The Marketplace AMA Summary with Decentralized Club ✔️

Decentralized Club
12 min readMay 8, 2021


Dear, Community,

Welcome to the recap of our AMA with The Marketplace.
Our vibrant and enthusiastic community had a lot of questions to ask. To those who want to know quickly what The Marketplace is about, we are sure this recap is gonna help you. So without further ado,continue reading 😉

✔️Introduction with The Marketplace : 👉

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Introduction questions

Q1. What is The Marketplace and why does it’s idea have a huge market potential?

Alexander Brown:
Well, that’s a great first question! In essence Marketplace is a trading/distribution platform. Users offer their goods or services and other people can go there can buy them. It is similar to offline shopping centers, where people go and buy products or services from physical stores.

So, what this has to do with the crypto world? Our distinctive feature is that we are going to be a fully decentralized marketplace. Meaning that data won’t be stored in any local server, and also, we will be 100% crypto friendly. This means that the services/products you’re offering/buying will be paid with cryptocurrencies.

We are deeply confident that MKT project has a great potential and upside, we expect our token value to grow massiely just as we get listed. We are the ONLY platform offering this kind of services. Our Native Token (MKT) will be one of the different way to pay for products/services, but it will bring other great rewards as well. FGOs, our Token is built on SmartChain network.

I don’t want to bore this great audience, so I encourage you all to visit our webpage for further information on this matter !!

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
I think this first of its kind have heard of
I. E I can pay for meals in crypto at restaurants and malls


Alexander Brown:
Indeed. That’s what we are looking to be. We’d love that people uses our platform for day-by-day stuff just like getting meals or clothes!

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
I believe not all stores would accept crypto as payment
How do intend to implement this and make it widely accepted
Or you would be working with specific malls

Alexander Brown:
No, I’m sorry I may have not been clear before. We are not going to partnership with stores. We will be the store that holds all the products. But we won’t be offering our products, we’ll be offering products posted by our users.

So, as every transaction will take place trough The Marketplace’s platform, then payments for the services or products will be made in any supported cryptocurrency

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Ohhh I think I get it now

This a great idea

Lets move to the next question

Alexander Brown:

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Q2. What are the important features that separates it in a better way compared to traditional stores?

Alexander Brown:
Well, as I mentioned in the previous question, there are two key features of The MarketPace: (i) being fully decentralized and (ii) being 100% crypto friendly.

Being decentralized means that our users won’t be victims of data leaks or jailbreaks. The information that the platform handles, example, details about products or services won’t be able to be hacked, as they won’t be stored in any server. That’s a huge benefit in respect to conventional stores that not only depend from one or various companies that own them, but also store information locally.

Secondly, we will take major cryptocurrencies for the users to pay for their products or services. This means that people won’t have to sell their positions in crypto investments in order to buy the products they like or want. They just simply go and use it. We are looking to simplify our user’s lives by integrating both their investments in crypto and their real life needs in only one platform!

Last but not least, physical stores have limited supply. We are offering a massive network where users from all around the world will be able to buy or sell in The MarketPlace. Stock will be updated second-by-second and users will be able to see what products/services are available on real time!

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
This last 2 points are just wow

Moving to the next question

Alexander Brown:
Yes! we are planning to be a game changer here

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Q3. What kind of crypto assets can be used to purchase ?specifc chains supported only that is fast and cheap ?

Alexander Brown:
Yes, first of all I must say that both our token and our platform will be built based on Binance Smart Chain network (BEP20).

We are planning to widen this, but on a first stage, it will only be available in BEP20.

This is simple and easy, the other networks’ fees are extremelly high.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
This already makes me want to get this token😁😁😄😄

Alexander Brown:
Our users won’t be able to purchase a product worth $10 and pay, let’s say, an ETH network fee of $20 for that transaction. That just won’t make sense and it’s unaffordable.

In regards to the crypto assets that will be supported in our platform, I must say that, first of all, the most accepted token will be our native: MKT.

However, we are planning to accept other major assets as well. They are not defined yet and they will be defined by our community through votation but, lets say for example, BNB. We are fully committed with dex that’s why our community always comes first!

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Alright, last question for this segment before I give it on to the community

Q4. Do you have any substantial developments in the pipeline for rest of the year ?

