Decentralized Club
13 min readJun 22, 2021

On the 18th of June, 2021 at 16:00 UTC, Decentralized Club had the honor of hosting Artur Fassalov, COO of InvestroFund, for an Ask-Me-Anything session on their Telegram page with a community of over 30,000 people. It was hosted by DC Admin, May.
The session was divided into four segments. Introductions were made in Segment 1, questions from the Twitter and website community were answered in Segment 2 and 3 respectively, and live questions from the community members in attendance were answered in Segment 4.
If you missed this event and would like to know what InvestroFund is all about, you can find a recap of the interview here. Note that slight edits have been made for clarity.

Segment 1 - Introduction

Shall we begin?

[Artur Fassalov]
Hello May. Yes, please 😊

Hello, Привет, नमस्ते, Selamat!

My name is May and I'll be hosting the AMA with InvestroFund.

Community members, please check the pinned message and follow the social pages of DC and all the guests.

[Artur Fassalov]
Thank you for inviting me here today

Today, we have with us the COO of InvestroFund.

You're welcome and it's an honor to have you here.

Hello, nice to meet you.

Excited to be interviewing you for DC today.

[Artur Fassalov]
Pleasure meeting you all. 🤝

Could you please tell us more about yourself and your job description at InvestroFund?

[Artur Fassalov]
Hello everyone, 👏 My name is Artur Fassalov, and I am the COO and Co-Founder of InvestroFund. I have been a forex and stocks trader before the crypto was introduced and I have seen social trading had a pretty good impact on novice traders. So I started working on making a social trading system for the crypto community. I've been a part of InvestroFund since the conceptualization stage, and we have finished our primary goals of the project in time as a result of many sleepless nights. Proudly to say that Our platform is ultimately live. We are not in the beta phase. We have fully launched Mainnet. Users can register on the platform and start following the pro traders. Also, we are hiring more professional traders for social trading, so if you are interested, we can add your name as a pro trader or influencer so people can follow you on our platform. You can earn rewards from the profits of your followers. In contrast, our development team is still working on completing our roadmap features on time.

I want to say it's an honor to be here today with such an exciting group of crypto enthusiasts.

Awesome! I have so many questions but I know the introductory session will do justice to them.

Ready for the project's introductory questions?

[Artur Fassalov]
Sure. Please move forward. I will do my best to present our project in an easy way so that the audience can understand it very well. 😊


Q1. Can you tell us briefly about InvestroFund and why you think it is an interesting innovation?

[Artur Fassalov]
Sure, let me explain it.


[Artur Fassalov]

Investro is an innovative solution perfect for both novice investors and seasoned, experienced investors and traders. The Investro platform is automated and optimized for trading on many of the largest exchanges and creating trading strategies.

At the forefront of the ecosystem are three main components:

1) Automated pool of social trade.
2) Complete portfolio management package
3) Built-in staking wallet

✔️ Automated Social Trading Pool

Investro strives to provide a fast and secure trading solution for both novice and experienced crypto traders and investors.

Thanks to Investor's social trading pool, users will be able to share and access each other's trading activities. A social trading pool is a group of professional traders who remain successful and profit for a long time.

✔️ Complete portfolio management package

✅The Investro platform offers users a complete portfolio management package. It is automated and optimized for trading across multiple cryptocurrency exchanges.

✅Investro, a portfolio management suite, supports complex mechanisms for multiple integrations with crypto exchanges for real-time bidirectional data transfer. This will enable users to trade on multiple preferred cryptocurrency exchanges through a single Investro exchange interface.

✔️ Built-in staking wallet

✅Users have the opportunity to receive up to 100% APY rewards for staking INF tokens. The more tokens the user stakes, the more the reward. Users will also be able to freely dispose of their tokens and withdraw them at any time. A multi-currency wallet app allows users to manage all their tokens in one wallet.

Q2. Can you talk a bit about how copy trading on InvestroFund is better than other products in the market with similar offerings?


