by DC Admin, Miss Futuristi.
The session was divided into three segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter community were answered in Segment 2, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 3.
If you missed this event and would like to know what Metatime is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Information here should be researched and should not be taken as investment or financial advice. Also note that slight edits have been made for clarity, and links in this recap lead to images, documents, or other media

> Miss Futuristi:
Hello there Decentralised Club. It's your fantastic Futuristi and I will be your host for today for yet another awesome AMA session with Mr. Yusuf , CEO, MetaTime

> Miss Futuristi:
Community please welcome and give a big hands for our guests for today @Yusuf_Metatime
A very warm welcome to you

> Y U S U F:
Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm delighted to be here with the community today. Let's dive into the exciting world of Metatime together!

> Miss Futuristi:
Yes sure let's commence this event 💯

> Miss Futuristi:
First of all can you please introduce yourself to the community?

> Y U S U F:
Hello everyone, I'm Yusuf (42 years old) and I'm part of the Metatime team, Co-founder & CEO. My journey into the crypto world started several years ago (2019) with metatime and since then, I've been deeply involved in the space. I've seen firsthand the incredible potential blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies hold and I'm very excited to be working for Metatime, where we are striving to bring innovative solutions to the industry.

> Miss Futuristi:
Sounds very interesting

> Miss Futuristi:
Let us know more and more about MetaTime

> Miss Futuristi:
Can you start us off with the introduction to MetaTime and its major mission?

> Y U S U F:
Metatime's development of integrated native applications on MetaChain will show in a new era of financial empowerment, technological innovation, and user-driven experiences.
Here are the main advantages of MetaChain:

Fast and Secure Transactions
Reduced Transaction Costs
Financial Inclusion
Easy Access to DeFi Services
Ownership and Control
Decentralized Governance

The major mission is to be the bridge between web2 and web3 with supporting regulators starting from turkiye and bring the potential understandable for goverments and classic finance and investment industry.

> Miss Futuristi:
Okay that's good

> Miss Futuristi:
Next one on the way

> Miss Futuristi:
Can you please let our community know more about Metatime Ecosystem and his own Chain?

> Y U S U F:
First and foremost, MetaChain is designed to address chronic issues faced by existing blockchain networks. With its unique MetaAnthill technology, MetaChain minimizes transaction congestion and scalability challenges.

Additionally, MetaChain offers the Proof of Meta consensus mechanism and three flexible mining options, empowering users and the ecosystem to choose the most efficient working style.

When combined with its decentralized structure, these features have the potential to solve the Trilemma, a chronic issue faced by blockchain networks.

The Metatime ecosystem is built on this advanced network infrastructure, featuring MetaRealEstate, Metatime Coin, MetaWallet, MetaNFT, MetaLaunchpad, and numerous other digital products.

By merging the optimized MetaChain blockchain with the vision of Metatime, we create an ecosystem that enhances and simplifies life through digital products.

> Miss Futuristi:
Awesome 🚀

> Miss Futuristi:
What is MetaRealEstate can you explain in detail also briefly about MetaWallet?

> Y U S U F:

> Y U S U F:
MetaRealEstate is a system set to revolutionize the real estate industry through digital transformation. Users can tokenize their properties to the desired extent and then open them up to investors on the platform. Investors can gain digital ownership of these properties through tokens and become shareholders in the property's income, enabling them to earn passive income. MetaRealEstate aims to make property ownership possible again, especially for Generation Z and Generation X. Regardless of their initial capital, users can become partial owners of desired hotels or homes and benefit from their returns.

MetaWallet, on the other hand, is a cryptocurrency wallet that allows the use of all products and crypto assets within the ecosystem. It serves as a bridge, facilitating the transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0, combining the user-friendly interface of Web 2.0 with the decentralized and limitless world of Web 3.0.

> Miss Futuristi:
Okay gotcha

> Miss Futuristi:
So far so good
Let us move ahead

> Miss Futuristi:
Can you please explain the MetaNFT Marketplace and it's major advantages

> Y U S U F:
MetaNFT is a platform that is changing the way the world views NFTs. The primary advantage and distinction of MetaNFT lie in its features that allow users to lease, share, and sell the NFTs they create on the platform. As a result, the world's most flexible NFT platform emerges within the Metatime ecosystem.

> Y U S U F:
We aim to facilitate and expand NFT ownership, making it more accessible to a broader user base.