Alexander Brown:

Yes, sure we have!!

We have tons of milestones scheduled for this calendar year.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Would love to know😁

Alexander Brown:
In the short term, this Sunday at 13 UTC we will be having the Public Sale of our Token. The details are not public yet, but we will be posting them in our Telegram Group soon. I can only disclose that our investors will be able to get our tokens at a premium discount in this Public Sale 😉

Right after that, we will get listed in CEXes and DEXes, as per our roadmap. We are planning on massive marketing campaigns, partnerships an broadening our community by other means, just like AMAs everywhere!

In a couple of months from now, we will get our smart contract audited by an internationally recognized audit; but, most importantly, we will be launching The MarketPlace platform for desktop users and we will be having a Bug Bounty for such platform.

Later this year we will be having The MarketPlace app available on mobile devices and we’ll also be having a Bug Bounty for it.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Devs. here are smiling already

Alexander Brown:
We are planning on NFT Integration, Advanced Public API release, improvements based on community feedback, amongst other highly qualified milestones and goals

But, as time is limited, I’ll invite the audience to check our Road Map at to have further information on our goals!

🌍 Community ask question by Twitter 👨‍💻

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Twitter question no 1.
From : @MariaCahya3

We’ve had serious issues with rug pulls from tokens lately and honestly, it’s nothing to laugh home about. My first question is, how secure are our funds with you? Are our investments safe?

Alexander Brown:
I truly see the point of this user. Unfortunately rug pulls are a fact in the Crypto world.

They happen quite often and everybody should be taking measures in order to avoid and eliminate them.

But, to the question itself

Our team is committed on fighting against rug pulls, that is why to guarantee the security and funds to all our investors. But you don’t have to believe me or the team, we are taking action for it

1. The funds raised through the Public Sale will be destined mostly to the liquidity of the token and, this liquidty, will be LOCKED forever in a third party platform. This means that no one will be able to take the liquidty out of the token which equals that MKT will be tradeable and swapable forever.

This is a rugpull proof mechanism. There’s no room for any rugpull or scam here/

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
What every investor wants to hear

Alexander Brown:
2. Most of MKT tokens are destined to presale but, those that aren’t have specific purposes and are also locked in a third party app. They will be released gradually and many months after the token gets listed, and will get used ONLY for the purposes that are already set forth. That can be seen in the Tokeonomics section in our webpage.

Lastly, but maybe the most important, our token is non-mintable and once the pre-sale is finished, the ownership of the contract will be renounced, to avoid future alterations that could harm our community! That’s a promise we are making today and since day 1!

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
We move to the next question

Twitter question no 2.
From : @Gutike95s

Do the e-commerce stores that will be available in Market Place have to be destined for a specific location? o Market Place can work and coordinate shipments to any country?

Alexander Brown:
Great question

The idea behind the MarketPlace is for it to be fully international, without any barriers.

Anyway, our users will be able to see categories to filter national, regional and international. This to simplify the purchase of our products, but this does not imply that the buyer cannot contact the seller and directly arrange an international sale.

It’s only intended for some specific products

Going again to the meal example, it’s obvious that in that case a local seller/buyer will be needed. Of course, that if you want your meal to be hot when it arrives 😂

So, in this case, our users will be able to sell to or buy to people from specific countries.

But, if you want other type of goods, also going back to the used example, as clothes, then you can buy from or sell to users in any part of the world

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Thank you for your answers

The last questions for the session

Twitter question no 3.
From : @kenny_kimora

Have you considered your feedback or community requests to expand on new ideas for the project as you have developed THE MARKETPLACE ?

Alexander Brown:
Yes! sure

The truth is that The MarketPlace was created by and for the community. We are always thinking about the community, we have carried out exhaustive surveys to take into account the needs of the community and then to be able to develop The MarketPlace in the best way possible./

Furthermore, as I already told, the community will be involved in the major decisions around the token and the platform itseld!

🌍 Community ask question by Website 👨‍💻

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
Website question no 1.
From : @sugergyl

the market place team is open to collaborate with other similar projects and create new alliances for the benefit of the community?

Alexander Brown:
Yes, in The MarketPlace we are ready and open to collaboration, if and only if, such offers benefit our community. As said, our community always comes first.