[Artur Fassalov]
Sure, let me explain it.

If you plan to take your first steps in the financial markets, you may want to consider copy trading as an easy entry point.

Copy-trading will enable you to learn from other traders and investors, hone your trading skills, save time, and overcome your current lack of experience.

Investro is a full-featured cryptocurrency trading ecosystem with a strong focus on automated social trading. The Investro platform is built with simplicity, functionality, and security in mind. Well suited for both seasoned and novice investors, Investro will allow entry into the highly lucrative crypto market with reduced risk and let experienced traders offer value-added services to other users.

It's a sort of give and take. Novice and experienced traders help each other stay in maximum profits without any fear of losses.

We are providing multiple features under one platform. Social trading is the first and primary feature. Then there comes our portfolio management suite, which lets you trade on multiple exchanges right on a single platform. The third one is the ERC20 staking wallet and there are many more features to come.

The number of cryptocurrency projects on the market is growing every month. Therefore the most important thing for investors is the reliability of their investment and the advantages that the project gives.

❓ What does Investro have to offer?

🔹 The traditional structure for managing funds (fixed & flexible commissions).

🔹 Professional traders who have vast experience and many successful transactions behind them, who can apply not only traditional schemes but also non-standard aggressive investment strategies to maximize profits.

Q3. How secure is InvestroFund as an app capable of connecting to all my exchange accounts which in itself is a big risk?

[Artur Fassalov]
Security in general and security audit operations are at the top of the list regarding our system and products' priorities. Our budget and token distribution include hiring third-party security auditors and professional penetration testers to detect and prevent any weaknesses in our defenses and exposure to fraud or malicious attacks. Moreover, our defense system is to be integrated to overlook all transactions. In case of any suspicious activity, protocols will be initiated to block and rectify the situation in question. We are using DDOS-Protected servers and we provide 7-layer down security for the platform.

Q4. Why is it important to acquire and hold $INF?

[Artur Fassalov]
For this, you should see the token utility. Or if you prefer I can paste it here.

Sure! Please share.

[Artur Fassalov]
1. INF can be used in voting events related to the Investro Fund platform.
2. To Follow top-tier traders, users need a specific amount of INF token to hold.
3. INF will be used to pay the commission/fee to the master traders on the Social trading platform.
4. INF holders get early access to InvestroFund's advanced features.
5. Automatic staking rewards for holding other crypto assets in a staking wallet. Only for INF token holders.
6. Investro, a portfolio management suite, will be available only for INF token holders.
7. INF holders can get 50% discounts on platform fees.
8. Traders need to hold a certain amount of INF to be listed as a trader on the Investro platform.
9. Higher referral commission for INF holders


Q5. What are your significant achievements till now and what are your other plans for this year?

[Artur Fassalov]
To this end, we have developed a user-centric platform powered by AI for mainstream adoption – the result of the collaboration between experienced traders and developers with a proven track record in automating distribution, increasing transparency, and facilitating access to the cryptocurrency market.

We are proud to announce that InvestroFund secured 5 million in investment through Private/seed sales. There are several private investors and VCs who participate in this, We are continuously diving to make more big partnerships that can support the INF ecosystem and in the growth of the InvestroFund platform. As soon as we came into an agreement with them, the name’s will be disclosed and announced on our social channels.

We are now moving to the future development of investro features concerning our mass marketing campaign according to our roadmap.

Okay. We have in total, 10 more questions to go.

Twitter - 3
Website - 3
Live questions - 4

Let's speed things up a bit 😉

Segment 2 - Twitter Questions


I'll send all three questions from our Twitter family at once.

Q1. What is your status regarding the audit of your project and security mechanisms to protect and assure the participants of the ecosystem?

Twitter Username: @Ozigielsan

Q2. Where is the $INF road map now? Are all targets in accordance with the current road map? and what are the next steps that will be taken in the future?