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
Lastly please tell community about the roadmap and current development flow.

> Y U S U F:
The Metatime ecosystem is currently in the development stage. Recently, the Metatime Coin (MTC) was listed on two of the world's biggest exchanges: Bybit and Bitget.

Next in line is the launch of MetaChain, our advanced blockchain network. Following the MetaChain mainnet launch, all ecosystem products will be built on top of the network.

> Y U S U F:
The MetaNFT marketplace is scheduled to release its testnet version next month. Additionally, we are in discussions with other exchanges for MTC listings, and we anticipate exciting developments in that regard soon.

> Y U S U F:
The ultimate goal of our roadmap is to complete the Web 3.0 transformation with our products and unveil MetaPlanet to the world.

> Miss Futuristi:
The community is looking forward to it

> Miss Futuristi:
So this ends our introduction
Now we have a more interesting segment

> Miss Futuristi:
Twitter segment 🚀🚀🚀🚀

> Y U S U F:

> Miss Futuristi:
In what way has @metatimecom been able to improve people's life through the development of integrated native applications on MetaChain?

> Y U S U F:
Here are the main advantages of MetaChain:
Fast and Secure Transactions
Reduced Transaction Costs
Financial Inclusion
Easy Access to DeFi Services
Ownership and Control
Decentralized Governance

Metatime's development of integrated native applications on MetaChain will show in a new era of financial empowerment, technological innovation, and user-driven experiences.

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
Will it be possible for developers to deploy dApps on MetaChain and do you have any grant programs for developers?

> Y U S U F:
Yes, deploying dApps on Metachain is one of our main targets.

To do so, we will launch a hackathon for developers soon.

The announcement will be published for requirements and rewards in a few months.

Also, we are planning to continue working with developers who deployed successful projects on MetaChain and help them to scale their dApps.

> Miss Futuristi:
Hmm okay next one coming

> Miss Futuristi:
What is the ultimate vision that @metatimecom is trying to achieve within the cryptocurrency market? The whole space will experience huge growth in the upcoming years, but what role would you like your project to play in this?

> Y U S U F:
Metatime has set ambitious strategic goals to establish itself as a leading blockchain ecosystem globally.

Within the next three years, our primary objective is to secure a position among the top three blockchain ecosystems worldwide.

Looking ahead, our vision extends to the next five years, where we aim to become the most widely-used financial ecosystem on a global scale.

> Y U S U F:
However, our journey doesn't stop there.

> Y U S U F:
Over a decade, our ultimate aspiration is to emerge as one of the world's largest and most influential technology companies.

With a steadfast commitment to innovation, user-centric products, and cutting-edge technology, we are determined to make our mark on the global stage and revolutionize the way people engage with blockchain and financial services.

Together with our dedicated community and partners, we are paving the way for a more connected, secure, and accessible future.

> Miss Futuristi:
Yes we do believe Yusuf
MetaTime has the potential

> Y U S U F:
me and the whole team too 🙂 🚀️️️️️️

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
How does MetaChain address regulatory compliance requirements for integrated applications, particularly in highly regulated industries?

> Y U S U F:
That is an important question actually.

> Miss Futuristi:
Yup it is

> Y U S U F:
To unleash the true potential of blockchain, Crypto Regulation is the key. For that reason, we are in touch with some government agencies in Turkiye.

> Y U S U F:
These talks have 2 main purposes: to have a word in regulations and help governments to understand the nature of blockchain and decentralization.

Unfortunately, I cannot give more details about it due to the nondisclosure agreement.

> Miss Futuristi:
We completely understand that Yusuf 💯

> Miss Futuristi:
Let's go to the last one from Twitter segment
"One of the most common issues is that most investors nowadays are just concerned with short-term gains and do not consider long-term rewards. Is it possible for you to give them some reasons why they should buy and hold @metatimecom tokens over time? "

> Y U S U F:
As the Metatime ecosystem grows and gains adoption, the demand for the tokens will increase, and that will lead to higher token prices. It is because every single product and service on MetaChain will work with MTC. Also, we have 3 different burning mechanisms to control the token supply. This will also help the piece in the long run.

> Y U S U F:
Plus, holding MTC tokens will grant investors governance rights within the ecosystem. So, by holding MTC tokens, investors become stakeholders in the Metatime ecosystem.