In fact, in our Roadmap you will find that, as one of the milestones set for this quarter, to agree strategic partnerships to promote The MarketPlace.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
This would definately be massive

Alexander Brown:
We are conscious that strategic alliances will take our project and, our community, to a real good place. We are just negotiating them with good and strategic partners!

Celeb | Decentralized Club:

Website question no 2.
From : @Ebelto

MARKETPLACE will be a platform for retailers, what kind of security will they provide for both the buyer and the seller? when paying with my cryptocurrencies how will I be 100% sure that I will receive what I am buying?

Alexander Brown:
That’s a great question and is a great concern for us

The transactions to be carried out between buyers and sellers will always be under the supervision of The MarketPlace team. In a first stage, the buyer will buy the product and then send the cryptocurrencies. Once the seller has received them, he releases the product and not before. In case the seller does not want to release the product, a claim is opened in which the marketplace team intercedes to solve the problem.

We already have put in place a highly efficient and trained team that will be in charge of ruling this kind of claims. We know that this is vital for the development of our project, and we don’t want our users to be afraid when using our platform.

So, you may think, well but maybe I pay and I never get the product. Even if the claim is ruled favourably for the Buyer. That won’t be possible as the Seller’s will have to provide deposits in guarantee in order to be able to post their product or service. So, should they fail to deliver, then the guarantee is triggered and the Buyer instantly gets his payment in crypto back.

Celeb | Decentralized Club:
This is an apt answer

Website question no 3.
From : @KASG95

I understand that in Maket Place there will be different categories for sellers and buyers, where if you bet your MKT, your benefits will increase, but really the benefits will be even greater depending on the amount of tokens you stake? or will it be the same for everyone?

Last question for this segment

Alexander Brown:
Exactly! There are 3 categories for sellers and for buyers: Basic, Premium and platinum. Depending on how many MKT tokens you stake, the benefits you will receive.

BASIC SELLER: Requires no MKT staking. and allows only 1 post at a time.

PREMIUM SELLER: Requires MKT staking, and allows the seller to post up to 5 different posts at the same time.

PLATINUM SELLER: Requires a higher amount of MKT staking, and it has no post limits. So this is great for huge users or stores that want to post thousands of products!

BASIC BUYER: Requires no MKT staking, and will have to pay the full listing price.

PREMIUM BUYER: Requires MKT staking and gives the buyers a 2% discount on 1 purchase per month (selected items only).

Last, PLATINUM BUYERS: Requires a higher amount of MKT staking, and gives the buyer a 5% discount on 3 purchases per month

So, as said, community always comes first. This means that the amount of staking needed to be premium/platinum buyer/seller will also be defined by our community through votation!!

✍️ Telegram live Questions answered by Knit The Marketplace ✔

budi karebet:
What is you advantage over other projects? Is it from a security point of view or the technology you are using? Or are there other advantages? What makes you believe that your project is worth choosing?

Alexander Brown:
We have one basic and clear advantage over other projects: we have ZERO competitors in this field. Our idea is unique and innovative and no one is planning to do anything similar.

We want to centralize all product/services transactions in only one platform. That’s what distincts us from others.

We are not planning to be a worthless token or without any support. Our token will be the way to use the platform, but not the end of the whole project.

That’s why we are much better than other crypto assets. Other assets don’t offer anything to back up their token, they are just based on offer/demand scheme.

We know our token will go up as soon as we get listed, because we have a great project and idea behind it. As said, no one has proposed something like this before!

I would like to ask you what you expect from community members and how we can help with your project?

Alexander Brown:
I chose this one because I want to continue being clear about the rol that the community will play in our token and project.

We believe that the community is the fuel for the project. That’s why it always comes first.

What we will offer, also 100% innovative and unique, is that our community members will be able to vote and decide the future of the project and the token.

Let’s say, we want to expand to any determined countries. Who is going to decide which countries will be picked? The community!

They will be helping continuously the project. They are part of it so they get to seat in the table to make decisions!

Our Telegram Group:

And, for any other information please check our webpage:

I want to publicly thanks our marketing team! Our community has grown exponentially these past couple of days and I’m confident that it will continue this way! We are going to be a great success!! 🚀🚀

✔️Thanks to all of our Community Fans✔️

Have a Great Day

Edited by : 🌿DK✍️



Decentralized Club

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