Twitter Username: @Sathicrypto

Q3. Is there a ranking system among the professional traders so that users can review and decide accordingly? If yes, which data is used to rank? Also which other data is available for users until they select the trader?

Twitter Username: @Jaki73364096

[Artur Fassalov]
Sure let me answer one by one

Q1. What is your status regarding the audit of your project and security mechanisms to protect and assure the participants of the ecosystem?

This has already been answered above. so I will leave it. you may replace it with another one

Okay, let's proceed to 2️⃣

[Artur Fassalov]
Q2. Where is the $INF road map now? Are all targets in accordance with the current road map? and what are the next steps that will be taken in the future?

Twitter Username: @Sathicrypto

We have a roadmap mentioned on our website, I will also attach it for you here. Marketing is currently ongoing and we have received few requests from traders for joining too. We are not in the beta phase. We have fully launched Mainnet. Users can register on the platform and start following the pro traders.

Q3. Is there a ranking system among the professional traders so that users can review and decide accordingly? If yes, which data is used to rank? Also which other data is available for users until they select the trader?

Twitter Username: @Jaki73364096

Yes, there will be a ranking system where AI evaluates trader's history to rank them on the leaderboard. Users will be able to see the performance stats of the trader before they can select and copy.

You've made a lot of progress with this project! I'm impressed.

I can assure you that with the little I've just learned about InvestroFund, all your team's sleepless nights and thousands of coffee refills are not in vain! 😉

[Artur Fassalov]
Thank you May 😊 We as a team working ready hard for this project to provide ease of use platform for every type of user's

You've done such an amazing job 👏🏾

Shall we move to the website questions?

[Artur Fassalov]
Sure. let's move forward

Okay. I'll send all three, but individually so you can swipe and reply easily.

Segment 3 - Website Questions

Q1. Within the Investro platform followers can copy investment strategies from professional traders quickly and easily. What are the steps for a professional traders to share their strategies? Are they evaluated by the team behind Investro?

Telegram Username: @Emidm28

Q2. What is the objective of your project?

Telegram Username: @AishaAponte

Q3. INF holders can get 50% discounts on platform fees. Is it the only discount you offer to holders? What other reasons can you give to an INF holder keeping holding?

Telegram Username: @MaxiVV

[Artur Fassalov]
let me answer one by one

First step: The trader should have an excellent trading experience. 
Second step: Fill the form attached with the required details and charts. 
Third step: INF team will review the Form
Fourth step: AI checks the portfolio and his old trading history and makes an in-depth analysis if the trader is eligible for the pro trader or not.
Final step: Listed on the INF platform and his pool will be active and under observation period for one month.

For Pro-trader benefits, they will be able to earn commission on ROI. You should also look at token utility. There is no limit on the number of people who can copy you. The more people follow you, the higher your rank is.

To be listed as a Pro-Trader, KYC is required. But for copy traders, no KYC is required.

Q2. What is the objective of your project?

Telegram Username: @AishaAponte

The number of cryptocurrency projects on the market is growing every month. Therefore the most important thing for investors is the reliability of their investment and the advantages that the project gives.

❓ What does Investro have to offer?

✅ The Investro platform is built with simplicity, functionality, and security in mind. Well suited for both seasoned and novice investors. Investro will allow entry into the highly lucrative crypto assets market with reduced risk and let experienced traders offer value-added services to other users.

✅ We have achieved this through a transparent and secure portal that will utilize cutting-edge technology, analytics, data science, and quant-trade based bot to provide traders with unique investment opportunities via real-time seamless integration with multiple exchanges, arbitrage signaling, and other complex features that expand on the functionality of the Investro platform.

✅ Investro provides services through an easy-to-use interface, connecting blockchain technology with existing exchanges while allowing full transparency and traceability of crypto and fiat trading.

✅ Investro's advanced AI will rank the best traders and apply them to the portfolio of assets of registered Investro users. That essentially allows Investors to minimize risks and earn without having to trade! Investors can copy traders' strategies, who receive a percentage of their profits from trading with their funds as a reward.