> Y U S U F:
They can actively participate in the ecosystem's growth and development, which will lead to increased utility and value of the tokens. Besides that, We will offer additional benefits or exclusive features to long-term token holders, such as incentives or rewarding those who hold tokens for an extended period.

And here we have an new ongoing 11 BTC pool for holders which has revised today and the first anouncement we do here:

> Miss Futuristi:
That means we will soon see it high community
Fill your bags🚀

> Miss Futuristi:
That huge
Go guys
But wait for the last segment 😁😁

> Miss Futuristi:
So with this we come to the last and the most interesting segment of the session.
Are you ready @Yusuf_Metatime

> Y U S U F:
sure 🙂

> Miss Futuristi:
Here is a summary of all links from MetaTime join, follow, engage, ....🚀🚀

Discord :
Medium :
Youtube :
Instagram :
Telegram :

> Y U S U F:
WoW 😄

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
Yeah 😁
That is a lot of questions

> Y U S U F:
so i chose 3 questions and answer them now right? 🙂

> Miss Futuristi:
5 questions

> Y U S U F:
WoW okay

> Y U S U F:
i am on it

> Miss Futuristi:
No problem we will go slow and steady

> Miss Futuristi:
Take your time

Do you have any plan for burning tokens in the future to reduce the supply of the token and increase its investment attractiveness?
> Y U S U F:
Yes, in the coming weeks we will anounce some partnerships and also whole big burn amounts from circulating supply with buyback and burn.

Our target is to burn min 40% of fdv in the coming 5 months.

> Miss Futuristi:

> Miss Futuristi:
4 more to go🚀🚀🚀

Your website states that you can mine using your mobile devices due to the flexible nature of MetaChain and its Proof of Meta consensus algorithm. What benefit does this consensus offer you over chains that use PoW, PoS, or something similar?

> Y U S U F:
The fastest and safest mining are for sure still the Proof of Authority but which are centralised and not distributed enought at all. With our own hybrid mining mechanism we are able to be decentralised, distributed and also fast enought like PoA and we are aiming to support EVM compatibility like Ethereum chain.

Do you have White paper said if yes, please share it with Asia secondly do you? have plans for pre-sale? Now where can we Join it?
> Y U S U F:
Our presale rounds are done allready and we are listed on Bitget global and Bybit local atm.

The link to our whitepaper are:

> Miss Futuristi:
Good to know😁

> Miss Futuristi:
2 more to go🚀🚀

Can you provide more information about the team behind the project? What experience and skills do they bring to the table? How do they plan to achieve the project's goals?What do you have?
1- Telegram Group✔
2-YouTube Channel✔
3- Tik tok channel✔
4- Discord✔
5- Twitter✔
6- Website✔

For this project, where can I get the latest information and what is the latest plan for your project?💥💥💥
> Y U S U F:

here are a short video about our main office in turkiye and the whole team. you can reach all social media groups 🙂

What is your top 3 things for priorities in 2023? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year?
mik u
> Y U S U F:
Mainnet MetaChain
Mannet MetaNFT Marketplace
Mainnet MetaExchange (CEX)

> Y U S U F:
ahahahah 😄

> Y U S U F:
Are we done? 🙂

> Miss Futuristi:
Thats done

> Miss Futuristi:
So with this we come to an end of this awesome session.

> Miss Futuristi:
Any last words you wanna convey to our community?

> Y U S U F:
it was really awesome the community behind decentralized Club.

> Miss Futuristi:
Thanks a lot again for your well detailed information about MetaTime🚀

> Miss Futuristi:
Community had an awesome session

> Y U S U F:
Absolutely, I'd love to leave a few parting words.
Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to all of our community members. Your support and enthusiasm are the driving force behind Metatime's success. Our community is at the heart of everything we do, and we are continuously inspired by your passion for our project.
Secondly, I want to reassure you that the Metatime team is relentlessly working to create a platform that is innovative, user-friendly, and secure. We aim to push the boundaries of what is currently possible in the crypto space, always keeping your needs and expectations in mind.
Lastly, remember that the crypto space is ever-evolving and full of opportunities. Stay informed, stay safe, and most importantly, stay excited. The future of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies is bright, and we at Metatime are thrilled to be on this journey with all of you.
Thank you once again for having me today, and for all your insightful questions. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Metatime!

> Miss Futuristi:
So it's your host
Signing off

> Miss Futuristi:
AMA concluded

Decentralized Club

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