There is a number of other utility for INF token which was shared above.

Please refer to this

Okay, great answers!

Let's proceed to the Live Session.

[Artur Fassalov]
And we are also working on more utilities for INF tokens. please stay tuned and always keep yourself updated through our social channels


[Artur Fassalov]

The group will be opened for the community to send in their questions.

Community members, you know how this goes.

Please join the links in the pinned message.

You will select the best four questions.





---Chat was then opened for the live community to send in their questions---

Segment 4 - Live Questions

[Marian Merheb]
🧨 I saw on your website that there are only 4 trading platforms; ETH, BTC, USD, and LIT. Can you tell us why are these the only options? Will you add more options in the future like BNB or EUR, for example?

[Artur Fassalov]
Yes, We have an initial launch with 4 trading platforms. and we are working on more options. BNB support is about to be added within 2 weeks and like that so we will keep adding more platforms in a timely manner.

what are the ways that your project generates profits/revenue to maintain the #inverstro fund project and what is its revenue model? How can it make a benefit win-win for both the investor and your project?

[Artur Fassalov]
As for the platform revenue, Investro will charge a dynamic up to 1.5% fee on ROI of every successful trade to keep the platform maintained; that's it. No hidden charges or fees. The INF token will also be used to pay commission to master traders on social trading platforms

2️⃣ more 😁

How is InvestroFund able to monitor all activities of a trader and how do you ensure your users have a safe experience on your platform?

Do you have any affiliate programs I can participate in?

[Artur Fassalov]
Yes, we have a backend system, where all the activities of traders and users are monitored.

We do have an affiliate program with that you can earn additional income in investor platform

1️⃣ more to go!

[Jhandu Bamb]
"STAKING" is one of the strategies to attract users and achieve mass adoption. Does #Investro fund project support staking program? if yes. How does your stake system work? What is the requirement for users if they want to stake in your platform?

[Artur Fassalov]

By only holding INF tokens in their investor wallets, users will be rewarded with up to 100% APY staking rewards. The passive income this generates will be proportional to the number of tokens each user has staked. This is the simplest form of staking where you cannot hold the tokens for a certain amount of time. Users will be rewarded every day just for holding the INF tokens in the investro staking wallet, and users can withdraw their tokens anytime they want.

The multi-currency built-in crypto wallet app allows users to store, manage, and spend their crypto funds without the complexity of managing multiple wallets. More Cryptocurrencies will be added in the future where people will earn rewards by just holding specific cryptocurrencies in the investro staking wallet.

Plus we are also working on more staking plans which will become right after the token public fair launch

Awesome replies!

Amazing answers!

Artur, you've been such a delight!

So glad we could do this interview today.

Your answers were so detailed and comprehensive.

Thank you so much for your time!

[Artur Fassalov]
Thank you so much. May, you are also a wonderful host. 😊

Wish we could take more questions but we have to round up here.

[Artur Fassalov]
Thank You so much, everyone🙏.

It was a wonderful experience to be here and I look forward to seeing you joining our project. You can read more information about the project on our website and whitepaper we have explained every feature in great detail. Still, if you guys have any questions, You can join our Group and ask anything that you want to know.👍🏽

Thank You again for having me here today.🙏


❇️ Official Website:
❇️ Whitepaper:
❇️ Official Twitter: 
❇️ Official Medium:
❇️ Telegram Group:
❇️ Telegram ANN channel:
❇️ Registration link:

Thank you for sharing your social media links.

The DC community will keep our eyes peeled to your channels for updates.

Have a nice day and send our warm regards to the rest of the InvestroFund team 😊

Group opened!

Decentralized Club

🎉Welcome 🎉 We are a community who eats, sleeps and drinks crypto 😉 Contact👇@cryptoTALK01 @UniqueBoyDK for AMA and project promotions♻️